Those who disliked TLJ, are you still buying toys from it?

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I have a lot of issues with the film after my first watch, and right now, for me, it ranks about the same level as Revenge of the Sith for me because of that. Whether it ultimately ends up above or below that film on my list I can't really say right now, but it certainly won't go any higher than being better than the prequels regardless.

But will I buy toys? Yes. For the same reason that I'd still buy select prequel or EU figures. Because there are some characters and designs that I do like, even if the film itself doesn't hang together enough for me, makes some fundamental errors in judgement along the way, and as a result isn't as good as it should have been in my opinion.

So I'll get old Luke, because Hamill was great in the film, even if I don't agree with where they took his character, and because I want an old Luke to join old Han on my shelf. I would have gotten old Leia for the same reason, but sadly I just don't like the sculpt.

I'll buy Phasma because I don't have the first one, and because she's another distinctive trooper for the shelf, and I like troopers. I'll probably get the execution trooper for the same reason, eventually, but I'll be waiting for a good deal on both, which will either happen or it won't.

I'd probably get Kylo and Snoke (if they made him), because even though I wasn't a big fan of either in Force Awakens, they were both amongst the things I liked most in Last Jedi, and both made a strong impression, especially considering what they had to work with, and around. There's a place for both on my villains shelf, just as there would be for Dooku and Maul.

Poe I'll likely grab to go along with Rey and Finn and BB-8, despite the fact that they barely spend any time together, because I like the idea of the character, I like the actor, and I like the pilot look.

But that's it for me. Maybe Hux, if he was made, but just to have an officer to go with my troopers, not because of the character at all.

None of the new characters like Rose, Holdo, or Space-Fenster, sorry, DJ, have a hope of ever being on my shelf, even in the unlikely event that they do get made.
I don't *hate* the film, but I have several issues with the way it was handled, so won't buy anything from the ST, as has been my M.O. up to now, tempting as some of the character designs may be -- Pilots, Troopers, Scavenger Rey, BB-8 -- it just doesn't resonate enough. Seen it twice now. Quite entertaining in a superficial way but nope.
I'll buy Poe or any other pilot from this or any other Star Wars. I don't have to like or agree with a Star Wars flick to enjoy aspects of it. Yes, there was a lot that was hard to swallow in this, but I will still buy what I like from any movie, regardless of my overall feeling for that movie.

I finally got around to seeing the movie tonight...not a huge fan of it. But I will pick up a few of the figures from it anyway. More for the love of the characters, not the movie.

This is ultimately where I fall as well. Even though I enjoyed it more the second time I saw it, overall, I wasn't too crazy about it as a film. However, there were certain aspects about and characters from the film I did like, and those are the things I'll take from it figure wise.
Star Wars fans are such a finicky bunch. You can't be too similar or you're just copying a la The Force Awakens but yet if a director takes a film in a direction that's different than what they have envisioned in their idealized mindset they hate that too because its too different. Honestly it seems like a damned if you do damned if you don't situation with a lot of fanboys. I'm as big of an Original Trilogy purist as the next fan but honestly there's a segment of the fanbase that irritates me because literally nothing seems good enough if its not what they grew up with.
Star Wars fans are such a finicky bunch. You can't be too similar or you're just copying a la The Force Awakens but yet if a director takes a film in a direction that's different than what they have envisioned in their idealized mindset they hate that too because its too different. Honestly it seems like a damned if you do damned if you don't situation with a lot of fanboys. I'm as big of an Original Trilogy purist as the next fan but honestly there's a segment of the fanbase that irritates me because literally nothing seems good enough if its not what they grew up with.

You seem to get this the most with SW and the DCEU, namely Superman.
So when Laura Dern says "Godspeed" to Leia and the fleeing rebels, does that mean the Judeo-Christian God exists in the Star Wars universe?
You seem to get this the most with SW and the DCEU with those characters, namely Superman.
Well issues with the DCEU I think are a bit more understandable. Those films have been poorly mismanaged. They could be done so, so much better. Even if you like those films I think you have to admit they've got a ton of problems. I also don’t quite think that everyone is nostalgia crazy for Reeve or those films. At least not in the same way because I don’t think most expect a continuation of those films and have an idea of what they think should happen like with Star Wars. I think it’s recognized that those films are good but also are dated to a degree. I like Reeve Superman a lot but at the end of the day they’re very much products of their time.

Star Wars though I think is a different situation. There seems to be a certain segment who just thinks that no matter what else comes along that only what they're nostalgic for matters. I love the Original Trilogy I truly do and do I think the sequels have been as good? No, but I also think people who act like they're so horrible wear the rose colored glasses and can't accept anything else. The exception to that has been Rogue One which in my opinion feels like a very safe Star Wars entry and plays as heavily if not more so to some degree on the nostalgia factor that people criticize the sequels for (I liked the film by the way). The new films have been competently made and are fun films for what they are. They aren't perfect but honestly not everything about the Original Trilogy is either. People are willing to overlook some aspects because those movies are now viewed as classics. Of course its hard to capture that feeling of what you grew up with but at the end of the day these movies are meant to appeal to a much broader audience than just fanboys.
Yes. I'll surely have at least Kylo and Poe, probably the lobster guards. Even if I don't love the flick I'll buy these beacuse I liked the carachters or the design. Same choice I did with Rogue One (which I disliked more than TLJ) but the imperials are too good looking to stay out of my house.
I may get the later version of Luke if they release it, which means I'll need to get Han from TFA and Leia from TLJ
TFA was a ok-ish film I enjoyed bits of it and it seemed like it was a half decent start to the new trilogy so much so that I bought a trooper, Snowtrooper, Flametrooper, Phasma, Kylo, Rey and Finn. I had hoped for great things from TLJ and was left cold and as a result will not be buying any figures from this film.
Nope, I am upset that I spent money on Rey, Finn, Phasma and Kylo now from TFA. If I had any clue this hot mess was coming out I could have saved 1,000.00
Didn't buy any TFA figures and I'm not going to buy and TLJ figures, I did buy RO figures, though. I really liked that movie.
I’m not above purchasing characters for love of toys and design. I bought SS Deadshot simply for that alone cause the movie sucked. I don’t need a super fond memory of the film to appreciate the character design in spite of the characterization.
No. I don't have enough money to collect figures from movies that I love, so it wouldn't make sense to blow money on this abomination.
Greedo, Boba Fett and lots of Stormtroopers are laughing in their grave when Han was killed by his own son. They're probably saying "that's kharma to you, you nerf herder!"

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