VGA video game awards 2009!!!

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I'm all for Uncharted 2, but Killzone 2's graphics are the best I've ever seen to date.

i'd me... nothing has ever looked as good as Uncharted 2!!!

glad it won GOY!!!!!!!! helllsss yeaa!!!!

overall i think they split up all the awards evenly..although imo UC 2 could have won one or two more!


All those Spartans makes Master Chief look like Nick Cage! But it doesn't matter , cuz Master Chief is the shat no matter what!!!
I can't wait for this game!!!!

I loved the armor with the skull painted on his mask!! :rock

:lecture Yup. Too bad I no longer have a 360. Oh well...


All those Spartans makes Master Chief look like Nick Cage! But it doesn't matter , cuz Master Chief is the shat no matter what!!!
I can't wait for this game!!!!

I loved the armor with the skull painted on his mask!! :rock
:lol those are not Spartans.
Well u better get on that quick ezcompane!! Cuz I wanna play with u again!!!

Yeah...i know....but u know what I mean TRILI!!!!! I hate u P!tu!:monkey4

Sorry, but I'm tapping out on this round. No more 360s for me...I might get the next Xbox but I will be getting a warranty for it for sure.
Spike VGA (awards) are a joke.

I'm going to disagree here, due to the fact that the Spike VGAs are recognized by every major video game publisher in attendance. Sure, it might be a publicity stunt (just like any other award ceremony), but the VGAs reach more people world-wide in one night, than most review publications can dream of reaching in an entire week.

Now, that's not to say that I agree with every award. In a sense, some of the stuff does seem to be like a "joke". I mean, how can Uncharted 2 win "Game of the Year", but loose the title of "Action Game of the Year"? That really doesn't make any sense to me.
It's good looking but not as realistic as KZ2 sorry!

Honestly, I don't really understand the criteria that was used in judging the game with "Best Graphics". What does "best" even mean? "Best" as in the most realistic game? Or "best" as in a game being the most artistic? If it is the latter, instead of the former (which I believe is the case), then I'd agree that Uncharted 2 is the most colorful, and artistic game that we've seen so far, in this console generation. That said, I don't believe that Uncharted 2 is the most graphically realistic game, since everything in U2 has a cell-shaded glow.
I think UC2 has great graphics, but the "best" is a little exaggeration. Its hard to say what I find the best graphics are....every 6 months games up the ante and the standards get raised.

I haven't been "wowed" since the first time I saw Crysis on my friend's custom PC when it first came out. Now, its just average compared to what we have as of recent.
Glad Uncharted 2 and MW2 got the awards they deserved, although I really feel Arkham asylum was overlooked, especially for best action/adventure game.
Yeah, he did good in Brutal Legend, but better than Hamill's Joker or Nolan North's Nathan Drake? These guys have been in the business for years, honing their craft in roles that have received acclaim...and Jack Black (who hosted and pimped his game on last year's VGAs, mind you) rolls up out of nowhere and picks up the Best Voice Actor award? Spike has such an obvious tilt towards Black that it's almost insulting to those in the know.

And the fact that they gave the Best Female Voice Actor to MEGAN FOX over Tricia Helfer (Dare, Halo ODST) or Kristen Bell (Lucy, Assassin's Creed II) just takes the cake.

Spike wants the mainstream attention. Why bring on stage a smaller name voice actor to accept an award when you can have Jack Black act like an idiot? Funny.

Seems odd to me though. NO WAY is Jack Black more popular than Luke freaking Skywalker......
I love Jack Black but Mark Hamill's joker should have won IMO, and yea Megan Fox won because she's Megan Fox I didn't even remember what happened with her in the ROTF game, I think you rescue her from a building.