Reward Points for new Attendee Pre-Orders at SDCC?

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Sep 9, 2005
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Hi Dusty, Chicky, etc.

I was just wondering how pre-orders are going to work this year at Comic Con. Last year attendees got to pre-order everything at the show (even before PPO). This was all before the rewards points were introduced. Sideshow was kind enough to manually go back and give us rewards points on things like Jabba.

So my question is, will we get rewards points or anything simliar (free shipping?) for ordering at Comic Con, or would it be to our advantage to just order them online?

Just trying to prepare and wanted to know if I need to grab the nearest Sideshow employee for an order form or to wait and order back at the hotel. Thanks.
Very good question BM! While we're at it, maybe Dusty can let us know that they will indeed take orders on the floor as they have done in past years, just so it is official.
We will most definitely be taking pre-orders for everything on the floor, even PPO items, just as we did last year (those floor sales will be factored into the final edition size before the PPO date). As was the case last year, most items will be TBD (other than special case items, which will be specified in the previews) so pre-orders for different items will be posted on each day of the con, and most will run at least until the end. General posting schedules will be made known for each day. A few other board members are pros at the online Con, so can help you through it!

As for Rewards points for orders taken on the floor, I will check into that and see what the answer is :duff
Sideshow was kind enough to manually go back and give us rewards points on things like Jabba.

I didn't receive any rewards points for anything I ordered on the floor at SDCC last year. Bib Fortuna, Leia Boushh (I later cancellled), Cordelia, and Giles. To get the reward points for Giles, I had to cancel my order I placed at the con and re-order him thorugh the site since he was still available.

No points for Cordy or Bib. :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

Hopefully I'll have better luck this year. :monkey3:monkey3:monkey3
I'd be curious 2 see if we'll get RP as well. If we do that's great if not that's cool.

Wonder if we'll be able to PO GTW at SDCC since his PPO isn't for a couple weeks after the show.
I was wondering about the Gandalf PF as well. I would hope that if he is on display with a pending PPO that we might be able to order him on the spot, as with all of the other new items on the floor. But we'll have to see about that.
I was wondering about the Gandalf PF as well. I would hope that if he is on display with a pending PPO that we might be able to order him on the spot, as with all of the other new items on the floor. But we'll have to see about that.

Yeah, I would hope so. The day he goes up will be the first day we can get into our classrooms and I won't be at a PC to order him.
SInce he's not really being officially previewed at SDCC and since the order won't take place during SDCC, I wouldn't be surprised if we weren't allowed to order him from the floor. But if I'm wrong, I would be happy to get one reserved for myself.
SInce he's not really being officially previewed at SDCC and since the order won't take place during SDCC, I wouldn't be surprised if we weren't allowed to order him from the floor. But if I'm wrong, I would be happy to get one reserved for myself.

Yeah, that's how I figure it will go down.
Ah man, I wish I could go this year. Ordering Jabba before everyone else was one of the best highlights of the show. :monkey2
That's one of the big perks is ordering there and not having 2 worry about it when the PPO come up.
Buy an iPhone. That way you can online-order your items on the floor, standing next to SideshowDusty, and be sure to get the RP for it. I just hope you guys leave us non attendees enough PPO items to order. Have fun.
Breaking news... Reward Points WILL be awarded to pre-orders placed on the show floor :duff

Thanks a ton Dusty! That will make me feel much better. I take it we will also be able to order the exclusive versions of everything (ie Bespin Luke) just like Last year? You guys rock! :rock
What great news. Thanks, Dusty, for checking on this for us.
See you at the booth & hopefully at the Freaks party on Friday.
We will most definitely be taking pre-orders for everything on the floor, even PPO items, just as we did last year (those floor sales will be factored into the final edition size before the PPO date). As was the case last year, most items will be TBD (other than special case items, which will be specified in the previews) so pre-orders for different items will be posted on each day of the con, and most will run at least until the end. General posting schedules will be made known for each day. A few other board members are pros at the online Con, so can help you through it!

As for Rewards points for orders taken on the floor, I will check into that and see what the answer is :duff

So there will be different PPO on each day? Will there be a schedule available tomorrow night. I wont be at the con at all on Fri and would hate to miss something I wanted.
So there will be different PPO on each day? Will there be a schedule available tomorrow night. I wont be at the con at all on Fri and would hate to miss something I wanted.

If you are at the Con, you can pre-order all of the items, any time you want. That's the advantage of being there. PPO's will only be for online pre-orders, and they will be noted on the previews for the few products that will have them (I think there are 5 this year). Everything else will pre-order in the normal fashion online on the day that it's posted during the show (there's a handy daily schedule on the right side of all our comic-con pages) :duff