Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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All I keep hearing Johnson say is how he's a "fan" and always has been!

I cannot see how I fan of Star Wars would have made this movie, I really don't!

When he says he's a fan...

Re: The Last Jedi OBJECTIVELY sucks. Your feelings are irrelevant.

Thank you!

I will also mention it took balls to post this as it's inevitable that you're going to get backlash from your bold statement.

But i wholeheartedly agree. Nothing more to say, there's no defending this.

Thanks. Yeah, I imagine there won't be much in the way of counter-arguments from people who defend The Last Jedi, because frankly, it's indefensible. How can you build a logical/rational argument that defends broken logic and reason? Instead, the people who enjoyed the film, most of them left wing, will emote at me with memes and platitudes. They'll try to get this thread pulled by the Mod, like a feminist pulling a fire alarm at a lecture they disagree with.

I actually view attempts to shut down debate as an achievement, because it means you've dominated those people intellectually. Evilface and "Snake Plissken" can't think, so they emote. It means I win. If they had an intelligible thought, they'd be proving me wrong. They know The Last Jedi sucks. They just hate being wrong. :lol
Re: The Last Jedi OBJECTIVELY sucks. Your feelings are irrelevant.

Thanks. Yeah, I imagine there won't be much in the way of counter-arguments from people who defend The Last Jedi, because frankly, it's indefensible. How can you build a logical/rational argument that defends broken logic and reason? Instead, the people who enjoyed the film, most of them left wing, will emote at me with memes and platitudes. They'll try to get this thread pulled by the Mod, like a feminist pulling a fire alarm at a lecture they disagree with.

I actually view attempts to shut down debate as an achievement, because it means you've dominated those people intellectually. Evilface and "Snake Plissken" can't think, so they emote. It means I win. If they had an intelligible thought, they'd be proving me wrong. They know The Last Jedi sucks. They just hate being wrong. :lol

It's so terrible is laughable. I would seriously have Finn wake up in his coma chamber yelling he has the worst dream ever and then just redo Ep8 making it all a dream.
Re: The Last Jedi OBJECTIVELY sucks. Your feelings are irrelevant.

Wow. Well written and boldly stated. I believe, like Vader, there is good in this film. Honestly, I think it just needed some VERY heavy editing and it would have been fine. That being said, the thread that started some 40 years ago has been broken and that sucks
The writing was just beyond lazy IMO! I could have come up with better reasons for Luke being on that islands than what RJ did!
Re: The Last Jedi OBJECTIVELY sucks. Your feelings are irrelevant.

Like it or not, I laugh at people who can't tell the difference between fact and opinion. But I do find people who insist their opinions are fact (and start a whole useless thread to prove the point) are even more laughable.

See this? ----------> :lol

That is me, laughing at you.
Audience Score on RT is down to 55% lol

At this rate it'll reach 50% by the time TLJ is released on home video.
It was this quote that threw me off a bit.

I thought you were saying that Luke's arc was not real in the OT and the "it wasn't all about him being the chosen one" sounded like a slight.. Like that was the only reason he proved himself in the OT

Misunderstood your meaning I guess

There are those on right and left who saw the same thing.. My very liberal Sister In law who has a doctorate in medical research (just pointing out she is not dumb :lol) stated how much she loved all the "messages" in the film..

When you talk about the worst people and then go to a rich looking snooty alien stroking his tentacle mustache it is pretty obvious what the joke is they were going for.

Like I said it took a bit to find out they were doing anything else except being rich. I also go by Hollywood's track record on such things :lol

Seems like there are a lot of people out there who think the same thing.

Again there are plenty of films that have little messages that I do and don't agree with.. It depends on the film if I feel like getting that sort of thing.. A Star Wars film is not the movie I want to have that in.. No matter if I agree with the message or not. Like Abusing animals.. I don't like it either.. But I don't need that message in a Star Wars film either.. Not in the ham fisted way they did it.

If the film/story been better it would be easy to ignore these things.

Especially of the alien giant Llama camel type. :lol

Yeah just like the previous 6 SW movies that preceded this one the movie isn’t perfect.

All this Disney hate and the harsh reality is this:

Marquand didn’t give us a perfect SW movie with ROTJ.
Lucas himself didn’t give us perfect SW movies THREE TIMES IN A ROW!
JJ Abrams didn’t give us a perfect SW movie.
Gareth didn’t give us a perfect SW movie.
Rian didn’t give us a perfect SW movie.

Should I say it again....

The creator himself didn’t give us perfect SW movies 3X in a row!

The backlash against Lucas is not what lead to Disney it was Lucas surrounding himself with YES people that lead us down the path to Disney.
Re: The Last Jedi OBJECTIVELY sucks. Your feelings are irrelevant.

Like it or not, I laugh at people who can't tell the difference between fact and opinion. But I do find people who insist their opinions are fact (and start a whole useless thread to prove the point) are even more laughable.

See this? ----------> :lol

That is me, laughing at you.


I think it was Plato who said The true mark of confidence in one’s beliefs is desperate repetition.
Walking dead disease officially named by got as Disney star wars...vaccine shot is called the force
Re: The Last Jedi OBJECTIVELY sucks. Your feelings are irrelevant.

Like it or not, I laugh at people who can't tell the difference between fact and opinion. But I do find people who insist their opinions are fact (and start a whole useless thread to prove the point) are even more laughable.

See this? ----------> :lol

That is me, laughing at you.

This entire thread is ABOUT the difference between fact and opinion. :lol It is a FACT that the internal logic of the film is broken. Your OPINION that you like the film is irrelevant. Your laughter isn't a premise, but an acknowledgement that you weren't smart enough to catch all of the (obvious) inconsistencies in the film. I understand. It's embarrassing. Just pay closer attention, next time. :rotfl
My thoughts are the following , I didn't dislike TLJ for being different I disliked it for not following a story that was set up by TFA. For two years we wondered who Snoke was, whos Ray's parents, Who are the Knights of Ren, How did Maz have Lukes saber, Will Finn also become a Jedi, what will Luke do with his Fathers saber he hasn't seen since Empire, how will Chewy cope with losing Han. Almost every one of these HUGE plot points were not addressed. Luke being disgruntled I get that, but turning his back on everything and giving up is ridiculous, at least have him "eventually" train Rey for the greater good of the Republic. The secondary plot of Finn and Rose was a waste of time, send Finn after Rey and have Luke decide to train him and not Rey. Really disappointed worst than the PT because they had such a good foundation with TFA. Only thing enjoyable was Kylo, and they destroyed his helmet which was the coolest thing about him.
I knew something was amiss when Kathleen fired the two directors of the Han Solo movie followed by Collin Trevorrow on Episode 9!
If those two movies tank it will be interesting to know what direction the original guys were gonna take those movies in. Will be a tell tale sign of whether they were cuckoo or it's Kathleen who knows nothing about Star Wars!
My thoughts are the following , I didn't dislike TLJ for being different I disliked it for not following a story that was set up by TFA. For two years we wondered who Snoke was, whos Ray's parents, Who are the Knights of Ren, How did Maz have Lukes saber, Will Finn also become a Jedi, what will Luke do with his Fathers saber he hasn't seen since Empire, how will Chewy cope with losing Han. Almost every one of these HUGE plot points were not addressed. Luke being disgruntled I get that, but turning his back on everything and giving up is ridiculous, at least have him "eventually" train Rey for the greater good of the Republic. The secondary plot of Finn and Rose was a waste of time, send Finn after Rey and have Luke decide to train him and not Rey. Really disappointed worst than the PT because they had such a good foundation with TFA. Only thing enjoyable was Kylo, and they destroyed his helmet which was the coolest thing about him.

Look Snikt this is what an honest person looks like. :lol
Re: The Last Jedi OBJECTIVELY sucks. Your feelings are irrelevant.


I think it was Plato who said The true mark of confidence in one’s beliefs is desperate repetition.

It was also Plato who believed that there's an abstract plane of existence, filled with abstract objects (Forms) that are perfect, while nothing in existence will ever live up to the perfection of those abstractions. Plato was a moron. :lecture

Obtaining knowledge requires a repetitive attempt to falsify one's own beliefs. (Thank Karl Popper). You need to learn how to learn.

Do you have a premise, regarding the quality of The Last Jedi? I don't think Plato will help you.
Especially of the alien giant Llama camel type. :lol

Yeah just like the previous 6 SW that preceded this one the movie isn’t perfect.

All this Disney hate and the harsh reality is this:

Marquand didn’t give us a perfect SW movie with ROTJ.
Lucas himself didn’t give us perfect SW movies THREE TIMES IN A ROW!
JJ Abrams didn’t give us a perfect SW movie.
Rian didn’t give us a perfect SW movie.

Should I say it again....

The creator himself didn’t give us perfect SW movies 3X in a row!

The backlash against Lucas is not what lead to Disney it was Lucas surrounding himself with YES people that lead us down the path to Disney.

Personal disdain for Ewoks (the only divisive aspect of ROTJ) & the missteps of the PT are not an excuse for the abhorrent **** show Johnson delivered with TLJ.

Not sure why you think citing said issues with previous films somehow exonerates this one. Again, there's no reason to apologize for TLJ. You had nothing to do with this garbage movie.
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