Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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The 3 Amigos were better heroes than Leia,Poe and purple head
I never expected Disney to screw this up, just goes to prove that their formula for manufacturing movies coming under criticism, they are just applying the same silly based story format and now people are pissed they apply the same crap to the Marvel.

The best think about this is that the actual fan reaction is finally being taken in to account in stead of these sell out critics.

this is very true. If you look at IM3, GOTG2, the last Thor movie etc, they are becoming silly movies, thin on character and plot development, and not memorable at all... but still entertaining for 2 hours vs TLJ which has gone to new lows IMO, even for Disney
The plan was to fire on the cannons weak point, the opening, which is also where the death ray is coming out of. I saw it as a desperate attempt that they badly misjudged.

Either Poe or Finn says that they need to engage and try to keep them off the door while they wait for help to arrive from Leia’s transmission. Not a stated suicide mission, but an attempt to delay the FO’s death blow.

That’s how I recall it anyway.

Ok thanks.. Guess I lost site of that because the ships they were in were useless so I thought driving a ship into the mini Death Star was the only way to stop it.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Lukia Skywalker?

In light of how the female lead characters are presented in the film, do you think Luke Skywalker would have been written differently if the character was a female?
bombs were magnetic, shows up in the visual dictionary. did you think space had sound in 77 or fire? :lol

Yeah physics and SW don't mix- people wake up- it's FANTASY- what Leia did in outer space makes as much sense as X Wings flipping and doing combat turns in space!:rotfl
Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Lukia Skywalker?

Sounds like you have a non-Star Wars related axe to grind.

By the way, BVS was in the 50's right after it was released, so I guess we can expect TLJ's score to rise in the months/years after its release.

wow, that's just weak. I previously referenced the phantom menace and attack of the clones scores but you sorta missed that post, so tried two new proxies this time. but keep trying to force your opinion on everyone, that's healthy LOL!!
I want to be on record as saying that I don;t hate everything about this film.. I like parts of it and the fact that it took some chances to not go down the same path as all other SW films

My issues are with the overall stories with plot holes, lack of anything really happening, and characters making questionable decision for the sake of plot...

IMO This had about enough plot for a good 50 min tv show not a 2 1/2 hour movie.

Had the film been able to execute what plot it had better then it would have been much easier to ignore the other smaller things I did not like. A better story with more character ramifications would have also made it easier to accept that it ignores questions set up by the first film. Had the movie been plot been better I really would not care about were Rey came from and why she has great powers so easily and why snoke was able to turn Kylo without ever meeting him. I find this film becomes easy to nit pick because it lacks an overall good story. Which was the problem I had with TFA but in a much different way.

For me personally I don;t hate any Star Wars films.. Even the PT is watchable to me. I will watch this one through the years also.. But I don;t want another SW film like this one.. One is enough. I hope JJ can bring it back around and make the first two film in this series make a bit more sense and more satisfying but I am not holding my breath.
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