When will we see ESB Hot toys?

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If I could have any ESB figure at this point I want the Bespin escape Leia. That's a version of her outfit that doesn't seem to get a lot of love in figure form.
My biggest want from Empire was Yoda and I have him preordered. After that I want Lando. I don't have Han Solo yet so if they do a Bespin Han I'd probably bite. After that I want Jedi Luke, Emperor Palpatine and a Return of the Jedi Vader. I'm hoping they get around to Vader asap as I feel like the long they wait, the more likely that when he finally comes, he'll be like 400 bucks. I hope they put him and Luke in a 2pack.

Which Imperial was it that survived Empire into Jedi? Was it admiral Piett? If it's him, he's the only one I'd have any real interest in. I like Tarkin and some of the others, but Piett seemed to be the only one capable of not dying until the end of the trilogy. Plus I dug the way Vader pronounced his name lol.
What about Veers? He survived too. He would be a cool figure. As AT-AT commander or in classic officer (general) uniform.
Who's Crix Nadine? I thought Nadine was a general for the Rebellion?

Crix Nadine was the Rebellion general on Hoth. He abandoned the Empire for the Rebels...Luke and Wedge helped break him away from the Empire and defect.

I was just saying, Veers is such a minor character that if you do him you may as well do Rebel officers too at that point. I doubt either would happen or even be worthwhile.
Crix Nadine was the Rebellion general on Hoth. He abandoned the Empire for the Rebels...Luke and Wedge helped break him away from the Empire and defect.

I was just saying, Veers is such a minor character that if you do him you may as well do Rebel officers too at that point. I doubt either would happen or even be worthwhile.

General Veers (or the AT AT Commander) was one of the most loved Star Wars figures in the 80's. He was controlling one of those walking monsters and just came across as a cold and ruthless guy. He was fantastic.

If Hot Toys made him with a great Julian Glover likeness and interchangeable general and Armour outfit he would be my no1 most wanted figure, more so than the Emperor.

The nostalgia combined with the fact he would look amazing would see him sell out quickly.

Watch how the Death Star Commander sells when he is released.
Crix Nadine was the Rebellion general on Hoth. He abandoned the Empire for the Rebels...Luke and Wedge helped break him away from the Empire and defect.

I was just saying, Veers is such a minor character that if you do him you may as well do Rebel officers too at that point. I doubt either would happen or even be worthwhile.

Well they are doing two Gonk droids, yes two Gonk droids who each have about a second of screen time. So by that theory anything is on the cards including General Crix Madine the guy aboard the mon cal ship.
If you're going to do Veers, you may as well do Crix Nadine at that point too.

Veers isn't minor - black clad imperial who later puts on armour and a cool helmet, played by a genre legend who played villains in ESB, Indiana Jones, James Bond and Doctor Who! He'd also have to come with a light up hologram of Vader, which seems like the definition of a cool accessory.

Madine had a terrible beard and a white stick, and nobody knows or cares who played him.
Veers isn't minor - black clad imperial who later puts on armour and a cool helmet, played by a genre legend who played villains in ESB, Indiana Jones, James Bond and Doctor Who! He'd also have to come with a light up hologram of Vader, which seems like the definition of a cool accessory.

Madine had a terrible beard and a white stick, and nobody knows or cares who played him.

That fake beard is a collectible worth a fortune today.:lecture

Crix Nadine was the Rebellion general on Hoth. He abandoned the Empire for the Rebels...Luke and Wedge helped break him away from the Empire and defect.

I was just saying, Veers is such a minor character that if you do him you may as well do Rebel officers too at that point. I doubt either would happen or even be worthwhile.

Veers is a minor character, but he's also a character who had 3 scenes with Vader himself, I think his only scenes involve Vader. He's portrayed as a competent no-nonsense Imperial and was a well known Kenner figure. He's not at Piett's level of a minor, but he's certainly not some nameless rebel and even Nadine is sort of forgettable. Most people remember Veers, even if they don't remember his name.
I've ever heard of Nadine but I know who Veers is. One of the few Imperial officers that doesn't always seem to be screwing up.
Emperor Palpatine. Removable hood or not? I'm for not. I think one mistake on a lot of Palpatine figures the past decade is they make him too much like the Revenge of the Sith version. I like both but Jedi's version is my favorite. I don't want to know what his hair looks like and I don't want to see it on the figure either. I do want a nice cloth draping hood but I don't want it to be removable. Agree? Disagree?

Is there anybody who would rather have the ORIGINAL emperor as a figure? By original, I mean the one played by a woman with a man's voice, NOT Ian Mcdiarmid. I wouldn't but I'd be curious to know if anybody is.
General Veers (or the AT AT Commander) was one of the most loved Star Wars figures in the 80's. He was controlling one of those walking monsters and just came across as a cold and ruthless guy. He was fantastic.

If Hot Toys made him with a great Julian Glover likeness and interchangeable general and Armour outfit he would be my no1 most wanted figure, more so than the Emperor.

The nostalgia combined with the fact he would look amazing would see him sell out quickly.

Watch how the Death Star Commander sells when he is released.

You're right, I forgot that he was a really popular character (Veers). The figure probably would sell pretty well based off nostalgia. He didn't have much screen time, but you're right that he portrayed exactly what most people would have imagined an Imperial Officer as.

Well said.