Hot Toys Bruce Wayne/Batman (2011 Toy Con Ex) review + pics

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I am looking to sell my Hot Toys Bruce Wayne/Batman Begins Figure. Need cash, cause I rather have Hot Toys Indiana Jones. If anyone would like to Trade, message me. I have never opened the box.
Been thinking about pulling the trigger on those myself. What's the price range on them and how does it come with the clips for the begins version?

From my research he has three capes available.
The original Begins velvet cape, which is very long and voluminous (this is the one I opted to get), and the TDK velvet cape, which is shorter, are both $30 shipped iirc. I haven't done extensive research into the thread about the TDK cape, but I know that he used the Takara Begins cape as his template for the BB cape.
I used the Takara batman cape and followed it perfectly... if anything I made it bigger for the original costume and made it floor length for the TDK version

He has a new one going right now however that he made using the actual template of the Hero cape used in both films (apparently the hero cape in both were the exact same). They are also $30 shipped for the velvet, but $40 for dyed rayon. I think that the length of this version is somewhere between the other two. Not sure about that, all I really know for certain that it's shorter than the first Begins cape that he made. The quality of the construction of this version is supposed to be quite different and superior to his originals.

Hero Template:

His original customs:

As for the peg holes, I think he makes them all the same as in that they all just have a hole for the neck. For mine, I just draped the cape over the body and looked at it and how it moves with and without the head on. I then eyeballed cutting two small slits in the fabric to insert the cowl pegs.
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Quick pic of what I did with Bats and Bruce. Popped one of my own capes on Bats and used Two-Face's body for Bruce. Need to work on getting a better-fitting shirt and jacket for Bruce, but overall I'm pretty happy with the set. Little bit of wear on Batman where the harness was attached to his legs, but it's not visible unless you're taking flash pics.

So now that I've got THIS Batfig, I have a strong urge to pick up a Dark Knight one too. A quick googling seems to indicate that I am 100% SOL unless I want to pay through the nose. And ears. And eyeballs. You get the picture.

Then it occurs to me that there will almost certainly be another release to coincide with the new movie. And what do you guys think about the rumors (?) of a new Heath Ledger Joker figure? Because I'm dying for one of those now but HOLY BALLZ they go for waaaay more $$$$ than I can justify! Seems like I could get a Two-Face for a reasonable sum though....

I hope we get a Tom-Hardy-as-Bane figure. Hell I wish we'd get a Tom-Hardy-as-Bronson figure. He was awesome in that movie. Heh, we could even get a "regular" body and a body covered in black oil for that one scene....oh how I amuse myself!

Also, to those folks with a shiny spot on the Bale head sculpt....would a tiny touch of some kind of makeup base help with that? I'm not even sure what product I'm talking about, since I zilch about makeup. But you know what I mean, right? The flesh colored stuff.
There is a 99% chance that Hot Toys will remake a figure if it is selling well in the secondary market...get ready for a new Robocop, Wolverine, Mark I, all Predators, etc.

You must be patient, but you will get any Hot Toys figure you desire at retail or less.
Thanks JohnnyT. Gotta remind myself that the high of getting a new figure can be a dangerous thing. The lizard/kid brain screams "OMG! MOAR FIGS!!!!" and the wallet screams "WTF DUDE?! SLOW DOWN! NO MONIES!!!"

Yep, the voices in my head are always arguing with one another.
Thanks JohnnyT. Gotta remind myself that the high of getting a new figure can be a dangerous thing. The lizard/kid brain screams "OMG! MOAR FIGS!!!!" and the wallet screams "WTF DUDE?! SLOW DOWN! NO MONIES!!!"

Yep, the voices in my head are always arguing with one another.

The problem is that the voice that wants the figure usually wins:rotfl
These re-releases of older figures are the only thing making me buy them and start a Batman collection. When the originals came out I was spending money on other projects.
With hopes of a purple suit Joker DX 2.0, 2-Face going for pretty cheap, & myself trying to get a fair priced Scarecrow, that takes care of all the villains up to TDKR. Hopefully HT makes a Bane and a new Batman for that money and we can pick the figures up at decent prices.
Yeah I'm really appreciating these re-releases and 2.0 versions. Definitely gives us late-comers a chance to enjoy the figures without having to pay mucho dinero in the 2nd-hand collectors' market.
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All the hype leading up to this figure release........ sigh.

Has anybody else gotten a response from Sideshowtoys re: replacement?

Or do they really want you to bash the figure and show pictures? Are they sending out just the body with rubber suit if anybody knows?
All the hype leading up to this figure release........ sigh.

Has anybody else gotten a response from Sideshowtoys re: replacement?

Or do they really want you to bash the figure and show pictures? Are they sending out just the body with rubber suit if anybody knows?

They had the audacity to offer me an option to return it and re-buy it if available! Shouldn’t I be able to return it if the product has issues?:dunno
All the hype leading up to this figure release........ sigh.

Has anybody else gotten a response from Sideshowtoys re: replacement?

Or do they really want you to bash the figure and show pictures? Are they sending out just the body with rubber suit if anybody knows?

I got a call from them on Friday, if it's just one part of the figure they'll just send you that one part. For me it was just the boot, so I had to send bigger pictures of the problem and he said they would get back to me on Monday or Tuesday.
They had the audacity to offer me an option to return it and re-buy it if available! Shouldn’t I be able to return it if the product has issues?:dunno

Not sure what your asking, they did say you would be able to return it, for a refund. As far as a replacement, only if they still have them in stock I would believe.
They had the audacity to offer me an option to return it and re-buy it if available! Shouldn’t I be able to return it if the product has issues?:dunno

Man, that's hella lame...if they try to pull that crap with me I'm gonna raise hell. I buy from them all the time, as do a lot of you I assume. If they ship an inferior product action packed with issues, they need to make it right.