Captain America: The First Avenger Discussion Thread

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By car-boat of course!

Its not about historical or accurate, its a blatant and deliberate attempt to be all inclusive and politically correct in a film. Well, almost all inclusive since the Jewish guy apparently got kicked out of the Howling Commandos, (which, I suppose, is why they decided to call them the Invaders.)
There is a large contingent that screams shut up and accept what you're given but Spartan is right. This isn't star wars, where everything is fantasy, it supposed to be reality with an injection of fantasy that makes the guy in the costume really stand out.
This is Captain America set in a time that helped define the character. To change some of those elements takes away from the exceptional-ism that made Captain America what he is and some fans feel that.
I guarantee that if they redid Batman and made Robin the same age as Bruce Wayne, made Gotham shiny and pretty, the outrage would shake the internet. Hell, you have pitchforks come out because Vader's helmet didn't sit well enough. Yet people are understanding about such outrage under those circumstances, yet Spartan's argument is maligned without ever addressing its validity. Its seems very intolerant.
But seriously, just because I don't share someone's opinion doesn't mean I'm maligning it or being intolerant. I don't expect or require historical accuracy. If you do, that's fine. We're all entitled to our own opinions.

I should also point out that I've never read a Captain America comic book. So I'm just approaching this as a Marvel movie fan. There's a really good chance that the changes made for the film upset longtime comic fans. I'm sorry if that's the case, but I wouldn't know. They need this movie to appeal to both the existing fans and oblivious new ones like me.
Some historical accuracy yes not total. I mean they don't do that in the damn comics why in the world would they do that in the film. If people want to get their dander up over it more power to ya, but me personally I got bigger fish to fry. :lol
But seriously, just because I don't share someone's opinion doesn't mean I'm maligning it or being intolerant. I don't expect or require historical accuracy. If you do, that's fine. We're all entitled to our own opinions.

I should also point out that I've never read a Captain America comic book. So I'm just approaching this as a Marvel movie fan. There's a really good chance that the changes made for the film upset longtime comic fans. I'm sorry if that's the case, but I wouldn't know. They need this movie to appeal to both the existing fans and oblivious new ones like me.

Some historical accuracy yes not total. I mean they don't do that in the damn comics why in the world would they do that in the film. If people want to get their dander up over it more power to ya, but me personally I got bigger fish to fry. :lol

Good posts, guys. :clap :clap

Captain America is a fictional character. He exists in a fantasy world.

I don't need everything to be historically accurate or realistic. If you do...then maybe this isn't the movie for you.

If you don't like what you see, fine. Don't see the movie. Tell everyone that you won't be seeing the movie. However there is no need to post thousands of times that you think this movie sucks and you hate the director. We get it.

Move on.
I like Captain America, but the reality is that he falls into the same category as The Fantastic Four where the memory of the characters endure better than the actual reading material. In Cap's long history there have been more boring and blah stories than good ones when the character is on his own so I seriously doubt that too many people will give a ____ there.

As for the new Howling Commandos, I don't really see an issue there. There were a ton of Black and Asian US soldiers who participated actively in the European campaigns. Hell some of the best testimony about the liberation of Auschwitz came from Black and Asian soldiers, they were even featured in Spielberg's Last Days. So that doesn't really bother me, it's not that big of step to think that they'd make it into an elite squad.

The GI Joesque Hydra soldiers though really give me a headache. Hydra had all this supertechnology like Stealth Bombers, Laser Guns and advanced armor and yet they lost the war....because of Captain America....

If they had one or two soldiers like Cap okay, but a whole fleet or army like Hydra....and they didn't kick the ____ out of us before hand because.....that is the only sticking point.
So anyone who wants to point out an inaccuracy should shut up as to not disturb the enthusiasm? What level of creative license is acceptable and what jumps the shark?
There is no difference between those hyper excited for this film as those who are expecting disappointment. Each have their opinions. For some people nipples on Batman wasn't a big deal for others it was horrendous, there's no need for name calling or belittling their point of view. The consistent negative expectations are irritating to some while the consistently glowing praise may irritate another, thats just the way of things but at least be civil about it.
Generally speaking we're a good bunch of guys here, there's no need to get personal.
So anyone who wants to point out an inaccuracy should shut up as to not disturb the enthusiasm? What level of creative license is acceptable and what jumps the shark?
There is no difference between those hyper excited for this film as those who are expecting disappointment. Each have their opinions. For some people nipples on Batman wasn't a big deal for others it was horrendous, there's no need for name calling or belittling their point of view. The consistent negative expectations are irritating to some while the consistently glowing praise may irritate another, thats just the way of things but at least be civil about it.
Generally speaking we're a good bunch of guys here, there's no need to get personal.

I can name a few D bags. . . but they typically hang out in the Transformers 3 thread. . . Am I right? Am I right?
I've been running into some negative buzz about this film lately and some thinking this will flop. Primarily because of the Harry Potter release the week before. I'm kind of scratching my head because I keep feeling this may do better than people thought it would six months ago.
From what I've seen and heard so far, it looks like it has a decent cast, the acting looks pretty good and the dialogue doesn't seem stilted and it looks like they got the story down the way it should be told. It also looks to me that there should be some crossover outside of geek circles.
While, releasing a week after the last Harry Potter film seems unfortunate, I actually think it is in a better spot than it could be being that the major tentpoles of the summer are done. I think part of Green Lantern's issue besides the bad review was it was released between Cars 2 and Transformers 3. I kind of feel that Harry Potter fans and the people that would find Cap appealing aren't necessarily the same crowd. If the movie turns out to be as good as I suspect, it could pull in viewers through the next month and a half and maybe staying in the top five through the end of August.
What does anyone else think?
I wasn't really trying to compare the two. Although, I will admit to finding Harry Potter excruciatingly boring. I know there are a lot who would find offense at that remark. I just never got the appeal. I'm just hoping Captain America:TFA is a good movie, does the character justice and has monetary success to justify more films and have Marvel going into the Avengers strong and in a good place. It doesn't really matter to me how successful Harry Potter is as long as Cap is considered a hit as well. It's not really an either or and I didn't mean that way. If Cap made over $70 million domestic on its first weekend and still came in second I can't imagine it would be consider a fail.
to bad cap looks good but it wont make #1 in its opening weekend they should have moved its release to this weekend not a week after harry potter.