What's your Star Wars collecting focus going to be now?

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I just want the end all holy grail version of a 1/6 Jedi luke and I will be forever happy.

A Jedi luke Mythos statue would be awesome as well..but thats just me being a little pig.
Boba Fett, most Stormtroopers, some Clone Troopers, the Scout trooper and bike.

I will now probably only pick up the Tie Fighter pilot, if it comes with a sidearm... although if a random figure was released that I really liked, I might consider it..eg. Sideshow's General Obi-Wan Kenobi.
I mostly want the core characters from the Original Trilogy in 1/6th scale. I'll probably stick mostly with Hot Toys but may pick up some of Sideshow's offerings.
I'm not dropping 2 grand on Star Wars hot toys that everybody and his momma will have. They are going to sell these things like Big Macs man.

I'm gonna get a Vader and a Fett. Maybe a really good Jedi Luke. Basically my ultimate and favorite iterations of each character. I'll probably skip most of them, as you know they will just pump out a re-issue in a few years for each new film.

I might collect all the Bounty Hunters if they make them.

Gonna limit it seriously.
Don't like SW enough to replace the SS figures.

Of the HT figures, Chewbacca is the only one I'm getting.

Tie Fighter Pilot has been shown by SS and I image the AT AT Driver will not be far behind.

Only waiting on:

Royal Guard
Count Dooku
AOTC Anakin
AOTC Padme

Then that's it unless for some reason 2-1B gets made.
Although right now is the most expensive time in 1:6 collecting, it seems to also be the most exciting in a while. Sideshow has upped their game and Hot Toys is now hammering them out. So much of it looks great, but they sure are going to make us bleed for it.

For a while I did collect a bunch of Prequel figs, but mostly because they were the majority of what was being released. I've since come to my senses and am happy to keep my collection to OT characters. Sideshow, Hot Toys or even Marmit, it doesn't matter who makes it as long as it looks good. I'm no completist nor do I feel the need to be particularly loyal to any one company. Make a great fig and I'll buy it. At these prices though, they have to be really good.

I'll slowly try to build my small vintage OT collection and any 1:6 figs I can afford.
I have the PT jedi and sith characters I want, with the exception of Dooku. (I also have three clone commanders.) I have no interest in sequel figures.

I never liked the Sideshow OT human figures (with the exception of Ben Kenobi, Lando Calrissian and the Emperor), and gave up on having them as representations of those characters when Hot Toys did Bespin Luke. I'm in for the OT heroes from Hot Toys, but I'm more than happy with Sideshow's aliens, droids, troopers and bounty hunters. I'll get any Vader that either company makes, and maybe Boushh if HT makes her, because she's my favorite character design from the entire franchise.

I hope Sideshow continues to make the kinds of figures Hot Toys likely won't. I doubt there'll be much difference in price, but secondary Star Wars characters are far more important to me than an ultimate Boba Fett (ad nauseum) or whatever.
At the moment I have no interest in sequel figures, but at the moment I have no idea what those characters are, so I cant say. I know I have very little interest in Prequel figures. I doubt I'd even get main characters if HT decided to do them.

Sideshow did great aliens and creatures as well as troops, I have the Stormtrooper and as nice as it is, it really needs an upgrade. The HT versions are a no brainer for me.
I have no interest in Stormtroopers to begin with. Never have. My Sandtrooper is sufficient. Snow and Scout troopers are fantastic.
:duff one man's "limited funds" is another man's "discerning taste" :lol
Well.. fair enough then.

Still, you just fired off some of the best contenders EVER!!! :lol

..and maybe Boushh if HT makes her, because she's my favorite character design from the entire franchise.
I love Leia in the Boushh gear too. If I don't get my Endor Leia, it'll hopefully be yoto yotay all the way to the zeebuss with HT.

I hope Sideshow continues to make the kinds of figures Hot Toys likely won't. I doubt there'll be much difference in price, but secondary Star Wars characters are far more important to me than an ultimate Boba Fett (ad nauseum) or whatever.
Agreed. I want more cantina aliens like bum-face, Snaggy, & Myo.
I think I need to change from a completist to someone that gets what I like , not one of everything, but these releases aren't helping. I do feel like HT, like with any of their non ironman lines, will not be compelled to go deep in the line. Right now, they may be showing stuff they had developed prior to the merger and new licenses, so I fullly expect that they'll blast out the OT stuff in pics, then things will get slow as they turn to focus on TFA. SHort term heartache I'm hoping.
Collecting strictly HT 1/6 & only central characters.

The Phantom Menace:
-Qui-Gon Jinn
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Darth Maul

Attack of The Clones:
-Darth Tyrannus/Count Dooku

Revenge of The Sith:
-Darth Sidious (Brown cloak from fight with Yoda)
-Chancellor Palpatine (red outfit from fight with Windu)
-Anakin Skywalker
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Mace Windu

A New Hope:
-Han & Chewie 2-pack
-Obi-Wan & Vader 2-pack

The Empire Strikes Back
-Luke DX
-Boba Fett
-Han (with jacket & Carbonite)
-Chewie (with Threepio on his back)

Return of The Jedi:
-Jedi Luke
-Slave Leia
-Imperial Guard 2-pack

The Force Awakens:
-John Boyega in Stormtrooper gear
-John Boyega in non-Stormtrooper gear
-John Boyega in behind the scenes civilian gear
-John Boyega in Jedi Gear
-John Boyega in Jedi Ghost form
-John Boyega in baby form
-John Boyega in animal form
-John Boyega in robot form
-John Boyega in female form
-EX John Boyega Attack The Block edition
Well.. fair enough then.

Still, you just fired off some of the best contenders EVER!!! :lol

To be honest, even if I had stacks of cash that list wouldn't get any bigger I don't think. I'd have to be really bored with my money to branch out beyond those :)
Started long ago with the POTF2 small and 12" line. Picked up some Gentle Giant Busts but sold them off. Gave up on the Kenner line and sold them. Some 400 carded figures and over 100 12" scale figures. Went back heavy into Gentle Giant mini busts for a while because I was not happy with what Sideshow was doing with the 1/6th line. Now that Hot Toys is in I am going that route. Prolly not gonna get any more GG busts because I have all the characters I want.
The only real must haves for me are ESB Han and Jedi Luke. Ideally I'd love to get a Chewbacca as well, but it would have to look a lot better than the one we're getting, and unfortunately that doesn't seem very likely (unless they make a new, older Chewie from TFA).
Three words - what I like.

A Jedi Luke is top of the list; Stormtrooper Han and Luke; a ANH Han if it looked like Harrison Ford, ditto ANH Luke; Vader and a tall stormtrooper; ESB Yoda; ESB Fett.

Not bothered about anything else.

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