Statue Wolf Predator Legendary Scale Bust

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Honestly your remarks a very well noted and I almost feel the exact same way you do because I actually really love the sculpt.
What bothers me is maybe have grown to accustomed to quality pieces from prime one, cinemaquette and buying the better pieces from sideshow when those two come out. I guess you get what you pay for most of the time. In this case and for this size I expected BETTER

I think the best part of this piece and a very strange kind of way is the eyes

I just can't get around the plastic and paint

But I will do the same I will keep it here for a day and I will look at it

Those are production pieces. They'll always have professional lighting there, but I actually had the prototype Sideshow page up earlier today and hit refresh and all the pictures changed. They do that as soon as production pieces go out, as they tend to not match up identically due to professional painting and time being spent on the proto, etc...

I've looked at it more since coming home, and I'll be keeping mine. It definitely has a loot of plastic to it at times, but if they did it...if their actual reasoning was for the detail, then I can somewhat forgive it. My pictures earlier showed details in the damaged side, and now that I got to take a look at it without worrying about rushing out for work, I do see plenty of holes, and scarring that may have been harder to pull off otherwise at this size. I'm not 100% sure, and I'm in no way making excuses...I don't sculpt, so I don't really know.

But there are lots of little burns and damaged pieces of skin and's more detailed than I'd originally thought when I first looked at it. The paint on mine, at least, isn't bad. And by isn't bad I mean, I can put it up and not go, "Ugh, that really glares at me...those splotches..." or whatever it may be. Again, I would've liked some more detail on painted side of the damaged inside mandible; however, there are small veins in the mouth, and it's not all one flat shade of pink like the previous Predator LSB fiasco a few years ago.

It's entirely possible this was the way it was meant to be the entire time, as the last LSB got major complaints due to paints, lacking detail and overall mleh-ness. Again, maybe they could have done it all in polystone and had it work, but I think they did a great job on the sculpt and detail's definitely a beautiful piece.

The HARDEST thing to get over is the cost. That's the main thing here. It's such a huge jump over the previous pieces that it's definitely hard to settle for anything less than the perfection of the prototype. The prototype had even MORE details than this one, and even better paint apps. That would've been something worthy of every penny spent.

This one, when all is said and done, should've been around $499.99 tops. Maybe the plan to go PVC and spend more time on details and such raised the cost...that's stuff that we're not privy to, but wish we were. I don't know of PVC Vs. Polystone costs, but a few here have posted that PVC is more costly to use...if that's the case, then that's likely where most of the money went, as there's a lot of it here.

In the end, it's not the masterpiece I was hoping for when I bought it, but as I said before, I do still like it. It's a beautiful sculpt. For the cost, I should say love, and it may grow on me to that point! Once I put it with my Big Chap and Xenomorph Warrior LSBs, and take it in as a group, it'll likely fit in nicely.

I keep getting up, walking over and looking at it (display is kind of a mess at the moment) and they did capture Wolf in it. The seam that people are mentioning on the mandible is something I hadn't noticed at first, and that's likely because mine is blended in fairly well. Maybe it showed up more in my previous pictures, but I can only see half a line there, and I'm not sure where else it really connects to, and the line really looks like battle damage to me, and the bottom of the seam is melded into the bottom of the mandible, so it all looks like one piece to me.

In the end, I would've liked it to be cheaper. I used $100 RP on it, $180 at the door for customs and delivery, and whatever the exchange from US to Canadian is on the $625 (left over + shipping), I'm guessing it'll be about $700 + the $ definitely too expensive, but I mean, my breakout T-Rex from Chronicle ended up near $900-$1000 in the end too because international collecting is just BRUTAL these days when you add it all up.

If I knew more about PVC vs. Polystone, maybe I'd get it in terms of pricing...but focusing on what was delivered, the piece itself is solid...the PVC sculpt is also really well done with lots of details (not as much as the proto, but quite a bit) and I think it'll fit in with the Big Chap and Xeno Warrior nicely.

Man, I ramble :lol In short, I don't regret buying it...I wanted a Wolf LSB, and this'll fit my needs. I'm not absolutely blown away ala Red Sonja: She-Devil with a Sword/Machiko, but I'm not utterly disappointed either. It all really comes down to the price.

I'm sure at some point Prime 1 will release a Wolf...not sure they'll do a bust or not, but knowing them it'll likely be 1:1 and way out of my league both in price and size, and I'm sure it'll blow this out of the water...but that's if they do it...I think they'll be more likely to make a new 1:3 or 1:4 piece. That will be temptation that I'll truly need to ignore! :lol

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Both the Wolf LSF and the 1:1 Wolf bust have more detail in the face than this bust and were both made in polystone. There is no reason it needed to be PVC, other than it was probably easier. I completely respect your opinion if you're happy with it. But I don't think Sideshow have any excuses here. Even if it needed to be PVC, for the price it should have been painted a whole lot better than it looks to be IMO.
Honestly your remarks a very well noted and I almost feel the exact same way you do because I actually really love the sculpt.
What bothers me is maybe have grown to a custom to quality pieces from prime one, cinemaquette and buying the better pieces from sideshow when those two come out.

I think the best part of this piece and a very strange kind of way is the eyes

I just can't get around the plastic and paint

But I will do the same I will keep it here for a day and I will look at it

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I hear you. Prime 1 is insane...just flat out. :lol I've definitely slowed on purchases, but it's been a while since I received a Sideshow piece that wasn't almost spot on to the Prototype. Deadpool, Spider-Man, Machiko, Red Sonja: She-Devil with a Sword...all those came out almost spot on. I think the last one I got that was off, but still quite beautiful, was Poison Ivy way back. I've been lucky. This one does lack some of the heavier details when it comes to professional paints and some other details, but I just can't seem to find something in it that totally makes my heart sink like I'd feared it would after watching the first video post and hearing the utter disappointment.

And yeah, I do love the eyes as well. And the quills for me...just loads of quills going up the side. And the detail on his dome is really nice. Mine is painted well, and hopefully yours is too. And by well, I mean, if this whole plastic thing hadn't come up, I wouldn't have thought the dome was painted poorly on mine. That just started things off with a really negative vibe on it all. It's mainly the inside of the damaged mandible that I wish was painted a bit better, as the sculpting is done really well on that side of the mouth.

I also love the bottom mandible jettisoning out like a spike, since the upper mandible and cheek (?) were destroyed in battle. I think some pictures make the plastic look really bad, or more obvious. From a distance where I'll usually be viewing it from, it's not something that instantly jumps out at me and screams Funko Pop.

In the end, I just really love Wolf, and I love that they captured him in the sculpt really well, and PVC or not, the battle damaged side of him is really detailed well, and his dome and eyes draw me in more than turning me away. I won't knock anyone if they're disappointed, or try to convince them otherwise...that's just how I see it. I wish it'd been at least $100 cheaper, but I mean, that boat has long sailed here! :lol

I also like the base, which is hefty and should hold it in place quite nicely. Definitely would've loved a nameplate, but I'm guessing there had to be a reason for them not doing it, as it doesn't really make sense not to do one otherwise. But again, I just stood up, walked about six feet from it and just looked at it, and it just really screams Wolf Predator, which is what I was hoping for.
Both the Wolf LSF and the 1:1 Wolf bust have more detail in the face than this bust and were both made in polystone. There is no reason it needed to be PVC, other than it was probably easier. I completely respect your opinion if you're happy with it. But I don't think Sideshow have any excuses here. Even if it needed to be PVC, for the price it should have been painted a whole lot better than it looks to be IMO.

I agree that more could've gone into the paints for sure with the cost being what it was. Mine pop well enough, but compared to the prototype it's definitely lacking in that area the most. I would've liked to have seen more shading and such put into it that really made that one look somewhat real and made us all order in the first place.
Watched the latest review again, what a waste for such an awesome sculpt.

Honestly I don't think anyone can tell the difference of material by just looking at it. They both are cheap-axx materials anyway.
Half the price or the same as the old P1 LSB, people won't complain that much.
So has anyone asked Sideshow why no art box? Curious if this is a new thing going forward, or is it unique to this piece. Its the first one I've seen without an art box.
Perhaps SS think art box is only for those who use it as item's display table (duh) or retail shop? I have to confess I didn't know what most of my collections' box art look like :rotfl for I just unbox them and put the box into my basement ASAP... so I'm actually kinda OK with the idea which ignores art box and gave you art print instead.
I think it's more like they saw the production pieces in china they knew they were going to get returns out of everyone or a huge loss, and are finding a way to mitigate losses by not spending anymore money on graphics on the boxes

So has anyone asked Sideshow why no art box? Curious if this is a new thing going forward, or is it unique to this piece. Its the first one I've seen without an art box.

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I won't be surprised if Sideshow starts charging extra for art boxes. :lol

I'm getting Wolf today and will decide what to do after looking at it for a few days.
No box art is just an example of the half-assed effort they put into this bust IMO.

I will post pics of mine and think on it a bit before I decide to keep it or not. I really WANT to like it well enough to keep it. I have a feeling that a good wash will go a long way to bring out the depth and detail in the cast for this piece, so i may try doing that.
I knew this would be a floating turd when they listed it as only being 8lbs.. I'm sure it actually does float! lol

And that is IT - final straw - I will NEVER preorder a Sideshow product again - NEVER.

I'm also hoping I am never tempted to order anything produced by them regardless.

I'll use them for other peoples product (XM, Prime 1, CoolProps et-al) if it will save me on shipping, but ideally, that will be it.

I've spent about $20k with them over the last 12 years - but I've FINALLY had enough.


Sideshow is nothing more than a Prime 1 Studio delivery system for me. You absolutely cannot trust them enough to pre-order any of their stuff. Id much rather wait for their products to ship and read the in-hand impressions/reviews. At that point I'll gladly pay a few extra dollars on eBay for something that I know is quality.
I'm just surprised because I picked up the Jason vorhees and the leather face premium format this year and both pieces were better then what I expected. Only the blood splatter issue on the Jason was an issue.

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LOL! :rotfl.. I thought you were using my comment to call me a turd.. I was like dang Khev.. It's like that? I thought we were good!