Media Who is getting Virtual Reality?

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Will you purchase Virtual Reality?

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Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
The Moon
I managed to get an Pre-Order for the Playstation VR. Here I go with my questions.

Do you think Virtual Reality is a fad that will go away?

Will Virtual Reality become more of stranded for entertainment?

Do you have the hardware to run the HTC Vive and Occulas Rift?

Will any of your be purchasing any of the three headsets?
I'm probably going to wait for a price drop. I don't think it's a gimmick and I am excited for it, but I don't know if they'll actually make great games and have the best devs working on it.

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I think its actually the future of gaming.
The problem is, I think it'll still take a while before we start seeing AAA games on it.
But once Resident Evil, Silenthill or all these big games start showing up on it, then I'll jump on board.
Plus I think the price will get better too.

I plan on getting the playstation VR.
I'm interested on seeing how well they do when launched, like most things gaming it's succese will live or die on the quality of the games. It could be the next level push or it could be another mega cd..
My problem with VR is I dont like **** on my face, so I might have to hold out for a holodeck. :D
I think it's too expensive and will be limited by the fact that you have to find a demo unit and try it for yourself to really understand it. Commercials won't sell you on the experience because they can't. It really needs to launch with a AAA title. And all this PS 4.5 talk just complicates things further.

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I agree with Remy...I think VR is ultimately where gaming is headed down the road. I'm not looking to jump on the bandwagon just yet, but I've seen some really neat things planned for it so far. If I had to pick between the three, I'd want go with the Occulus but probably would have to stick with the Playstation version due to the PC upgrades I'd likely need.

My feeling is that VR will end up as a gimmick on the current generation of consoles but be more robust in the next series of consoles, and probably even be a requirement by the series after that one. It will depend a lot on what kind of games will ultimately be available as mentioned before.
I'm still holding out to see how viable VR is in the future for games. I'd rather spend $600 upgrading my GPUs than purchasing an Occulus. When the prices drop considerably, and if there are enough games that make use of the tech, I'll consider it.
I'm the resident VR junkie, so I'll be getting all of it. Have a day one order for the Rift and the Vive and will get a PSVR when it launches. Skepticism is expected, but once everyone has a chance to try good VR for themselves, that will fade away. VR sells itself when it has the chance and soon, we'll see demo units in retail stores changing minds one person at a time.
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I tried one, think it was the HTC. It was good, beat the **** out of that 3D crap. I do believe this is the future of gaming. And movies and music (you'll be inside the video, with music all around you). I'm a 2D kinda fella, but both my sons (10 and 17) LOVED this. I think I'll get it for them, to try, but only when the right game comes along. And the PSVR of course.
I was part of the Oculus Kickstarter so I'm getting it for free. I'd probably still order Oculus if I weren't getting it for free. I'd kind of like to test the Vive but it's not worth spending $800 given that it has less games and I have the Oculus coming. PSVR will be popular because of the lower price and that it only requires a PS4 to use, but it's going to give the worst experience in every way so I don't think it will go far.
I think things will be much better when they get 4k screens for it and make it wireless
I was part of the Oculus Kickstarter so I'm getting it for free. I'd probably still order Oculus if I weren't getting it for free. I'd kind of like to test the Vive but it's not worth spending $800 given that it has less games and I have the Oculus coming. PSVR will be popular because of the lower price and that it only requires a PS4 to use, but it's going to give the worst experience in every way so I don't think it will go far.
I think things will be much better when they get 4k screens for it and make it wireless should be getting a notice any time now about your shipment.
I will. I'm waiting for the same kind of bundle( PSVR+2 Moves+Camera) to be available in Europe for Pre-Order. This bundle is limited for North America.It's just a matter of time,I guess...
I will. I'm waiting for the same kind of bundle( PSVR+2 Moves+Camera) to be available in Europe for Pre-Order. This bundle is limited for North America.It's just a matter of time,I guess...

You should check the local shops and see if they have used Move controllers and the camera. Could save you some money.