The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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No, this isn't Inception.

But its a Nolan film haha

Well ask yourself, did Selina die in the blast? The answer is no.

The point is Alfred saying that each year he imagines this (during BW's mia times). If it was an imagination it doesn't matter if Selina was there or not.

Alfred was balling like a baby at BW's grave and he sees BW suddenly and his only reactions is a nod? But anyways, theres all the other stuff like fixing of the bat signal, The Bat's updated auto pilot, and etc. that suggests BW didn't die, so I'm not overly concerned and I am going to interpret it the straightforward way as well like most people here. I just hate to think that BW "could be dead" given this is a Nolan film and you know Nolan likes people to discuss the endings. He probably could pull off an ending where BW actually dies, but he'd only do it subtly so people don't get pissed / sad.

BW LIVES for me though. What a great film. To celebrate this, I must buy all TDKR figures (lol excuses to collect).
Though I agree with a-dev somewhat, i'd rather have seen a more powerful bats in the last fight, he still gets his ass kicked, lol. And Bane nearly blowing his head off only for catwoman to save the day. Though I guess she did owe him one.

I either wanted to see Batman come back strong and totally beat Bane's arse on the same terms as the first fight or I wanted to see Batman have to try some kind of new strategy that Bane couldn't possibly counter - now don't ask me what that would be coz I don't know.

But what we got was really unsatisfying for me personally. Batman gets his ass kicked again and then for scant reason at all suddenly far fewer punches has a more damaging effect on Bane than a ****load of punches seemed to have in the first fight. And then you don't even get the cathartic thrill of Batman personally finishing Bane off, Catwoman kills him.

I dunno, I'm sure its kind of a childish "my dad could beat up your dad" level of argument about the film, but sue me.
Finally saw this last night... and I just didn't like it. Sorry guys, not trolling. I wanted to like it, and I was surprised that I didn't like it as much as I did.

I felt the opening Patel kidnapping summed up the entirety of this movie: overly complex, trying to be "smart" but for such a simple thing (as a kidnapping or holding a city hostage).

The dubbing of Bane's voice distracted me no end -- and why was Hardy channeling Peter Ustinov?

Catwoman was great, but simply in comparison to everything else that was so dreary and dull around her.

Movie was way too long, too many repetitive scenes.

Any movie that relies on a vision (Ghul) to express backstory isn't making much sense. Many of the characters came up with information they couldn't possibily have known. The choices sometimes of what was learned off-screen and what was shown on-screen was reverse of what I wanted to know.

Anyway, I know you guys don't want to hear this because you are genuinely enjoying it right now. But my guess is it will wear off you by the time the DVD is released and you find yourself just fast-forwarding to the Bane fights.
Anyway, I know you guys don't want to hear this because you are genuinely enjoying it right now. But my guess is it will wear off you by the time the DVD is released and you find yourself just fast-forwarding to the Bane fights.

Doubt it, I generally know what I like and what I don't when I see a film in the cinema.

Shame you didn't like it -
So, interested to see... What's everyone's favorite scene? (Besides Blake finding the cave of course.) :D

Mine would have to be the first brawl, or the scene between Dagget and Bane. "Do you feel in charge?"

Kinda simple for me. Blake finding the cave and "son your in for a show tonight" scene.
I thought this movie was the best Batman movie so far. It was perfect from start to finish for me. With the 'Dark Knight', I felt like it didn't quite live up to my expectations. With 'The Dark Knight Rises', I felt like it delivered and then some.

I think that what really helped me enjoy this movie so much is that I almost knew nothing about it. All I knew was that Batman was back and that it had Bane and Catwoman in it. But with the exception of one trailer, I saw almost no footage of it. The rest was a mystery so I really enjoyed discovering it all.

I've never read Batman comics but after watching this movie, I think Bane is one of the coolest villains ever. The amount of devotion and loyalty that his followers displayed was scary. Throughout the movie, Bane never failed to be a complete badass IMO and I loved him for it.

As much as I dreaded Anne Hathaway playing Catwoman, I was really impressed with her performance. I was worried that she was gonna be really whiney and useless but thank goodness, she wasn't. That woman owned like a boss. It was great to see her not only have the skills but the brains of a good criminal.
Fair enough :lol

It will be interesting to see thoughts on this film in 4-5 yrs time

Indeed it will. Upon the 3rd viewing last night I already started picking up hints of elements that probably won't hold up very well in time.

And after watching both BB and TDK again this week TDKR is definitely #3 out of the films for me. There PARTS of it that are among the coolest things in the trilogy... and I still like the ending... but overall, it's not quite up to par. I like it enough, but I definitely see most of the faults people find with it.

Whoever knew the BB=ANH, TDK=TESB, TDKR=ROTJ theories would become so apt. :lol
No Problem! The one thing i disliked in this movie is how Bane died. He just went to fast, and there was no mention of him throughout the rest of the film, could of at least done something with his character...

In the same fashion as there was no mention of him throughout the rest of the movie
I don't get the whole no mention of bane after he died talk, he got killed....they still had a A-bomb to deal with, wtf do you want? Them to stand around and talk about a dead guy....doesn't fit the plot line people.
I don't get the whole no mention of bane after he died talk, he got killed....they still had a A-bomb to deal with, wtf do you want? Them to stand around and talk about a dead guy....doesn't fit the plot line people.

How do you know he got killed? The guy took a round to a plate carrier (armored vest). We're talking about someone who can punch through stone collumns and lift a bigger man off the ground with a single arm. :lol
You'd think strength doesn't really make much difference if your hit by something like that IMO. However, for the record I think Bane survived.
You'd think strength doesn't really make much difference if your hit by something like that IMO. However, for the record I think Bane survived.

The amount of muscle tissue on his chest, along with the plate metal can make that hit more survivable than someone without armor and no muscle.
Finally saw this last night... and I just didn't like it. Sorry guys, not trolling. I wanted to like it, and I was surprised that I didn't like it as much as I did....

...Anyway, I know you guys don't want to hear this because you are genuinely enjoying it right now. But my guess is it will wear off you by the time the DVD is released and you find yourself just fast-forwarding to the Bane fights.

There's nothing wrong with dissenting opinions (except for those that always seem to dissolve into personal attacks here)...

It's been interesting to read all of the reactions- both positive and negative (now that the Nolan version of this character/story seems to be at an end)....

I liked TDKR BTW...a lot. For me, it made the previous two movies even stronger, and the two main things I expected not to like (Hathaway & Gordon-Lewitt) were actually among the strongest elements of the movie to me.

Are there issues with TDKR? You example is I'm bemused by the fact that I've got to read Banes's dialogue in the movie novelization to really understand what he's saying (especially with any of his long speeches)...and I know, I know...before anyone chimes in, I know I shouldn't have to do that...I should be able to understand it as presented in the movie but...that's the way it is.

It will be interesting to see how time and distance treats this (and all) of the Nolan Bat-films....I think they'll stand up. The Burton ones, while still cool to watch, seem trapped in the time by pop culture references (the Prince songs are really grating now) and hammy scenery-chewing (sorry, I know Nicholson's "Joker" is a god around here, but to me, he's always been "just Jack")....and the less said about the awful, overdone Schumaucker films, the better.

Like them or not, Nolan's films have a distinct vision in the from start to finish. The performances service the movies (instead of the personalities playing them) and the productions have a timeless feel to them I think will help them stand up to time.

I know I'll enjoy re-visiting all 3 of them once and a while once TDKR hits BR...I really like Nolan's take on this story.
Batman TDKR was great. Best ending of a trilogy movie in decades. Star Wars ROTJ was close to this one. The best thing of this movie is watching Batman fight in broad daylight.
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