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Super Freak
Dec 10, 2007
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Hey guys,
It's been brought to my attention that the proverbial fire under my butt is heating up. I don't really want or need that. I can't comment on anything that may have been said in other threads, as I've not checked them and I won't. I know tempers flare, things are said, and it just drags you down mentally to read and dwell on those posts and makes it even harder to stay focused. it happened to Les. The IMPORTANT thing, I'm aware of it. I'm just not going to dwell on specifics.

I know I haven't been around in a few weeks, like 3 I think? I announced the backlog schedule, I remember that. I've been compiling the requested info you guys have been sending and matching it to stuff. That's quite a job in itself. I had hoped my agent would have time to pitch in with that, but he hasn't had the time so I've been doing it.

The work is being done and is going out! The schedule/business model/agent thing is still working well, keeping things on track. I've got a bunch of stuff done, ready to go. I made a lot of stuff, now I'm on the packaging/labeling part of the task. Again, a job in itself.

I'm still splitting my week between backlog stuff and new orders for eBay and such. I said very early on this would be the case; new orders would be shipping along side of (and sometimes ahead of) backlog stuff, so if you're pissed about that, don't be. I laid that out clearly when I first announced my new set-up. No new orders = no income = no sovereign studio. That would suck for everyone!

I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT THIS BOARD OR WRITTEN YOU GUYS OFF! I want that very clear. If you recall one of my business mistakes was putting all of eggs in one basket (this board at that time) and not working several venues. So it makes no sense, and would completely unravel my model, to piss away this board just because things are going well on eBay and in other places.

I've heard I'm being compared to another member who created quite a bad place foe himself on the board. Not the case. I can still be reached by PM and email: [email protected] and [email protected] And I DO drop in here, maybe just not as often as I and others would like. Avoiding the board to an extent is part of how I stay on track these days. I log in to check stats and comments and before I know it I've spent 4 hours reading threads. I don't post a lot, but I DO read a lot and waste time I should spend more wisely elsewhere. I'm easily distracted, I guess. More of a character flaw than an excuse, really. Hopefully this smooths out as some of this fresh new stuff starts hitting hands.

And I'm going to make this my primary thread for now. So, post everything here. I have too many other threads all over the place to try and keep track of. Keep it civil. I don't want to have to strap on a cup every time I come in here.
Just e-mailed you Shawn,
I just want an update on my Indy whip and jacket...
I thought they were ready to ship since June...
and thanks for posting this...
take care
I just want it to be known that I was a little concerned about my order, but I was NOT in any way involved in the current drama. I have filled my quota of fighting with customizer's this year. :lol

Best of luck with your new system.
Shawn best of luck with the new system, glad to know your still about, as someone whose received some of your work, and I might add someone who is after another 4 sets of muscle arm skins id like to say that if you did go the way of Chowe it would be a traversty against humanity
Hi Shawn,

Just wanted to let you know that I can relate to what you're going through. I've refrained from complaining and have been waiting patiently for the Newt I believe will eventually arrive. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here and still looking forward to having her. Ripley's the one who's always asking, "when is Newt gonna get here, for cryin' out loud?", and I just keep telling her, "keep yer panty hose on, will ya! She'll be here when she's good and ready!" :D

Please PM when you think you're close to finishing her, as that should help keep Rips off my back for a while. Thanks!
Great post Shawn, and thanks for the update. I hope my Indy jacket and set of whips I paid for last November are coming soon! That would :rock

thanks for the post bro and explaining the situation. I know the wait for Maximus will be well worth it. Thanks Again and keep up the good work!
Hi Shawn,

An update on my unfilled order (Indy's jacket, shirt, trousers) would be greatly appreciated.

I've had precious little time to be involved in any drama on this board, period (wasn't even aware there was any, which shows you how few threads I get to read these days), but I did feel it was time to touch base with you about my Michael Myers figure and my Loomis figure, so I just sent you an email, Shawn.

Please respond when you get a chance, and take it easy! :peace
I'll admit I started to worry about the order i placed with Shawn and lack of updates/communication but rest assured, i got the order it;s great just wanted to shout out to support Shawn, he's good for it and you'll get whatever you ordered and I'm sure it will kick ass!
Reply to my messages Shawn.

You said you 'think you have my order' for the Indy Kit I paid for in full a year ago in a PM 5 days ago, but you have not replied since. Does that mean you have the order, but you have not made it yet or what?
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