Supreme Court has spoken - No need for investigation into Ohio Voter Fraud

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Super Freak
Jun 19, 2007
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Down in a Hole
This just keeps getting better and better.

I tried to provide a link from CNN as well, but strangely, I couldn't find one...

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed with Democratic Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, granting her a stay on Friday to a temporary restraining order from the 6th Circuit Court that ordered her to provide a system for implementing voter fraud prevention methods.

The decision by the full court repudiates the lower court's ruling siding with the Ohio Republican Party and ordering Brunner to verify records of about 200,000 of 666,000 new voters this year whose driver's license and Social Security records don't match information in other government databases.

Hedging her bets, Brunner filed a motion late Thursday night asking the federal appeals court to extend or modify an earlier order to come up with a system to help counties verify voter eligibility.

Circuit Court Judge George Smith set the completion time for Brunner to come up with a method for validating mismatched voter registration data at midnight Saturday. Brunner, who filed a request for a stay of the order with the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday, asked for a two-week extension so she could be compliant if the high court didn't see her way.

The Ohio Republican Party filed the initial suit challenging the state's compliance with the Help America Vote Act, alleging that the state has no system to deal with mismatched voter records.

On Tuesday, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati sided with the GOP. Brunner responded with an appeal to the high court.

In its reply brief to the Supreme Court, the Ohio GOP said if Brunner needed relief from the temporary restraining order then she should seek it from Smith, who issued the ruling.

So, looks like the election is a shoe in for Obama, fraudulent votes and all.
Instead, the ultra-reliable and always truthful Fox News does!!

Here, maybe you like CNN better. I had to search for it buried deep in their website.

Supreme Court backs Ohio officials in election disputeStory Highlights
NEW: High court backs Ohio Secretary of State in voter registration dispute

Earlier ruling ordered list of newly registered Ohio voters with mismatched data

Republican Party contends voter fraud could help swing state towards Obama

Ruling called Ohio system "virtually useless" in trying to combat fraud

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From Bill Mears
CNN Supreme Court Producer

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Supreme Court is backing Ohio elections officials in an ongoing dispute over allegations of voter registration fraud.

Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner filed the emergency appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court.

The justices in an unsigned opinion Friday blocked a lower court order directing the Ohio Secretary of State -- a Democrat -- to update its voter registration database after information provided by some newly registered voters did not match up with Social Security and driver registration numbers.

The state Republican party had asked for enforcement of a temporary restraining order, but the justices ultimately denied that request.

The appeal, from Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner and other elections officials, follows a Tuesday ruling from the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati that sided with the state GOP. It ordered Brunner to create a system by Friday to provide a list of newly registered voters whose Social Security numbers or driver's license numbers do not match their names.

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Court orders Ohio to verify newly registered voters
In Depth: Election Center 2008
Emergency appeal filed in Ohio voters case
The state Republican Party contends that there is widespread voter fraud in Ohio -- a crucial battleground state for the 2008 presidential election -- and that Brunner "turned off" its process for verifying voter registrations while allowing Ohioans to cast ballots on the same day they registered.

State GOP Chairman Bob Bennett has accused Brunner of concealing fraudulent voter registrations in hopes of swinging the state to Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate.

Brunner's office has acknowledged that preliminary information provided by about 200,000 registered voters may not match up. Brunner said Tuesday she had prepared for the appeals court's "possible adverse decision" ahead of time by announcing plans to "further improve the statewide voter registration database."

The appeals court opinion called Ohio's current system "virtually useless" and said it does "nothing to address the anti-fraud objective."
Instead, the ultra-reliable and always truthful Fox News does!!

And your point is? Are you trying to imply that Fox made up the story? It is fact. It is major news. Fox is reporting it as a major news item. CNN is not. Instead, they have a headline story about Obama's "surging momentum". Why do you think that is?
And your point is? Are you trying to imply that Fox made up the story? It is fact. It is major news. Fox is reporting it as a major news item. CNN is not. Instead, they have a headline story about Obama's "surging momentum". Why do you think that is?

CNN is terrible too!!... I was just making fun of the source, 'cuz we all know Fox News sucks!! ... or must of us do :monkey3
It's only a Supreme Court ruling. What do they know? :rolleyes:

And who cares about how so-called "news" outlets carry this story? Conservatives love Fox and Liberals love CNN and MSNBC. They're all biased. Why does this continue to surprise people?
I'd be willing to have a conversation, but with statements like "All hail Obama!", I don't want to.

I'm sick of these political threads.
I'd be willing to have a conversation, but with statements like "All hail Obama!", I don't want to.

I'm sick of these political threads.

Sorry, but when there is such a blatantly obvious case of fraud, and the need for investigation into how extensive it was, what other comment can possibly be made?

It is now obvious that Obama will win, but it is also obvious that, whether or not his victory is authentic, it will be tainted. Think Florida 2000, in reverse, on steroids.
As Obama said in the debate and I said in a past thread - seems like some people got lazy and made up names. It's only fraud if anyone tries to vote. Otherwise it's just laziness on the part of the registrars.

Obama's election could only possibly be tainted if it's a remotely close race - and it doesn't appear that will be the case.
Oh, I think it will be very close, in terms of the popular vote. The EV is another matter.

And whether you choose to consider it tainted or not, I do consider it so. I find the behavior of everyone involved shameful, and particularly I find Obama's lack of strong public condemnation particularly disappointing. His supporters keep trying to say what a great, ethical campaign he is running, yet he tacitly supports fraud by knowing it is happening well before the election and doing nothing to stop it.
Sorry, but when there is such a blatantly obvious case of fraud, and the need for investigation into how extensive it was, what other comment can possibly be made?

It is now obvious that Obama will win, but it is also obvious that, whether or not his victory is authentic, it will be tainted. Think Florida 2000, in reverse, on steroids.

Or 2004, where alot of Kerry votes mysteriously disappeared here in Ohio. :mad:

How can you vote more than once without them catching it?


nah, im gonna say it. Its great though. But I dont want to stoop down to the insult level. However, I will say on a scale of 1-10, how bad is fox news? About a 1000. They have Bill O'Riley. The nastiest human being i've ever seen. Therefor they suck. That and its Fox.