Man of steel, reboot or sequel?

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Man of steel, Sequel, Reboot, Smallville, Buried

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Super Freak
May 4, 2008
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There are so many rumours flying around (no pun intended ) that the next superman will be a reboot not directed by Bryan Singer but still keeping Brandon Routh :confused:. How can you reboot with the same actor ?
I really want a sequel to Superman Returns with Singer in the directors chair. I just know that he could make it as great a Xmen 2.
What do you want reboot or sequel or maybe you want a Smallville Superman movie or do you think Superman should be buried? please give reasons
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A re boot seems an odd option. I think Routh should be retained but ditch Singer...I dont think he has an imaginative enough vision to make Supes the spectacle it deserves.
We need Supes vs Doomsday or Darkseid...maybe even Zod...someone who is his physical match.

Edit: Saying that, i just remembered that STUPID plot point involving Supermans son:slap

My verdict...RE BOOT! RE BOOT! RE BOOT! RE BOOT!:mexwave
I'm with wanderer on that one. I thought Routh did a good job with the character. But I think a reboot would do the series good. Singer made the plot too convuluted keeping a bit from Donner and throwing out what he didn't like.

I don't want to see a Superkid at all and for once a movie without Lex Luthor in it.

And I'd like to see Superman being super. 20 mins in a 2 hour plus movie leaves you feeling short changed. I think it was Frank Miller who said "I don't want to see the sweat patches under Superman's arms I want to see him fly!"

I don't think it would hurt to see a more aggresive Superman either, I'm a big fan of the 80's John Byrne Man of Steel Reboot, would love to see something like that.

But definetly dump Singer, he had his shot and blew it.

The only sequel I'd want to see is where Darkseid or Brainiac attacks earth, causing the death of Superkid which gives Superman a valid reason to go ape^^^^!
Reboot, but keep Brandon Routh...he did a great job and certainly looks the part. It wasn't his fault Superman Returns tanked...that was Singer!
#1 keep Brandon Routh. That is the main thing.
I voted for the wrong one, but I really don't like the idea of Superman having a kid so they should do a reboot or if they do a sequel, that idea should be dismissed in it.
Routh was fine they need to dump that ^^^^ty suit though and give him a proper Superman suit .However Singer needs to ^^^^ing die I hate what he did with X-men and I really hate what he did with Superman.Superman isn't a freaking baby daddy not paying child support .And if he did knock up Lois he wouldn't have cyclops taking care of his kid. And he sure as hell wouldn't leave earth to rot for his own selfish reasons. all these things are completely out of Superman's character.:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead
Brandon Routh was a good Kent, a decent Supes. "Super-Illegitimate-Kid" was a mistake (in more ways than one), take him out of the equation and continue with the existing story, if possible.

They need to recast Lois Lane. Kate Bosworth is pretty and all, but she's no Margot Kidder and as such the actress who plays Lane in the next Superman flick should be more similar to the latter.

A reboot IS NOT an answer to everything and will not guarantee a success.
While this thread has a poll there is a "Man of Steel" (the original title of the Singer sequel) thread in Movies/TV with some real serious discussion and argument about this next step DC/WB is taking....
A reboot IS NOT an answer to everything and will not guarantee a success.

Definetly not, but in this case I do think it's needed, Superman Returns was a sloppy way to do it. As a half retcon, keeping little bits, re-doing others. Using bits from the then unreleased Donner Cut (as in he sleeps with Lois with his powers in Donners, but he's lost them in Lester's when he sleeps with her)

The major action sequence with the plane came far too early in the film, it was a well created sequence lots of action and very exciting and it never really matched that. No one's going to remember Superman lifting a massive chunk of rock as a dynamic and exciting action sequence. Especially when Donner had him averting the effects of an earthquake and turning back time and Donnor/Lester Superman II had a fight that levelled large chunks of Metropolis.

Hell even Superman IV as cheap as it looked (I'm not blaming the director as I can't see anyone getting results to match the quality of 1 and 2 on the budget he had) gave him a Supervillain to battle.
sequel, but get rid of the superkid and make Superman do some super things instead of catching falling stuff and blowing stuff!