Aurra Sing Premium Format

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I hope that Aurra Sing is only the first of many Pod Race spectators we see in Premium Format. They're a vital part of Star Wars and I hope we see them all.

Wow...I'm surprised many of you are referring to her as "hot"....and people say I'm the freaky pervert. I'm hoping if they are focused onto Expanded Universe that they give us some from KOTOR and if they want some eye candy they can give us Bastila Shan. I know who the sculptor can use for inspiration as well....

I kinda feel BS on that dude saying "we get tired of Han Solo and Luke and Darth Vader". The truth is they like doing half naked chicks or chicks in tight clothing and there isn't in the way of that in the core characters from the movies.

This is a better choice than a E I Amidala?

ProgMatinee called it. Sideshow is selling out to commercial sex appeal, plain and simple. Darth Porn, anyone?

I'm not a PF consumer, but even in 1/6, this one is an easy pass.

If Sideshow is going SW EU, why don't they tap some of the cool designs from TFU?
I guess I'm in the minority, but I've been a fan for many years now. She will look amazing as a pf sculpture (regardless of what you think of the character) and I look very forward to adding her to the collection.
Aurra's always been an intriguing character to me from a design pov. And I'm stoked to see the work in progress for her as a PF - looks well done. I'll most likely buy her.

I agree with others that there certainly are some characters I would have rather seen first - if we're talking bounty hunters, Greedo is at the top of my list.

I think this whole 12 Days of Sideshow thing is a bit forced. Spooktacular had tons of fun and great announcements, the holidays are busy and we're all distracted anyways... not sure why they're doing this right now. I'd rather see these announcements made next year - maybe in a spring spectacular type event (kinda like Spooktacular lite).
I've been saying this for quite some time now. (and not just SW)

If that's what they're doing, the least they could have done was a character who had some sex appeal. Aayla Secura would have been the perfect compliment to the Sith bombshell.

The only thing remotely sex-inspiring about Aurra Sing is the fact that she's female, so I don't get the "sex sells" argument with this one.
This character was always a bit too much Mad Max 2/3 for my tastes.
Not that I collect PF's but if I did despite how good it looks I'd probably pass
Im passing on this one as well...As much as I would love every Star Wars PF...Space is the key for me...I hope that one day soon that SSC will make Chewy, Stormy, Emperor, C-3PO/R2...I guess SSC will continue to do EU before what fans really want...Similiar to Marvel fans who cry out for Daredevil and get Bullseye first...
I think she'll be OK as a PF. But the thought that jumps in to my head is this:

The 1:6 figure can not be far behind. How are they going to package her antenna? Will it be loose? Or will they nake the box taller just for that?
The Mike said:
Wow...I'm surprised many of you are referring to her as "hot"....and people say I'm the freaky pervert. I'm hoping if they are focused onto Expanded Universe that they give us some from KOTOR and if they want some eye candy they can give us Bastila Shan. I know who the sculptor can use for inspiration as well....



Now we're talking! :rock

Also, some nerds really do have a loose definition of "hot". Yeah, a gangly, snow white bald chick with the chest of a 10 year old boy... that's getting me all tingly in the nether regions lemme tell ya :lol