Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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Good paint apps and articulation please... didn't they do some pretty articulated and decent RE5 and SF figs?

Sorta . . .
The problem with NECA figures lies in their paint apps as many have pointed out and in the use of weak articulation joints (though there has been some improvement here). The biggest problem is when paint gets into these joints (which happens all to frequently) which causes them to stick and inevitably snap when trying to budge them. A common problem in Mattel's DC Universe Classics line as well.

Hot Toys is the way to go imo.
Yeah, i'd prefer HT.

Hopefully something will materialize, and if NECA does in fact get the license I hope they'd be smart enough to make Sully and Elena and not just Drake.
If it has to be an articulated figure it's Hot Toys or nothing for me.
I'd much rather have a pf or a maquette, as for the "Uncharted characters are too bland" argument, the Indiana Jones TOD PF is just as basic if not more.

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Great video. One of my concerns when the second one got GOTY was that it might go to thier heads. Looks like Naughty Dog are aware of this and I'm pretty optimistic about 3 now.