What got you collecting?

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Super Freak
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Living in Bama(roll tide)
I thought it would be cool if we shared the reasons why we started doin what we do, for me im young in the collecting, but not in the action figures, all i my life i played and bought them, but it was different from other kids, i looked at the sculpts, and the articulation and everything else about the toy before i bought it, and then i discovered the hasbro 12 inch star wars line, most not so great but they were still so kool, and from there my 12 inch collecting obsession began, and now im 16 with about 60 12 inch related collectables and i love it.
its in my blood. i'm Sagittarius. I started collecting coins when I was 12 and then school stuff. Just couldn't throw away those school junk or else I get all crazy :monkey3 Then I stated collecting SS stuff the moment I found out about them. :chew
I collected various toys and music from childhood until I turned 19. Then I was exclusively music.

Then I was in a Target in California and saw the Kenner reveal Darth Vader and Emperor and had to buy them.

Then I saw Hasbro's Ultimate Villain Darth Vader (and being a sucker for Vader reveals, I bought him). A few months later I bought Hasbro ROTS Sidious. Then I got to thinking that I needed an ROTS Obi-Wan. So I did a search on eBay to see if Hasbro had made any. Nope but I saw some nifty expensive Obi-Wans from Sideshow... The rest is history.
Tell you the truth i have no idea. As long as I can remember I have always had a need the collect things. When I was little it was Hot Wheels, the comics, the swords and knives and so and so forth. I just be my hunter gatherer nature.
King Darkness said:
Tell you the truth i have no idea. As long as I can remember I have always had a need the collect things. When I was little it was Hot Wheels, the comics, the swords and knives and so and so forth. I just be my hunter gatherer nature.


Yeah, me too... As far back as I can remember I have been hoarding something. Whether it was Garbage Pail Kid stickers, He-Man toys, GI Joe... whatever. I had to have them all!!!

I continued throughout my teenage years and even in my heavy drinking Navy years. I always collected crap. Swords, movie stuff, Horror props and such.... It's been a lifelong passion. :D
I'm like some of the others, I've been collecting as long as I can remember. I was a weird kid that liked classical music in elementary and my favorite was Tchaikovksy's Nutcracker ballet suite, so one year I got a nutcracker for Christmas. I suppose that was my first collection. Power Rangers was another big collection for me, had a bunch of those things. Then along came Star Wars. Anyways, what got me started on collecting this higher end stuff (sideshow in specific) was the 12" James Bond figures.
Like King Darkness, I've always collected something; comics, music, posters, scripts, figures, resin kits, etc.

And Agent0028, I was weirder...the only music I liked in elementary school was movie score soundtracks
Same reason pretty much like everyone else's: I've always had a passion for collecting, but now it's gone up a notch with SS.
At first, I didn't think I could think of anything that really got me into collecting. But now that I think about it, it was a friend of mine. When we were in high school he was collecting some sort of marvel comic character 7"ers. I thought it was kinda cool so we spent the whole night going over and researching different types of collectibles and companies who made those characters. Being bored at work and doing the same led me here. :chew :chew
I've always been interested in collecting things and a lot of that comes from my Mom. She was a huge Sci-Fi fan when I was growing up and collected lots of memorabilia from Star Wars, Star Trek and other stuff. So that was always around.

However, what got me serious into collecting figures as an adult were M.U.S.C.L.E. figures. One night I was talking to my buddy Nate (Sladesuperagent on the boards) and we started talking about collecting these figures, soon after we compared sets and traded a few, then I started buying them off of eBay and then other figures off eBay and the rest was history!
I never really started collecting anything until Hasbro released their POTF2 line back in 1995. I was working retail and a few of my co-workers collected these early on and knew I liked Star Wars. One day, they asked if I wanted to go on a "toy-run." Having alot of things to do and toy collecting not my thing...I thanked them for offering but refused to work on a high school senior project instead.

In the spring of the following year, the same group of guys were in my "Intro To Business" class in college. Now there was a big break between classes and home was kinda far. I got offered to join them on their toy run and figured "why not?" We went to a bunch of different stores and there was a sense of excitement overing finding something new. After a few hours passed, we needed to get back to the school to finish classes for the evening. As I was exiting my friends car, they stopped me and threw a POTF2 Darth Vader in my direction. They joked that they all pitched in for the fig and now I was part of the crew. I was hooked and we did this every week until the semester ended. After that, I was hooked on collecting POTF2 Star Wars figs until Episode 1 came out. I stopped collecting for awhile before reestablishing my toy collecting habits by adding Muppets, Wrestling Figs, Movie Maniacs, Sportspicks, etc. to my collection.

Now, as I got older the toy collecting thing wore off again. I figured what was the point in collecting these figures other than boxing them up and their minty packages never to be seen until something else needed to be packed away. I set my priorities (graduated college, got a job, moved out on my own, got married, etc.) and got my head on straight. I collected Kubricks for a short time for space concerns.

Well, one day a few months ago, I stopped by a local comic store to check out what Kubricks had arrived. I noticed a huge display cabinet filled with various Sideshow treasures...PF Luke, PF Freddy, PF Grevious, etc. They had other Sideshow stuff boxed up along the walls and I told my wife that I'd love to buy these instead of Kubricks or any other toys. Imagine what they'd look like in a movie room.

She saw the price tag on the items and explained that while they are very expensive for her taste, she preferred me buying something like these as a hobby compared to toys. I got her blessing to start collecting these instead. Currently, I only own a Jaws Maquette and a PF Princess Leia (I do have a PF Obi Wan on his way). I'm much happier than I've been in awhile. I still see a few of my old toy collecting crew to this day. A few still collect...some don't, but they were all in awe of my current but small Sideshow collection whenever they come over to catch a game or watch a movie...
My collecting can be traced back to watching reruns of the Adam West Batman series and the Munsters during the late 70's.

The Munsters got me interested in the Uni Monsters which led me to collecting the Remco figures and other Monster items.

The Batman TV series got me turned on to comics in general which led to collecting comics. Then I started collecting comic figures like Megos and eventually Secret Wars and Super Powers. When I got older, I started collecting the statues and more high end comic collectibles.

I really didn't start collecting Star Wars stuff until the POTF2 figures came out in the 90's. I had tons of Star Wars figures as a kid in the late 70's and early 80's but those were more for "playing" than collecting.
I started in with Hasbro POFT2, but it was brought on by my grandma finding and giving me a half dozen or so Vintage SW items she never gave me when I was a kid. Then I went and found all my old SW toys I never got rid of from when I was a kid. Then one day I'm at Target and see the new ones and bought a few, then a few turned into more, and more. Then when the next version came out I stopped for a number of reasons, one of the biggest was a full on fight between a couple collectors and 2 store owners at Walmart over some figures, Maul I think. The 2 owners had every single one in there carts and the collectors took one each out of the cart when they left it. Next thing full on brawl, police, lawsuits etc... I was just over it at that point. The endless searches for Exclusives, seeing them all hard to find figures going for at least 3 times the price at Comic Stores, and now the fight. DONE!!!!

Then I goto Comic con with a few friends last year, which was just a way to get away and had planned to go surfing most the time. Then I walk by the Sideshow booth and I was amazed. I could not get over all the SW items. I resisted for about 2 days then I broke down and ordered General Grievous. Then I got a few 12" figures on Ebay, found this place, now I have all the SW items all exclusives except for PF Han, plus a few other SS items on order outside SW. Then looking at all these other cool things people here had I have got some GG items , Code 3 items.
Got back into collecting after being absolutely blown away by Revenge of the Sith.

Started with the Hasbro figures, caught wind of SS through rebelscum and the rest is history.
Always wanted those Icons Lightsaber replicas when I was a kid. Once I started to earn my own green, I got into the Master Replicas scene. Then transitioned to statues and busts.
After years of watching films in a family with a passion for cinema(all due to my brother) I asked him if he knew anywhere that sold memorabilia and he said he recalled a site with an affiliate(sp?) to a "Sideshow ..something?" Long story short I found my home at Sideshow when New Nightmare Freddy hit my door. I never thought I would be able to afford PF's, Statues and the like but I saved my pennies and it was the reason I went for my first job. I've have since then moved up and up to the higher quality collectibles they and other manufacturaers offer and couldnt be happier being with ma 'Freaks':D
Its addictive and satisfying to say the least, I dont think I will EVER stop.
I have always been a collector since young including comics, coins and stamps as a young boy, and the colectables have gotten more expensive the more money I make. I started collecting Sideshow once I saw the X-men vs Sentinel piece. I had always wanted to collect statues but they were out of reach for me.....It was the Bowen Colossus that first got me thinking to collect statues but never got it thinking one day I would but once I saw Sideshows piece(X-men vs Sentinel) I didnt want any other statues other than Sideshow.........I would visit to look at their other lines and ended up ordering Obiwan/Princess leia and others as they were announced......it felt like an obsession.
Star Wars POTF2 Line. I'm 25, meaning my whole childhood I had Star Wars toys, I have an older brother who liked the weirder aliens etc. so that's what I had. Than in 1997, I saw some Jawas on a shelf, and flipped. I bought em'. Than I said, I'll by Hammerhead. I'll buy Vader. I'll by Fett and R4, and Luke and ALL OF THEM. And so it began. Since I had to focus my tastes, the worst was when I'd buy any toy from Spawn to WWF and so on. But I realized, collect what you love, so I went and carved it down to Star Wars (what started it all) Vintage Horror (thanks to SS 's 7" line) and Superheros.
it all started with drawing.
which led to comics ... which led to collecting.

the rest is history