Hot Toys The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker 1/6 Figure

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Pro Tip (applicable only for those who are as OCD as me; I hate the way Hot Toys wrist joints shatter the illusion):

Peel the grippy part of a ball-point pen off and slide it onto Luke's forearm, and then the wrist joint is obscured when the robe sleeve pulls up.

(Sorry for the cruddy cell phone photo that's inexplicably sideways.)


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How do you find the poseability with this figure?

I'm on the fence about buying. The movie ruined (i.e. Rian-ed) the Star Wars legacy (for me) but this is a great head sculpt and I love how he doesn't look like a Jedi. It always bothered me how Lucas made Guinness' clothes into essentially a prescribed priest's outfit, but I digress.

Buying this will be just in case Hamill doesn't get a Rise of Skywalker figure and this will be my only shot at a decent Old Luke.

Luke here is my first Hot Toys figure in over a year. I sure dig him. The poses in these shots are admittedly a bit bland and repetitive, but this was just an introductory warm-up shoot.

I have some fun locations in mind for future portraits, as well as some exciting ideas for accessories and companions.
How do you find the poseability with this figure?

The fat-padding limits not only the torso articulation, but also the forward thigh movement somewhat, and since the neck and head are one piece, the tilt isn't what you might want it to be, although as a collector whose priority is a figure's photogenic qualities, I much prefer the one-piece head and neck, and if you combine the torso crunch and the neck articulation, it does still give you a pretty decent range of looking-up and looking-down movement.

I'm on the fence about buying. The movie ruined (i.e. Rian-ed) the Star Wars legacy (for me)...

I consider The Last Jedi to be simultaneously the best and worst Star Wars movie of all time. For me, Rey remains an iconic, intriguing, compelling, and brilliantly-acted character despite the poor pacing of her arc. (Like MCU's Doctor Strange, much of my problem with her would be fixed with a simple "Five Years Later" card if the writers insist on not taking the time to actually show us the character's training).

And unlike most people who grew up with Luke Skywalker, I adore his arc in The Last Jedi, not least because I always appreciate a narrative risk (I loved the Mandarin twist in Iron Man 3, for example), and it is partly because of the risks it takes that The Last Jedi ultimately has something to say in a way that these movies seldom do. (Benicio del Toro's character and Kylo Ren both have some lines of dialogue that undercut the ostensible honor of conflict in a way I found rather rousing.)

Also, the two movies in Disney's trilogy are simply the best-looking movies to ever carry the Star Wars name; the combination of practical effects and CGI has really come together in a beautiful and satisfying way that not only puts the prequels to shame but even surpasses the aesthetic of the original trilogy by a wide margin, for my money.

That said, I hate the way The Last Jedi handled Finn. He has been reduced to such uninspired comic relief that I was relieved during his suicide run, because at least his character would finally achieve some gravitas... but of course they ruined that with Rose's interference. Rose was at best an undeveloped non-entity, and their story together was lumbering. Poe Dameron remains a boring blank, and now that Carrie Fisher is gone it is particularly galling that neither of the two movies did much to develop or maximize her character.

I recently revisited The Last Jedi on Netflix, skipping everything but the scenes involving Luke Skywalker, Rey, and Kylo Ren... that was a nearly perfect little film (for me, at least), but man, nearly everything I skipped was an embarrassing misstep.

But setting aside all that, I always like an aged take on an iconic character, so while I dig The Last Jedi's approach to Luke Skywalker, I pursued this figure simply because the notion of Old Luke fires my imagination; my photos (when I finally get around to capturing them!) will not attempt to emulate scenes from The Last Jedi. Instead, they will concern other adventures Luke had between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. (Another movie that is seriously flawed but which I love).

I love how he doesn't look like a Jedi. It always bothered me how Lucas made Guinness' clothes into essentially a prescribed priest's outfit, but I digress.

Yeah, I've always found that weird, too. I wonder, if Lucas had it all to do again, if perhaps he would adorn Old Obi-Wan in different duds. I mean, Han dismisses the Jedi as "an ancient religion" or whatever, and Obi-Wan is in hiding... and yet he is wearing the robes of the Jedi Order that was still in power just twenty years earlier. It doesn't really work. I get that things happen during the serialized storytelling process, but considering Lucas is such an OCD perfectionist that he repeatedly tinkered with inconsequential details of his movies, things like this are very odd, glaring errors.

Whatever the case, Jedi aesthetic or not, I love Luke's look, and this figure captures it perfectly. I love the mix of earth tones and black, implying that the dark side is always there...
The fat-padding limits not only the torso articulation, but also the forward thigh movement somewhat, and since the neck and head are one piece, the tilt isn't what you might want it to be, although as a collector whose priority is a figure's photogenic qualities, I much prefer the one-piece head and neck, and if you combine the torso crunch and the neck articulation, it does still give you a pretty decent range of looking-up and looking-down movement.

I consider The Last Jedi to be simultaneously the best and worst Star Wars movie of all time. For me, Rey remains an iconic, intriguing, compelling, and brilliantly-acted character despite the poor pacing of her arc. (Like MCU's Doctor Strange, much of my problem with her would be fixed with a simple "Five Years Later" card if the writers insist on not taking the time to actually show us the character's training).

And unlike most people who grew up with Luke Skywalker, I adore his arc in The Last Jedi, not least because I always appreciate a narrative risk (I loved the Mandarin twist in Iron Man 3, for example), and it is partly because of the risks it takes that The Last Jedi ultimately has something to say in a way that these movies seldom do. (Benicio del Toro's character and Kylo Ren both have some lines of dialogue that undercut the ostensible honor of conflict in a way I found rather rousing.)

Also, the two movies in Disney's trilogy are simply the best-looking movies to ever carry the Star Wars name; the combination of practical effects and CGI has really come together in a beautiful and satisfying way that not only puts the prequels to shame but even surpasses the aesthetic of the original trilogy by a wide margin, for my money.

That said, I hate the way The Last Jedi handled Finn. He has been reduced to such uninspired comic relief that I was relieved during his suicide run, because at least his character would finally achieve some gravitas... but of course they ruined that with Rose's interference. Rose was at best an undeveloped non-entity, and their story together was lumbering. Poe Dameron remains a boring blank, and now that Carrie Fisher is gone it is particularly galling that neither of the two movies did much to develop or maximize her character.

I recently revisited The Last Jedi on Netflix, skipping everything but the scenes involving Luke Skywalker, Rey, and Kylo Ren... that was a nearly perfect little film (for me, at least), but man, nearly everything I skipped was an embarrassing misstep.

But setting aside all that, I always like an aged take on an iconic character, so while I dig The Last Jedi's approach to Luke Skywalker, I pursued this figure simply because the notion of Old Luke fires my imagination; my photos (when I finally get around to capturing them!) will not attempt to emulate scenes from The Last Jedi. Instead, they will concern other adventures Luke had between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. (Another movie that is seriously flawed but which I love).

Some very good points here. Though I’m a bit more positive when it comes to the “worst” parts of the movie (though I agree that was the worst part of the movie), I very much agree with you on the Rey/Kylo/Luke part - I found that almost perfect! and hands down the best and deepest acting in the series. It feels a bit like that was the story that RJ really wanted to tell, but he was forced to give all the main characters screen time.
I’m a bit more positive when it comes to the “worst” parts of the movie...

My post might have been somewhat misleading in that regard, insofar as I love Star Wars in general but it's never been a religion for me the way it is for some fans; the original trilogy has tons of issues that bug me, too, so I mostly approach any story from this franchise in an affable "Whatever" kind of mindset.

To whatever extent the issues in TLJ do anger me, it's mostly just because I feel like they'd be such easy fixes.

But oh well, ha ha...
I have my issues with all of the Star Wars movies, and in most cases when there is one with a B plot I find the B plot to be far more boring compared to the A plot (including in Empire).

I personally didn't care for any of the Finn/Rose stuff - but all the Luke/Kylo/Rey plot was great to me. Watching TFA again after not seeing it for awhile reminds me of how much TLJ actually elevated Kylo as a character. I'm really looking forward to IX for the Kylo/Rey story.
Thanks for the info on the figure. I'll be looking for more pics here to see the range this figure has, posing options are an important feature for me.

Regarding the rest of the post, you and I agree an many points, especially Finn and Iron Man 3's the Mandarin!! But other than effects, music and look of the film I found next to nothing of value with TLJ. After the reboot/ANH re-telling/play-it-safe/paint-by-numbers movie that was TFA (for me) I was ready to chuck everything about the OT and hope for a new direction. The damage TFA had rendered couldn't be undone. They already established the OT characters essentially and ultimately failed, and even made Han/Leia bad parents. I was okay if Luke just to turned dark and flip the whole saga on its ear; better that than make the most hopeful character in the films an ineffectual mope.

Then I saw TLJ and was stunned. A more pale, poorly written ESB remake is hard to imagine. It hit all the visual queues with none of the emotional backing, character development or story progression of ESB. I've felt sorry for Mark Hamill since watching this and will always admire the stones he had for speaking out against that movie until the studio got him to stop. The story hinted at in TFA (e.g. Luke's training academy, the Knights of Renn, etc.) was the story they should have started with, IMO. But after all the "gotcha" moments, in the guise of "subverting expectation, this story will not be fixed by RoS because Disney will not allow for a total retcon, nor should they at this point as it will further undermine what's happened. But I digress, I could go on and on with this...

I also agree that this figure is best considered as an Old Luke from another story and while the color palate isn't terribly exciting, nor does it pop, it is very unique and the head sculpt just puts this over the top. My wife will never understand me buying this considering my opinion about TLJ Rian-ing the saga but I don't think a comparable Skywalker will ever be produced. And the deluxe version seems to be the way to go. Please keep posting more pics when you can, great job with those!
Watching TFA again after not seeing it for awhile reminds me of how much TLJ actually elevated Kylo as a character.

Oh, absolutely. After he blocked the blaster fire in TFA (an admittedly badass and rousing moment), I stopped caring about him because the temper tantrum approach was boring to me. But TLJ really deepened and enriched his character, so much so that I was disappointed when the partnership between him and Rey didn't stick; while I wouldn't give up that final Kylo/Luke confrontation for anything, imagine the jaw-dropping risk if they had teamed up Kylo and Rey for keeps; nobody would have any idea what to expect from IX!

Admittedly, to some degree I still don't know what to expect from IX, and that is part of why I love TLJ; my biggest issue with TFA is that it was so cowardly in its insistence on being beholden to Episode IV. For better or worse, TLJ was definitely not a retread!
TBH I can understand people taking issues with Luke's character in TLJ - but "ruining the saga" or undoing the OT, etc, etc etc... all those complaints should be rooted in TFA if you have them about the ST at all IMO. TFA was the start of everyone's issues, including Luke bailing for 6 years on an island lol. Rian was written into a corner no doubt.
Even then, I don't really understand letting one movie ruin all the others for you.

That said, I imagine IX will be the best received of the 3 ST movies. It's certainly not going to make people who hate the ST already like it, but they're doing some interesting stuff with it with everything that's been leaked.
Thanks for the info on the figure. I'll be looking for more pics here to see the range this figure has, posing options are an important feature for me.

My pleasure, sir. I checked out a few video reviews, thinking I'd link you to whichever one featured the most helpful articulation breakdown. Alas, none of them really feature such a thing, so I captured this super-hasty glimpse of the torso and neck articulation, which is perhaps less limited than I had suggested, at least where the torso is concerned:

They already established the OT characters essentially and ultimately failed, and even made Han/Leia bad parents...

On the one hand, I don't know that the way Kylo turned out necessarily means Han and Leia were bad parents. On the other hand, while we all love those characters, let's be honest: were they really likely to be very good at parenting? Han was a pirate and Leia was a politician involved in decades of super high-stress warfare. They were seldom especially honest about their feelings for one another. Han is a bit shiftless and irresponsible and evasive, Leia is elitist and dismissive and judgmental. If you think about it, they'd be nightmare parents.

Please keep posting more pics when you can, great job with those!

Thanks, man, I'm chomping at the bit, but things keep postponing the plan. Soon, I hope!
Rian was written into a corner no doubt.

It kind of feels like he and Abrams are good-naturedly one-upping each other in a sort of "Follow this!" or "Have fun trying to get out of this" manner, or what have you. I'm not sure it's the recipe I'd recommend for handling a franchise, but at least it hasn't been stale!
I wish this came with the big fish he caught so you could sling it over his shoulder.

While it's not the same, and obviously a Hasbro sculpt from 1999 isn't Hot Toys-quality, one could theoretically buy the old Opee fish monster from The Phantom Menace to use as a fish accessory.


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    Phantom Menace Opee Fish.jpg
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How do you find the poseability with this figure?

I'm on the fence about buying. The movie ruined (i.e. Rian-ed) the Star Wars legacy (for me) but this is a great head sculpt and I love how he doesn't look like a Jedi. It always bothered me how Lucas made Guinness' clothes into essentially a prescribed priest's outfit, but I digress.

Buying this will be just in case Hamill doesn't get a Rise of Skywalker figure and this will be my only shot at a decent Old Luke.

Saying a single movie ruins an entire franchise for you sounds a bit melodramatic. Just read legends or something if you want Jesus Luke.
Saying a single movie ruins an entire franchise for you sounds a bit melodramatic. Just read legends or something if you want Jesus Luke.

I'm unsure what you mean by Luke Jesus and I rarely read external SW sources, save Heir to the Empire years ago. Taking what was the guiding light, and indeed the actual "new hope" of the franchise and making him a morose hermit who is as ineffectual as he is poorly written can certainly do irreparable damage to the overall narrative. But to be clear, the bungling of Luke character's (in the guise of expectation subversion) is only one aspect of TLJ that derailed the Skywalker story as a whole, but I am not going to use a thread about a Luke toy to discuss in anymore detail as I do not want to further derail the point of this thread.

This toy does have a great sculpt and I like the non-Jedi clothing but will probably wait for a deal, the next version of old Luke in the final flick, or just let this one go. I like the idea of an old Luke figure and I can disregard the source material and appreciate the sculpt for what it is. I used to own the Whiplash figure from IM2 and that really isn't a great movie either.
I had a blast photographing this transcendent chunk of plastic today. I'll spread out the photos a bit so I'm not spamming the heck out of the thread tonight.


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