The People Vs George Lucas

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I agree with all anti Lucas comments! I watched ANH the other day and it really makes me sad...

Jabba looks like a pile of ^^^^ when he confronts Han! And what the hell is the point of having a dinosaur from a Sdi-Fi special walking in front of the damn camera in the scene where Luke and co arrive at the Cantinaa and are being questioned?! Utter crap imo.
I hate his greedy ass. Its not even about raping childhoods. I just want to for once, sit down and watch Star Wars like it should be. Like it was in the 70's-80's, the movies I grew up on. Not this SE crap with things running across the screen, and piss poor effects that are 10 times worse then the ones in the 80's...ugh.

LOL...That sounds like it is ALL about the destroyed childhood memories of the films.

Looks good sounds like more money for GL. Everytime someone does something like this it just makes him richer in the end.
By the way im a SW fan and love evey bit of what he does with it.


Ain't it the truth. George just made another billion dollars off of the people who make him even richer with their hatred (of which I am one, and have a room's worth of Sideshow and Hasbro Star Wars figures to prove it).:rolleyes:
There's just one thing to remember... Lucas gives a ^^^^ a whole lot less than any of you.

Sad but true.
I do like that Ronto with the Jawa, and the new CGI Dewbacks look just fine.

Personally I could care less about the new Jabba, Anakin ghost, and Boba Fett voice.
well as much as i don't like some of his decisions (some really leaving me scratching my head thinking how could anyone have thought that was a good idea) in the end he did create star wars and indiana jones and what he says goes. would you rather have no star wars and indy or have the stuff we do have?
As for Indy 4 i think people give to much credit to Lucas. I mean, this film had a director. I'm sure Spielberg does not get told by the producers what should or should not be in his films. In fact just like Lucas he's surrounded by too many "yes" men these days.

agree with mighty jabba on this. i do blame lucas for some very poor decisions on indy4. but spielberg HAS to take the bulk of the blame. it was just rushed, lazy film-making. i know spielberg likes to shoot fast to keep up the energy levels on set and in the perfomances. but in many of the scenes, it felt like they used the wrong take. or that they would've gotten a better delivery, be it from harrison ford or karen allen, etc, if only speilberg had not said after take 2: "cut! print! that's perfect! now let's all go see what's for lunch..." :(

NO ONE is holding a gun to your head. People that Hate the prequels and want them changed? Then you're obviously not a creative person. When YOU create something, it's what YOU want. The unsatisfied masses can complain to their death beads, but it's still YOUR creation. Why change it for someone else?

Thats what this country has become. "It's not my Fault" and "I'm going to complain to I get my way" are taking over.

contrary to lucas' best efforts, film is and always will be an art form. and art will always be subject to criticism. sure, some fanboys' whining borders on immature nit-picking, but for the most part, when a creative artwork is so close to your heart, you will naturally feel protective over it, even if you weren't the one who created it.

i'm sure art lovers would be horrified if davinci himself came thru a time tunnel today and said he is gonna repaint the mona lisa. maybe make her a blonde, and have her holding a cellphone to her ear to reflect current lifestyles. silly analogy i know, but it's to illustrate how art transcends the creator when it becomes a part of the social fabric.

just my 2 cents'.
I agree with all anti Lucas comments! I watched ANH the other day and it really makes me sad...

Jabba looks like a pile of ^^^^ when he confronts Han! And what the hell is the point of having a dinosaur from a Sdi-Fi special walking in front of the damn camera in the scene where Luke and co arrive at the Cantinaa and are being questioned?! Utter crap imo.

Jabba was originally a big fat guy covered in furs in that scene. transcends the creator when it becomes a part of the social fabric.

Society owns nothing. It's just an aggregate of individuals, and the only individual responsible for the creation of the Mona Lisa was Da Vinci. It will be exclusively his, eternally. He was the sole cause of it coming into being. You can try to give credit to the canvas weavers, paint makers or whoever, but in truth, they only created canvas and paint (though it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Da Vinci made his own). The same goes for actors, techs, etc.

The only claim you can have on another man's work is your experience of it. Your appreciation or lack thereof is your own, but you don't earn a claim to proprietorship just by observing and evaluating something (no matter how many of you there are).
Well it is hard to enjoy the movies I grew up with when they practicly dont exist. I heard the OT DVD's were awful.

This is where you have to appreciate Lucas' twisted sense of humor. After all the s^^^^^ing and moaning from the fans about the release of the unaltered original versions that's excactly what he gave them - original versions, without any remastering with the worst image quality possible in a letterbox format so that when you watch it on your new 52" plasma tv you only see a small rectangular in the middle with black bars to top and bottom and left and right of the screen.
And then he made Jar Jar responsible for the fall of the republic :lol :(
Society owns nothing. It's just an aggregate of individuals, and the only individual responsible for the creation of the Mona Lisa was Da Vinci. It will be exclusively his, eternally. He was the sole cause of it coming into being. You can try to give credit to the canvas weavers, paint makers or whoever, but in truth, they only created canvas and paint (though it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Da Vinci made his own). The same goes for actors, techs, etc.

The only claim you can have on another man's work is your experience of it. Your appreciation or lack thereof is your own, but you don't earn a claim to proprietorship just by observing and evaluating something (no matter how many of you there are).

Films are not works of one single man. Actors are artists just as directors and their art is in their performance. Same goes for DPs, special effects people etc. It's like building a church. There's an architect who designs it, but then there's a guy who will do paintings inside, sculptor who will do sculptures for the altar and so on. The work of many people will come together to create that work of art.
Even if you don't agree with that I would like to point that ESB and RotJ were not directed by Lucas, so he was fiddling with other people's work. So using the Mona Lisa analogy, it's as if someone else than Da Vinci came in and said: "I don't like this painting, so I'm gonna repaint it".
And in the end Lucas is not the same man who did SW back in 1977. He's 30 years older, he doesn't have the same youthful bravura that made him write Han Solo as a guy who shoots first. Now he's an old man who thinks it made the character look like a cold-blooded killer. He forgot that was not the point of the scene.
I agree that in 1977 special effects were not what they are today, so I'm ok with making cosmetic changes (I know it makes me sound hypocritical). We can assume that yes, that's what he wanted back then, but he didn't have the technology and money to do it. But changing scenes pivotal to character development or replacing actors with the ones from the new trilogy is just plain wrong.
In the end, like I said before, he should just release all the versions on blu-ray "Blade Runner" style and just let people enjoy them the way they want to, not impose his chosen one on them (I thought he supported democracy not dictatorship).
Films are not works of one single man. Actors are artists just as directors and their art is in their performance. Same goes for DPs, special effects people etc. It's like building a church. There's an architect who designs it, but then there's a guy who will do paintings inside, sculptor who will do sculptures for the altar and so on. The work of many people will come together to create that work of art.
Even if you don't agree with that I would like to point that ESB and RotJ were not directed by Lucas, so he was fiddling with other people's work. So using the Mona Lisa analogy, it's as if someone else than Da Vinci came in and said: "I don't like this painting, so I'm gonna repaint it".
And in the end Lucas is not the same man who did SW back in 1977. He's 30 years older, he doesn't have the same youthful bravura that made him write Han Solo as a guy who shoots first. Now he's an old man who thinks it made the character look like a cold-blooded killer. He forgot that was not the point of the scene.
I agree that in 1977 special effects were not what they are today, so I'm ok with making cosmetic changes (I know it makes me sound hypocritical). We can assume that yes, that's what he wanted back then, but he didn't have the technology and money to do it. But changing scenes pivotal to character development or replacing actors with the ones from the new trilogy is just plain wrong.
In the end, like I said before, he should just release all the versions on blu-ray "Blade Runner" style and just let people enjoy them the way they want to, not impose his chosen one on them (I thought he supported democracy not dictatorship).

well said, my friend.

and devilof76, i didn't actually say society owns the creator's artwork. my point was that when a work of art is so cherished and beloved, be it star wars or the mona lisa, the adoring public FEELS a strong sense of affinity and attachment to it, and this feeling can become possessive in nature.

but i do see where you're coming from. :eek:
Someone needs to stop George before he ruins what's left of the good things he created.

The guy had some good ideas and borrowed heavily on his childhood influences, damn he did The Star Wars, and then pitched Indiana Jones to Spielberg, but why did he stop there? He couldn't come up with new any ideas, or different universes?

No, he went back 16 years after the last Star Wars and furthered the trilogy, which would've been ok if he had been faithful to the originals...but he tried to make them with today's technology, and now they don't jive well. They don't fit together imo. The prequels are very forgettable and stiff, with mostly elementary and wooden dialogue. I find them boring, and missing the magic that made the originals so good. Why the revisionism though? Stop molesting the OT, just to try and make it fit the NT George!! Leave them alone, that is ruining the childhood films I loved! Yeah, rubbing his poo all over them is right!
This is where you have to appreciate Lucas' twisted sense of humor. After all the s^^^^^ing and moaning from the fans about the release of the unaltered original versions that's exactly what he gave them - original versions, without any remastering with the worst image quality possible in a letterbox format so that when you watch it on your new 52" plasma tv you only see a small rectangular in the middle with black bars to top and bottom and left and right of the screen.

This is true.
People can hate Lucas all they want for the CGI-infused re-releases and crappy prequels, but at the end of the day, without him we would have no Star Wars and no Indiana Jones. Given that, I personally feel that he can do whatever he wants (short of murder or sexual assault) and deserves all the money he gets, in my opinion.
I don't really have a problem with George. Though I wish he would have structured the Prequels a bit better, to allow for more emotional connection to the characters... The way I look at it now, Ep I is almost worthless to the story besides a few key moments. The entire rest of the movie is a waste of time. Even Ep II is almost entirely a waste of time. The only one with substance was Ep III, and that one felt like they were cramming a lot into one film. The novelization was much better than the actual film... But I digress.

He should have spent at least the entire last 2 prequels focusing on Anakin's slow descent. Instead we get one scene with him killing Tusken Raiders and that's it. The way it stands now, you hardly get to know Dooku before he dies, you don't get a real convincing dark side fall, and to top it all off we get Jar Jar and a lot of political maneuvering.

I love the stuff he did with Palpatine, but it is almost entirely in ROTS. I and II were wasted films to me, they could have been so much more.

And the OT, the only thing that really bothered me was the Greedo scene and the removal of Shaw from the ending. Everything else was fine.
Lucas never should have changed any of the original voices, and he should have cast a guy that looks like Jeremy Bulloch to play Jango Fett. I have the original comic adaptation of Star Wars, in which Jabba the Hutt WAS indeed talking to Han Solo on Tatooine, but he was a big fat man instead of a slug, so i don't have a problem with Jabba being inserted into ANH.

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