Which Hot Toys Infinity War figures will you buy?

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and as more and more slowly gets revealed my list continues to shrink.

Right now I only have Cap and Iron Spider as must have preorders without seeing the movie(only even Cap because I have no other versions).

Thanos, Groot, and Black Order are all maybes depending on how the movie pans out. Maybe I'd take an updated Gamora.

No Matter What I'm out: Thor, Loki, Rocket, Strange, Black Panther, War Machine, Black Widdow, SW, Starlord
Thus far I've PO'ed Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Rocket/Groot, Black Widow, Iron Spider-Man and Thanos, which (except for Rocket) were all 100% buys going in.

100% if Solicited: Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Cull Obsidian, Ebony Maw, Okeyo, Shuri, Ronin, War Machine, Nebula, Mantis

75% if Solicited: Hulkbuster 2.0

50% if Solicited: Bucky/White Wolf, Wong

25% if Solicited: Dr. Strange, Star Lord, Gamora, Scarlet Witch, Falcon (depending on costume)

<25 if Solicited: Drax (unless he gets a new and accurate body), Loki, Gamora, Black Panther, Ant-Man (will wait for team-up movie), Outrider

Surprise Appearances: Rescue Armor Pepper (rumored)

Wait for Avengers IV: Captain Marvel, whatever super-duper IM armor is yet to come, costume upgrades, new heroes or villains

I've learned to never say never with these because, 1) I haven't seen the movie, so don't know what surprises may be in store, and 2) HT might surprise with a kickass version of a character I hadn't planned to get.
Iron Spider, Cap and Thor are definites, along with any of the Black Order (we need more 1/6 evil doers), and if they make new characters like Mantis, Wong, etc.

Thanos and Hulkbuster 2.0 are 50/50 (holding out for an Armored Thanos; HB depends on price)

Mayyyyyybe get the Teen Groot/Rocket 2-pack, everything else is a pass (not enough significant changes from prior figures to warrant throwing down another $250+ per).
My Infinity Wars buy list:

Cap (Promo Edition)
Iron Spider
Iron Man

I am also interested in Mantis and Proxima Midnight if Hot Toys will create them and depending on how they will look. I am hoping for an armored version of Thanos with the gauntlet if that is happening. My buy list may have new additions after watching the movie...
Without going into spoilers, I saw the movie last night; I have only PO'd Iron Man before the movie (which he was awesome in) and now will definitely PO:

Dr. Strange
War Machine

I might PO these but:
Black Panther (maybe - looks same as the other costume)
Infinity Gauntlet (maybe - for same price, can get Hasbro one but like the smaller size of the Hot Toys one)
Iron Spider (maybe - awesome in the movie but still prefer the classic red and blue costume)
Thor (awesome in the movie but still on fence since prefer the classic look)

Was going to get Hulk Buster but after seeing the movie, not so much so.
I'm eyeing both Captain America and Thor... they would be my first Marvel purchases.
Im curious how many folks here have purchased every IW figures releseased so far from Hot Toys and will continue buying if theyre keep releasing new ones ?
Without going into spoilers, I saw the movie last night; I have only PO'd Iron Man before the movie (which he was awesome in) and now will definitely PO:

Dr. Strange
War Machine

I might PO these but:
Black Panther (maybe - looks same as the other costume)
Infinity Gauntlet (maybe - for same price, can get Hasbro one but like the smaller size of the Hot Toys one)
Iron Spider (maybe - awesome in the movie but still prefer the classic red and blue costume)
Thor (awesome in the movie but still on fence since prefer the classic look)

Was going to get Hulk Buster but after seeing the movie, not so much so.

They just announced that HB is power pose so it should a lot cheaper than the last one.
This is a tough one with so many characters, even sub groups of characters. I had originally planed to get just the original Avengers to display a "then and now" kind of display with the original Avengers figures, but I don't think that will suffice now.

Out of all the figures, Thanos is the must-have from this film. If anyone was to get one figure to represent the film as whole, he is the only choice. I'd love to get the full Black Order as well. Finally a great Marvel villain that wasn't Loki! And some decent henchmen? Sold!

Overall, very different from what I was expecting, but not in a bad way. This was 10 years in the making and a landmark film in history for the sear scope of the film combining so many characters from the 18 films that came before it. Any number of the groups would have been a feat for HT to make. This could easily be the new House Party Protocol with us getting figures for years to come. Some characters didn't change much from their previous films and others changed drastically. It will be interesting to see if any figures get quick double dips with different or lack of accessories and a new stand to be labeled an "Infintiy War" version. Dr. Strange and Black Panther are two that come to mind. With Black Panther's solo film figure yet to be released, he seems a figure that could get a slimed down version with a lower cost point (no fancy UV thingy) and Dr Strange is a figure going up on the secondary market that could use a rerelease to feel that void.
Im curious how many folks here have purchased every IW figures releseased so far from Hot Toys and will continue buying if theyre keep releasing new ones ?

I have and will. Most people are smarter then me and don’t buy everything.
Before seeing the film I only had Cap (promo) preordered, but couldn't resist ordering Thor after seeing it. Considering Iron Man as well but not too happy about the price and accessories so I'll be waiting on that. These will be my first Marvel figures so I'm pretty excited.
Yeah, it's not so much the Infinity War movie that is costing me by itself, but I'm still waiting for the figures from the lead in movies, so what's in my signature is the most pre-orders I've ever had at one time..

I can't wait until Ant-Man and the Wasp so I can go a movie without buying one single figure... :lol
I was debating of getting captain America. Especially after I skipped on the CW version. But I just don't like his new look in the film.
Especially as the action figure itself looks flimsy and thin.

So, I just decided to only get Thanos.

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None. The versions I have of the characters I like, well, I like them fine, so can't see any upgrades happening.
My list has only changed slightly.

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Just preordered Thor. I'm definitely gonna try to get Thanos too. As for the others revealed: Cap, Widow, Iron Spider, and Groot are all now maybes. Hulkbuster and Iron Man are nos(IM only due to price or he'd be a maybe). Widow was once a for sure thing but she wasn't as great as I'd hoped.

Only other definites would be if they put up Gamora or rerelease Dr. Strange(who was incredible).