Xbox One System Discussion

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With installing whole games to the drive as well as recording TV programs and save games and XBL arcade games the HDD on this will fill up fast and you'll be forced to fork out for an XB1 compatible HDD add-on that probably only works with XB1 :lol
I'm hoping to see them do something actually good with Kinect

And, a while back there was a leaked document about ideas for the console--one idea of note was a pair of VR glasses, if they did that it would blow people away, and integrating it with Kinect would be amazing. still something they could announce at E3, but I doubt it.
With installing whole games to the drive as well as recording TV programs and save games and XBL arcade games the HDD on this will fill up fast and you'll be forced to fork out for an XB1 compatible HDD add-on that probably only works with XB1 :lol

I remember when I got the original 60GB PS3, that filled up overnight :slap


Nintendo of Japan president Satoru Iwata responds to Xbox One reveal
in order to even be able to even use the "awesome" television features you'll have to buy a reciever. The hard drive is non replaceable so if it breaks that's it. and yes they'll have 15 exclusives but I bet all but 3 are Kinect games. and no it won't be a gears of war or new halo, epic just released GOW: Judgement and 343 studios released halo 4.
After the reveal of PS4 & Xbox ONE, I feel sorry for Nintendo, it's hardly powerful than a 7 year old console and with the new ones coming out the Wii U is out of place
Iwata announced about 2 months ago if WiiU doesn't perform well before fiscal end of year he will resign. So it's already set in stone WiiU is a fail. I mean Nintendo is awesome with first party titles and handhelds they own that corner of the market. Wii was a flash in the pan cause it was new and everyones wii's are collecting dust 4 games total for WiiU and they aren't going to E3. lol not to mention EA/ Dice can't make games for WiiU cause it would break when they were trying to make a game for it.
Iwata announced about 2 months ago if WiiU doesn't perform well before fiscal end of year he will resign. So it's already set in stone WiiU is a fail. I mean Nintendo is awesome with first party titles and handhelds they own that corner of the market. Wii was a flash in the pan cause it was new and everyones wii's are collecting dust 4 games total for WiiU and they aren't going to E3. lol not to mention EA/ Dice can't make games for WiiU cause it would break when they were trying to make a game for it.

From what has been said, they're not gonna have much of a presentation (short confrence) at e3. Rather, push their upcoming software titles at bestbuy stores during e3.
You all really have no idea what you are talking about with the wii u. Later this year it's already confirmed to have some huge games. EA just went back on their word and said they will be making games for the wiiu. I don't know about you all but I dot buy Nintendo products for third party games. I strictly buy it only for first party games. The next Nintendo direct is going to be huge for them. They will be talking about some of their big hitters. You say they should stick to handhelds yet when the 3ds came out it had an even worse start. It's also funny how you all talk **** about the hardware yet your unreleased consoles are already outdated to most gaming pcs.
You all really have no idea what you are talking about with the wii u. Later this year it's already confirmed to have some huge games. EA just went back on their word and said they will be making games for the wiiu. I don't know about you all but I dot buy Nintendo products for third party games. I strictly buy it only for first party games. The next Nintendo direct is going to be huge for them. They will be talking about some of their big hitters. You say they should stick to handhelds yet when the 3ds came out it had an even worse start. It's also funny how you all talk **** about the hardware yet your unreleased consoles are already outdated to most gaming pcs.

Wii had big games too... and after the initial hype of release it died. Nintendo is Sega Part Deux.