Updated: Real-Life Superhero gets butt kicked.

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Jul 26, 2009
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Seattle's 'superhero' has nose broken in confrontation
Police say he and others should trade capes for cell phones

"Phoenix Jones the Guardian of Seattle," one of the city's self-proclaimed "superheroes," is pictured in this photo from KOMO-TV.

One of Seattle's self-proclaimed superheroes had his nose broken and was threatened at gunpoint Saturday, prompting police to again ask that he and others stop with the costumes and call 911.

The Man of Steel he is not.

Police spokespeople say they heard about the incident from reporters -- Phoenix Jones the Guardian of Seattle talked about the incident Monday with seattlepi.com partner, KOMO/4. Sgt. Sean Whitcomb said he isn't aware of a police report regarding the incident.

Some patrol officers have mistaken what they call the "costume-wearing complaints" for criminals, and say in some cases the characters are lucky they haven't been seriously hurt. That confusion prompted police to issue a bulletin to alert patrol officers in November.

"Does Superman get his ass kicked?" one detective asked. "These people should not be called superheroes."

Police noted that and other details about the self-proclaimed superheroes -- including Jones' real name -- in the November bulletin. Seattlepi.com first reported on the recent movement then, including details about Jones' costume with a bulletproof vest, arm and leg trauma plates.

"I endanger my life with a reason and a purpose," Jones told KOMO's Luke Ducey Monday.

On "Good Morning America" last week, Jones said calling 911 is a great start, but said "it's like waving a white flag."

"If police aren't here, criminals feel free to run wild in my city," he continued. "And I'm not going to stand for it."

Jones told KOMO the altercation that injured him happened Saturday night near Fifth Avenue and James Street. Jones, who said he was breaking up a fight, called 911 and put one of the men in a headlock and waited for police, KOMO reported.

Another man pulled out a gun seconds later and when the superhero let go of the man he was holding, that man kicked him in the face and broke his nose, Jones told KOMO.

Jones insisted the attack wasn't a big deal, and that he and other superheroes are much better prepared for confrontations than average citizens.

"I don't condone people walking around on the street with masks," he told seattlepi.com in November. "Everyone on my team either has a military background or a mixed martial arts background, and we're well aware of what its costs to do what we do."

Some people who the self-proclaimed superheroes meet on the streets ask for pictures or autographs. Several reality show producers have been desperate to get a hold of Jones for TV offers.

No word on if the superheroes will upgrade from their Kia.

Older Story

Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime

Posted: 8:07 am PST January 4, 2011Updated: 8:46 am PST January 4, 2011 source: https://www.kirotv.com/news/26363364/detail.html

LYNNWOOD, Wash. -- A local man said he came within seconds of having his car broken into, and perhaps stolen, until a real-life “superhero" came to his aid, wearing tights, a mask and a skin-tight super suit.

The encounter started in Lynnwood Sunday evening when a man, who asked to be identified only as Dan, was walking back to his car in a parking lot when he saw a man with a metal strip trying to pry open his car.

“He started sticking it down between the window and the rubber strip,” said Dan.

Dan began to call 911, but said help arrived before he even finished dialing.

“From the right, this guy comes dashing in, wearing this skin-tight rubber, black and gold suit, and starts chasing him away,” said Dan.

What Dan didn’t know is that just about every night, an anonymous Seattle man strolls into a comic store, enters a hidden back room and emerges transformed.

KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reporter Monique Ming Laven met him.

“My name is Phoenix Jones,” said the man.

The man is the hero Dan’s been trying to tell his friends about.

“People are saying, ‘No way, dude, you were probably drunk,’” said Dan.

But the superhero sounded familiar to Ming Laven. She had heard about how he and the other eight members of his Rain City Superhero crime fighting movement walk the street, eyes out for crime and prepared to fight it.

On Monday night, the fully-clad superhero and Dan met.

“That’s crazy. Nice to meet you, brother. Nice to meet you. That’s insane,” said Dan, who finally got a close-up look at his savior.

“Phoenix” explained his whole super suit, including bullet-proof vest and stab plates, to Dan.

“That’s a Taser night stick. And I have Mace slash tear gas over here,” said Phoenix.

Then it was time for Phoenix to get back out on the streets, maybe not quite a super man, but an extraordinary one.

“So when I walk into a neighborhood, criminals leave because they see the suit,” said Phoenix. “I symbolize that the average person doesn't have to walk around and see bad things and do nothing.”

Phoenix said since he started his crime-fighting crusade nine months ago, he's been stabbed, and had a gun pulled on him a few times, but received no serious injuries.

Unfortunately, he didn't catch up with the man who was breaking into Dan's car.
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Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

i don't know if this is cool or someone who liked Kick Ass too much, but here is some pictures of him.



Pictures is from Kirotv.com
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

Tommorow's headline :

Masked vigilante shot dead playing Batman
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

Hey, atleast hes committed to his cause. That is definatly something I respect.

Ive done some research on these "real life superheroes" before and most of them are simply philanthropists who do thier charity work in a cosume or at best a glorified neighborhood watch who simply roams around the streets in a costume and calls he police at the first sign of danger.

For someone to really be dedicated to this concept, you really do have to be willing to put legality and your personal safety aside, and so far he is the first person ive seen who is actually been willing to do this. Crazy or not, props to this guy.
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

Hey, atleast hes committed to his cause. That is definatly something I respect.

Ive done some research on these "real life superheroes" before and most of them are simply philanthropists who do thier charity work in a cosume or at best a glorified neighborhood watch who simply roams around the streets in a costume and calls he police at the first sign of danger.

For someone to really be dedicated to this concept, you really do have to be willing to put legality and your personal safety aside, and so far he is the first person ive seen who is actually been willing to do this. Crazy or not, props to this guy.

And the safety of others. Lets say a guy wants your wallet and your cooperating, then this assclown jumps out of the shadows, your chance of being stabbed/shot just went up considerably. He's no more safe then the people who think pulling another privately owned gun in a firefight is going to increase the chances of innocents not getting hit. I love the idea of superheros but theres a reason comics have been around so long and they still aren't.
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

Set up.

Hero was probably in cahoots with the 'carjacker'.
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/AAU1PVJKVAY?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/AAU1PVJKVAY?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

The problem is with realistic portrayals of Superheros like The Dark Knight. People are seeing it and going oh, Bruce Wayne isn't Super, hes just a regular guy with no Superpowers, I can do that.

He has a great superpower, its called a team of writers.
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

"...he and the other eight members of his Rain City Superhero crime fighting movement walk the street..."

...and Lex Luthor dropped dead of a heart attack. From laughing.

I almost wonder if this guy isn't punking the local news and maybe he and some friends made some little indie film they want to sell.
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

The problem is with realistic portrayals of Superheros like The Dark Knight. People are seeing it and going oh, Bruce Wayne isn't Super, hes just a regular guy with no Superpowers, I can do that.

He has a great superpower, its called a team of writers.

The Dark Knight portrayed average Joes thinking they're Batman getting killed.
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

Ha, yea thats true, and I didn't see kickass, but I believe it starts with something similar.

Well I guess it's better then people dressing like the Joker and killing babies in a hospital.
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

But what if they take this seriously and are not your average Joe? What if they commit themselves to years of fight training and workouts, so they are in shape to actually do something like this. Its not impossible.
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

To save a woman from a rape occuring sure, but again, even the police will tell you if you get carjacked, just let them have it, it's not worth your life. This guy doesn't have the right to choose to put innocent lives at risk like that which is exactly why vigilantes are illegal.

Also that mouth of his is a nice big target for any bullet, as is below his bullet proof vest thing. I don't care how good shape your in, it doesn't stop bullets.

And of course The Dark Knight and even Watchmen made another point. "This is how crazy Batmans made Gotham"

Whats to stop people from playing Super Villain now? It's Escalation.
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Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

Lets say from his angle, you were just carjacked and it looks like your clear so he makes a move. Turns out your kid is still in the car and now this guy who was just going to let him go and drive away is taking your kid hostage. Are you still happy to see Captain whatshisface?
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

It's funny right now because the guy thinks he's Batman. What happens when the next one thinks he's Frank Castle?
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

To save a woman from a rape occuring sure, but again, even the police will tell you if you get carjacked, just let them have it, it's not worth your life. This guy doesn't have the right to choose to put innocent lives at risk like that which is exactly why vigilantes are illegal.

And if a cop saw a crime he would just stand back and let it happen? No, there is a right way to intervene, and compeltly ignoring the situation isnt it.
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

We have Superheroes in Seattle now!!!...:yess::yess:
Re: Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime (What the FUUUuuuuu.....)

Someday DiFabio is going to tell you he's Batman.

But he's a dirty liar because I'm Batman.
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