Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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That was then Dave (days ago....)
This is now....

Your set:

Shipping tomorrow as soon as I can get to the post office.

Hicks and Hicks to follow sometime later. You saw the work in the way.
Got to get back to it. :D

I'll post a pic of that Bale when he's done.

By the way, that other Hudson I am doing is kinda interesting. Not the Frontline, although I'd love to paint one, but the other one. Bit big in the cheeks, but not a bad expression. Nice change up from the Chrono.
Nice Les!! Very cool to see the in work shots! Sorry to hear about the problems with your Mom, I hope that everything works out in the end. And congrats on the future nephew! :rock
MaulFan said:
Les, what base head is that Hicks paint up done on?

I really ought to let Les answer this, but since I'm here... (forgive me, Les!) it looks like the head that comes with Hudson to me (not Stoner). Les did an incredible job (as usual) getting these basic HT sculpts to look so much like the actors' portraits. The Hudson head really is Hicks when it's repainted like this, and you don't have to try tracking down a Stoner head, either!
:bow :bow :bow

By the way...
Les, which basic head sculpt do you think looks the most like Michael Biehn: Stoner, Hudson, or the original Reese/Hicks sculpt?
dekadentdave said:
Yup, that's my Hudson head, er... HE'S Hicks! :D

Very nice! Good work Les! Boy, you look at the factory paint on Hudson and you can't see Biehn or anyone in there, maybe better in person, but from photos I'd have never thought to use it as Hicks.
Mudshark said:
which basic head sculpt do you think looks the most like Michael Biehn: Stoner, Hudson, or the original Reese/Hicks sculpt?
Biehn has a different hairstyle as Reese, so the Reese/Hicks sculpt is best for that character. As for Hicks, Les and Josh have already shown that you can use either Hudson or Stoner. Josh did his on a Stoner, Les did mine on a Hudson. One of the differences between the two sculpts is that the hairline on the Stoner is a bit more receded at the temples but the facial sculpt is pretty much the same on both. The Hudson head is a little softer than the Stoner head which is molded on a harder resin. This was one of the concerns Les initially had about painting the Hudson head but he obviously was able to pull it off. Anyway, I'll let the Figuremaster himself speak to that since he's the one who painted it so I'm sure he has his own preference but regardless, the end result is what really matters and I think Les, as always, does a remarkable job.

Now we'll see if he can salvage Yavin Luke. :lol
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dekadentdave said:
Biehn has a different hairstyle as Reese, so the Reese/Hicks sculpt is best for that character. As for Hicks, Les and Josh have already shown that you can use either Hudson or Stoner. Josh did his on a Stoner, Les did mine on a Hudson. The Hudson head is a little softer than the Stoner head which is molded on a harder resin. This was one of the concerns Les initially had about painting the Hudson head but he obviously was able to pull it off. Anyway, I'll let the Figuremaster himself speak to that since he's the one who painted it so I'm sure he has his own preference but regardless, the end result is what really matters and I think Les, as always, does a remarkable job.

Now we'll see if he can salvage Yavin Luke. :lol

Thanks, Dek. Reason I asked is that I have all three heads but I'm wondering which one I should use. I saw what Les did with Reese and the hair does work well for him. Unfortunately, on Hicks it makes his helmet almost impossible to fit, even with the liner removed, as I'm sure you know. The Stoner head I have is the original, not a resin recast. I'm still reluctant to behead one of my favorite figures, even though I want it for Hicks. (Wish I had one of those resin recasts!) So, I'm leaning toward using the Hudson head, even though it's the softer vinyl. From Les's repaint I can see just how good it can look.

The combed-back hair on both Stoner and Hudson/Hicks doesn't look the same as it was in the movie, but it does make for a better helmet fit. I wish someone would do a hair resculpt on a resin Stoner so we had one that looked more like Hicks with his helmet off. Then we'd have the option of displaying him wearing just the headset. What do you think of that idea?

Les, I'd really like to hear your views on this too!!! :D :D :D
Here's a comparison between the Stoner repaint (Josh) and the Hudson repaint (Les)


As you can see the Stoner hairline is just a bit more receded in the temples. Hick's hair was combed back in some scenes but very spikey in other shots. I think with the sweat it gave him a slick, combed back look but at other times it was messy and spikey. Still, I will take either of these to the Reese/Hicks sculpt that came with Hicks hands down. The likeness to Biehn in the face is dead-solid perfect.
figuremasterles said:
I don't discuss my home stuff too often, you all may be aware that finally RAIN has come to Southeast Georgia, and the fires may be slowing down. All 600,000 acres worth of burn that is.
And, Mom update, as she is another major part of my time and work...
Her pacemaker is working...ok...they peirced her lung putting it in...last thing she needs is peirced lungs...with smokey fires around....add to this, we got a report just this week that she has to take some meds to help keep her aorta from bursting. HA! FUN FUN FUN! To say she has been down is an understatement. I do what I can to cheer her up, and make supper, clean, the works. NO off time. Weekends? HA! Memorial Day? How was it?!!
You all get me.

I'm sorry to hear this Les. Stay by her and stay strong for yourself and your mom. Just remember that family comes first.
Yeah Mudshark... The difference in the Hudson head is pretty remarkeable... You can see my work above on the Stoner... here is my Hudson repaint attempt...

Thanks a lot guys, I see what you mean. It's much easier to see the differences in the repaints. (My Stoner still has the stock "zombie" camo face paint, so it's a little hard to make out the features of Hicks under there.) He does look great with the slicked-back hair, but I'd still like to have a spikey hair version too, as he did spend a lot of the time late in the film with his helmet off and just the headset on. That would broaden the diorama possibilities a bit. I wonder if anyone would be up to the task...Unfortunately, Darren already has a lot going on at the moment, but he might consider it if he had the time... and I asked him real nice! :lol Oh well, the slicked-back version will most definitely do for now.

It looks like the Figuremaster also has more pressing things to attend to right now, but I'd still like to hear his comments too when he gets a chance.:D
That's once again most impressive Les!

I sincerely hope that your mother will be fine.
Thanks guys.
Appreciate all the concerns. I'll let Ma know you all will help alot. Believe me! Showed her THE MATRIX last night, and she liked it, but I was taken aback by her dialogues afterward, about how little time she thinks she has left...that sort of thing really makes you think, and makes me glad I am here, now, with I know she could be gone at any time. Sorry to wax so melodramatic, but it is an odd emotional place for me to be in.
Sharing that helps. Somehow.

ANYWAY, she enjoyed the Matrix and enjoys what I do with figures and all. She's my best critic. Of course she may be biased. :D

As for the attention to the Hicks debate. That is interesting indeed. Mudshark, Use the Stoner. I like the Hudson head just fine, but if I had all three, I'd be making a 1984 Reese from the original Hicks head (That's exactly what I did!), a Hicks from the Stoner, and keep the Hudson in reserve. Use him if need be, as you can, I have three in progress right now, so I don't dislike the head at all, but if you have a usable Stoner!?!?!?!? Use it for Hicks! I used a camo faced one too! Makes no difference what the paint is, use him!
And, if nothing else, replace the Stoner, on the figure in question, with the Hudson head. Why not!

That's my two cents.

About the combed back hair issue, look upon the man himself for my answer.... Any questions? :D
I'd love to see how the Frontline Hicks headsculpt would turn out if you repainted it Les. It should look even better than Stoner.
figuremasterles said:

WOW Les, I swear I see my Ripley, Drake and Hicks (Hudson - Stoner) repaints getting started in there...Man-oh-man...exciting! You ROCK Les! :chew

Can't wait to see what you do with that EVA Hudson sculpt you've been commissioned to paint up in there too!

I initially thought of Bo Derek when I saw your Major Babe but now I do see the combo of Bo and Cameron Diaz.

Excellent work, Dr. Frankenstein, piecing her together to get the perfect figure. I can't get the image of the two boys in Weird Science out of my mind. I hope you weren't wearing a bra on your head while you worked on her. Sorry Les, you can't create the perfect woman but you can surely create the perfect doll.... Opps, I mean 12" figure. :D

Again, thanks for sharing and special thoughts go out to you and your mom.

Zoom out.

figuremasterles said:
Not too good actually!
But I like that they are nice bendy legs. Good muscle form, and not masculine enough to be a guy anyway. Too smooth.

And, Bo Derek was a fave back in the day as well. Good call. Who knows who all is in the back of my mind....:D

One more for the road....
In celebration of one year of the Mighty Kurgan Krusade!
Have a cool one!


I need a custom Frank Booth to comment on the beer brand...:lol
(obscure Lynchian reference for those in the chatroom...)
Thanks guys. Yeah IndyFett, I can't wait to paint that Hudson up for a change.

And thanks Zoom. Thanks for the comments on the Major. Although, no one seems to see Peta Wilson in her...maybe some of you don't know who I am referring to. Here is her website, so you can go see. She is a TOP favorite of mine, and could still play Major Babe in my imaginary movie! :D Although, I'd prefer her a tad younger...but she'd still do!

(She was last seen in a bit part in Superman Returns on the airplane/shuttle segment...)

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