The Indy Premium Format Figure Countdown/Discussion Thread

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Thanks! I had to cancel him because too much was coming out and I was sure I could get him later, so when the contest came up, I said, "what the heck, I'm going for it" and well... :rock :rock :rock

Awesome! HIGH FIVE!

Now send me your Wrightson Frankie to pay it forward or some such. :lol

Oh wait... something something about Indy PF.
Goodness, so is having a gargantuan kick butt collection a requirement to be a mod?
I'd have to say, the only thing that would make me not get this is if Quantum Mechanix finally puts the Serenity 20" replica up at that time. It would be hard, but I don't think I could choose Indy over Serenity.
I don't think I could choose Indy over Serenity.

Question for those of you dropping so much coin on so many PFs. What do you like more, the individual franchises of those items or collecting statues in general? I mean, Robocop, Godfather, Marvel, Universal Horror, Star Wars, LOTR. Thats a wide spectrum of films, that while I like most of them, I only like 1 or 2 of those franchises enough to drop serious coin on.
Question for those of you dropping so much coin on so many PFs. What do you like more, the individual franchises of those items or collecting statues in general? I mean, Robocop, Godfather, Marvel, Universal Horror, Star Wars, LOTR. Thats a wide spectrum of films, that while I like most of them, I only like 1 or 2 of those franchises enough to drop serious coin on.

As for me, I love the Premium Format figures themselves, as they are the best representation of a character usually (IMO). The only line I really am a completest on now is the Universal Monster line. I don't collect statues just for the sake of collecting statues, but rather, if I like the statue, then I will get it usually.
As for me, I love the Premium Format figures themselves, as they are the best representation of a character usually (IMO). The only line I really am a completest on now is the Universal Monster line. I don't collect statues just for the sake of collecting statues, but rather, if I like the statue, then I will get it usually.

But it doesn't have to be like an "I love that movie" item for you to buy it?

I'm like that to a certain extent with 1/6th figures. Sometimes I might like a certain toy even more than the movie its based on. But they're cheap compared to PFs.
Personally the love for a movie/character always comes first. The Darkness may be a fantastic PF, but having never seen the film I wouldn't consider getting the statue. I have to have an emotional attachment otherwise it's just a bloke with large horns.
But it doesn't have to be like an "I love that movie" item for you to buy it?

I'm like that to a certain extent with 1/6th figures. Sometimes I might like a certain toy even more than the movie its based on. But they're cheap compared to PFs.

Not at all! I don't even have to know what movie or TV series or comic a figure is from (if there even is a source) as long as I like the figure itself. I look at them as art in their own right. Look at figures like the Copperhead-18 or Firesprectre... they are a work of art with no source other than the artist's mind!
Cool beans. Its neat to see a variety of reasons for collecting things.

I used to be very strict to collecting SW only because I couldn't afford to do SW and other stuff...and also because I was tied down to being a completist to whatever SW line I chose to collect. But more recently, I've been more interested in collecting for the coolness of a specific item more so than it having to be in a certain line or whatnot.
Cool beans.

Hold on....hold on.....hold on! I have to call shennagans on this part of the response.

Unless you are built like this:


You cannot get away with that saying.....

(Let's see who has seen the Speed Racer trailer and knows what I'm getting at.....)
My wife used that expression ever since I knew her (about 8 years now) and it wasn't long before that rubbed off on me and I use it.

She also says "big red truck" when someone misses something obvious. I like that one.

I thought it was funny when Ricci said it in the trailer (which looks awesome BTW).
Not at all! I don't even have to know what movie or TV series or comic a figure is from (if there even is a source) as long as I like the figure itself.

Come to think of it I liked the Iron Man Comiquette and wanted one of those before I knew the first thing about IM. As it turned out I started reading the New Avengers and wound up liking Iron Man enough to buy the figure. :lol