Enemies You Fear In Games

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Super Freak
Jan 14, 2008
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In video games players encounter enemies of all types, sizes, strength and speed. Most of those are dispatched without nary a second thought from us. This thread is dedicated to the special kind of enemy that stands out from the norm.

Here we discuss enemies that you fear. The ones that cause you immediate anxiety. The ones that instill you with a deep, innate dread, or the ones that are just so _____ingly difficult to kill that the idea of another one spawning makes you seriously doubt your chances of survival. Here are some of mine:

Black Headcrabs - Half-Life 2-

Headcrabs are spiders the size of cats that have giant, gaping maws on their belly. When Black Headcrabs bite you, the poison they emit knocks your health to 1, where it slowly recovers. They make an ungodly sound that's akin to a rattlesnake mixed with death, and when you here it you feel the desperate need to kill it as fast as possible. "OH GOD WHERE IS IT?!?" - That's my first thought upon hearing one in the dark.


Tonberry - Final Fantasy series -

Randomly encountered, these fellas will slowly saunter over to you as the battle progresses. They won't attack immediately, but their stabs usually meant instant death. They are incredibly difficult to kill early (or sometimes even half-way) in the game(s).


Sharks - Crysis -

I have an innate fear of large creatures in deep bodies of water, so it's natural that the fear transfers over to games. The sharks in Crysis aren't enemies, but they do propose a threat whenever you enter the ocean. They'll circle you before going in. You're almost completely helpless, and they kill you in one hit.

[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cqn7dgTJPv4&feature=related] Crysis - sharks[/ame]

Crimson Head Zombies - Resident Evil Remake

Crimson Head Zombies are regular zombies that reanimate after being killed. They come back as stronger and faster versions of their former selves. The only way to prevent zombies from returning from death is to cremate their bodies upon killing them. Problem is that the player isn't given enough gas to burn every zombie corpse in the game, so you have to avoid killing as much as possible. Whenever I encountered one of these without adequate protection, I immediately think 'I NEED TO GET THE ____ OUT OF THIS ROOM."
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Nemisis in resident evil 3 used to scare the crap out of me years ago. When he'd appear randomly and then because of the fixed camera you couldn't see where he was. :rotfl
Chainsaw guy from RE4 comes to mind immediately. The first time I encountered him was probably the most intense gaming I've ever done.

Other than that, I can't think of any that actually caused "fear"... lots and lots that have caused frustration and anxiety, but not too much fear.
The husk people in Mass Effect 2. Especially when playing it on insane...they just keep coming and coming and are a pain in the ass to kill. I can't count how many times I died in certain areas because of them.


Raam in Gears of War 1. I never could kill him by myself on the hardest level. :(


And last - The Chainsaw Killer in Resident Evil 4. I hadn't played a horror game before and when this guy showed up - he literally scared the hell out of me. :lol

The husk people in Mass Effect 2. Especially when playing it on insane...they just keep coming and coming and are a pain in the ass to kill. I can't count how many times I died in certain areas because of them.


:lecture These guys are _______s on Hard or above!

[QUOTE="krec9, post: 3591867, member: 5130"]here are two off the top of my head

*Nemesis image*

When I first played RE3 when I was a teen, I'd jump whenever he'd enter the room. "Leave me alone!" :lol
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I have to go with nemesis from RE3 as well.I remember that thing could pop up anywhere at any time in tight street cornersand rooms,and when you get all stressed equipped with crappy weapons you run yourself into a corner and end up nowhere to run.:lol

Anyone else remember those shadow babies in the 1st Silent Hill, they weren't exactly enemies but they creep the livin' hell outta me. They just run & sometimes trip or fall over.



here are two off the top of my head

And this

I'd also like to submit these

The Hunter from Dead Space. Guy caused my and my buddy who is an Army Ranger to jump like little 5 year old girls!


The Exploder also from Dead Space. I've played DS1 over 20 times and they still give me the creeps. I hate going in areas I know they're in.


Regenerator/Iron Maiden. Still the creepiest RE monster imho

Chainsaw Genado guy also freaked me out the first time I fought him. But after I saw him the first time it wasn't a big deal anymore, since you could expect when he was gonna appear. Those red zombies were worse for me because they were more unpredictable. If you forgot you killed some zombies and didn't blow their head off or set them on fire, they would just come running at you when you opened a random door. Freaky.

I despised those flying Medusa heads in the 2D Castlevania games!!
They didn't terrify me, but did fill me with dread, because at certain points I knew I was asking for pain when they kept knocking me into the pit of doom to my death. Same thing with the Ghouls and Ghosts guys, really. You just feel sick when you see them, knowing they're gonna cause you so much frustration.
First time I went against those jumping SOB's from Return To Castle Wolfenstein I about crapped. Also the One Silent Hill game where the woman who was abducted and killed earlier in the game comes back. When she starts slithering across the floor towards your character I got some major creeps from that.
Resident Evil 5 Chainsaw Guy
Yeah, I also think he was worse than Ganado Chainsaw because he just kept coming and wouldn't die. So you had to keep running away, knowing that if he caught you good once, that was it. Freaky.

I also dreaded the spikey turtle throwing guy on the cloud from Super Mario Bros. And, of course, the Abominable Snowman from skifree.


And this

I'd also like to submit these

The Hunter from Dead Space. Guy caused my and my buddy who is an Army Ranger to jump like little 5 year old girls!

Regenerator/Iron Maiden. Still the creepiest RE monster imho


forgot about him i remember freaking out when i saw him
1st time i encountered a crimson head zombie in the RE remake on gamecube. I went in all cocky cuz I had played it on PS. When that zombie broke into the room i ran into to hide i almost frapped myself!
From the top of my head, I can remember these guys - they're not necessarily difficult or even beatable, but they do terrify me:
Shodan, from System Shock 2. Anything I say will spoil the awesome experience that is SS2:

The Deathclaw from the Fallout series. Especially in the first two games, random encounters with these guys were usually rage-inducing. Moreso when you try to run away, fail, and in doing so waste your turn and give the Deathclaws free hits on your party:

Beren, from Ultima 8. This guy will blow you to pieces whenever you try to do anything funny in Pagan:

This bull/ape thing from Out of this World/Another World. It's the first real enemy you see and all you can do is run away from it. The first couple of times you play this game you will probably get killed a lot in the very first scence by this guy: