Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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These story focus groups writing a character like Holdo, have never seen how hierarchies naturally form. It's hard to believe she rose through the ranks of the resistance without getting any special treatment or having some connections. Nothing about her appearance or management style would compel any grunt to want to die under her command.
I saw your AOTC redo mister. :tap


Great job :hi5:

But I agree had GL been the idea person and not surrounded by scared YES people they could’ve should’ve would’ve been magical.

Now what did you do with Khev give him back he is literally the only other person besides me and Zach that likes TLJ and I really don’t even like it so this thread needs him more than ever.

I like the last jedi. It's a good movie and I look forward to the next one

At some point to be able to compare things you have to introduce data. If you look at reviews lists and total gross dollars of GOAT movies where people paying money (adjusted for inflation) is intersecting with popular ratings that will correlate the original OT IS the final word for all things star wars. En mass especially if you are from this generation of 1977 and a true fan of the franchise, for many people it can be taken as a art form for visual film as the worst thing they have seen comparing it to the original trilogy which according to data is one of the top if not the most popular and highest grossing trilogy franchises.

The critics are going to love anything Disney puts out because they and Warner Bros own practically everything for distribution now. If a critic trashes their product they get blackballed. So of course to save your means to eat and survive and have access to releases, a favorable review will unfortunately be drawn regardless. I do not give any credence to critic reviews because there is always agenda or some influence for ALMOST all reviewers. Its their job, watching movies for most of us is a hobby and there is no ramifications if I say The Last Jedi sucks donkey ****. At the end of the day, I only care about one person's thumb's up or thumb's down.

When I say it is the worst movie ever, I mean it. I am going beyond the content of the movie as well, it is the social ramifications and sensitivity taken into the movie by Disney and the Lucasfilm team that delivered such a big fat turd from what I saw with my own eyes last night. I could see it 100 times and the opinion will not change. Its poorly written, poorly executed in its style of inclusion for all creed, color and sizes. I am for diversity, I am in a mix race marriage but that poor writing and execution of the inclusion "just because we can" cannot be over looked.

Most of all, in my opinion, this movie was done the way it is to make the 1977 generation to go the **** home. As they sincerely meant in the movie, "let the past die" dialog was malicious with intent for Disney's ultra liberal agenda and it was front and center stage in this flick. Its too hard to please the lightning in a bottle crowd and they do not want to have the high expectations to deliver on another Star Wars or Empire Strikes Back movie. So the profitable decision long term is to shove off the aging population and introduce younger, newer ethnic characters and story to the franchise.

Disney spent way to much money on the license, theme parks merch and 10 more movies in the next xxx years for this to not set up to succeed.

Sadly my best days as a fan are gone but I will rest easy knowing I can pop in a blu-ray or de-specialized edition and get my fill any time I want to have my Star Wars fix.

This guy has it right!
Seriously.. What doe the S is ST stand for??

Never mind.. Figured it out... :lol

OT = Original

PT = Prequel

ST = Sequel

Slow poke lol

Be careful - there is Sequel Trilogy Deconstruction afoot!


Well, I just got back from seeing this. I haven't read the bulk of posts here, but have gleaned some of the main critiques. My own thoughts:

I thought it was good overall. Flawed, yes. I would put it about on par with the Force Awakens, but for different reasons. Pros for me were the acting by some of the principals--Hamill, Driver, Ridley, Isaac--visuals were amazing, and the mood, score, set pieces, and cinematography were very well done/presented by and large. Storywise, I like that they took some risks. Force Awakens (and Rogue One) was so dang by the numbers that it was off-putting to me. Here, I would have done some things differently, but I applaud the willingness to not do the safest thing.

On the other hand, there were a number of issues with the story in my mind. A carryover from the prior film was that we still don't really know how the First Order achieved this level of power and influence, and now I'm confused as to how the rebellion is so small at the starting point in the film. These are such essential story elements that the film would have done well to better flesh this out, even with exposition on the order of the guy recognizing salt on the ground instead of snow.

Kylo Ren's arc was really odd to me. He was so conflicted, then seems resolved, but still oddly conflicted. . .they could do a better job letting us know where he's going. He is committed to Snoke, then he wants to scrap everything and rule the universe with Rey, then he immediately decides to only destroy the rebellion and Luke when she snubs him? Still whiny kid I guess overall.

Snoke was handled oddly. Everything they showed suggested he is all-powerful, Rey gets tossed around like she is a rag doll, but then Kylo who got schooled by Rey gets the best of Snoke. . . Leia allowing Laura Dern to stay behind was really weird. Leia is old as dirt. If someone in command is to stay behind, why not her, and let the younger guard stay on to fight into the future? But Leia is happy as a lark to jump on that escape pod and leave her second in command behind. Made me dislike her character quite a bit.

The anti-war mongering seemed a bit weird. Not sure where they were going fully. Really silly and simplistic to say that the rich are only arms manufacturers. There are no other thriving industries in the Star Wars-verse? Ending with broom kid was a weird way to foreshadow the next film. Are children going to come to the aid of the rebellion? Seems like the non-aligned groups who will inevitably rise up against the Order could have been better explored here. Who are they, what do they do, and why might they dislike the Order? All they all slaves working for the arms manufacturers?

Also, some characters I thought didn't work well. Del Toro's character's mannerisms were annoying, Fisher was incredibly wooden (though I don't blame the filmmakers for giving her the role that they did). Hux was treated like a comedic foil, but it didn't work that well IMO. Phasma seems that much more pathetic now, though they kept portraying her like a bad-ass in how she was shot. Chewy, R2, and 3PO serve no meaningful role.

Putting all that aside, I give it a 6.75/10. I enjoyed it. Most of these issues turned up on further reflection, and didn't distract me during the film too much. Luke's ending felt good. Not a movie I'll want to revisit anytime soon, but that's par for the course with Star Wars and Disney nowadays.

Well they never said ALL RICH are evil did they.

Wasn’t it odd though how TFA ends with a HUGE victory for the resistance with the destruction of Starkiller base yet TLJ starts with the FO powerful again and the resistance small and fragile like you said.

It even said in the crawl that the FO was gaining strength.

I accept the resistance small they lost their planets but the FO big and strong weird.

Great review btw.

S stands for sheetty


Was the volume on and did you wear your right prescription eyeglasses?...Did anyone sit next to you and hand you a envelope that has the letters K H E V on it and did you open it?...If You did a cocoon will be placed by your trailer out not fall asleep like Zach it?


No, not sure, yes, and of course.


:lol :lol

People hating on the movie is fine as it was undoubtedly divisive but all the fans have left the discussion so I have no one to chat with, lol.

Glad to see that JAWS came around on his initial AOTC > TLJ craziness. I think the one reviewer (Forbes I think) who compared TLJ to Iron Man 3 and Spectre made a very apt observation. I pretty much hated Spectre but can still recognize that in many ways it was still a very well made film. I just thought that Bond was once again a creepy loser and was put off by how lamely the bad guy was dealt with. And then with IM3 I thought that it was weak how Stark seemed to hide behind his remote controlled drone suits and that the finale just went one twist too far. But it had a very clever script, tight visuals, solid performances including Kingsley who was just insane.

I wouldn't say that I loved IM3 but there was still a lot to appreciate. And that's really where TLJ should be even for those who didn't like how the story panned out. It was good to great with regard to filmmaking on so many levels yet people are taking their personal biases on what they think should and should not be in SW or what Luke Skywalker should and shouldn't do and are just going off the deep end with it. Not all people who dislike the film are going that route obviously but it does seem to be the case for most of those who are the most vocal.

Take a film like AOTC where there were actually only a few short *minutes* of watchable entertainment out of the entire movie. The Clonetrooper designs, Gunships, and Natalie's white outfit. That's pretty much it. Every other scene was just embarrassingly painful. Actors with no charisma OR chemistry awkwardly trying to spout terrible dialogue in front of jarring 2D cartoon backgrounds. It was just horrible on so many levels and yet you've got people confidently claiming that TLJ was worse? Crazy.

But eh, to each their own. I loved both the story of TLJ and how the story was told so win/win for me. Other people apparently want to portray it as a meme-worthy disaster which is quite bizarre but who am I to judge. ;)

With a post like that makes me happy you returned from your self imposed exhile on Dairy Queen Island and misfits porgs.

Im never drinking milk again


It's interesting how the power of a Disney logo can make people both like and dislike something more than they actually would. :lol

Well said Mr. Channing.


Omg it’s happening in reverse !!!!!!

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Oh my.

Kahn knew it was time for the Federation to die. And, with great wisdom, he targeted the useless Russian.

Take note, SSF.


I thought that TLJ felt more like SW than ROTJ did. When we saw SW in 1977 everything was new and blew our minds. Then in 1980 ESB greatly changed what we understood about the Force and the characters (the WTF nature of the Dagobah cave plus Vader as Luke's father and Leia falling for Han instead of Luke.) It was ROTJ that started the trend of just repeating the same beats as the first two films and then George wanted the PT to "rhyme" and so the repetition continued. TFA? Well that one goes without saying. ;)

In TLJ everything fit with SW/ESB but was still new and it was really nice to be able to have that feeling when watching a SW flick again.

Well said but with SW 77 it was actually new to us but the world they inhabited looked so old and used.

The theater I saw SW summer of 77, ESB 80 and ROTJ 83 is now a Pier 1 Import and Applebees. :lol

Of course TLJ has far better acting and visuals. But besides the good acting and visuals I think TLJ was at least as bad or inferior to AOTC in structure and plot. Which would have gone largely ignored by angry fans if Kennedy/Johnson hadn't taken it a step further and besmirched beloved characters and broke long standing OT "rules". Folks who have been fans of a franchise for four freaking decades are going to react to that sort of thing....:dunno


Into the Saarlac pit you go! Now think it over for a 1000 yrs!



And out I come, muahahaha. :devil

Is Fett’s butt on fire?

So hard to divorce those things you mention. You could be right, but with Attack of the Clones, the cheesy jokes, the horrible, overdone CG, the cringe-worthy dialogue, the terrible, unlikable characters. . .I'll take Last Jedi type films any day over anything like the prequels. Warts and all.

Pure genius this kara is. You must have a PhD in the study of Spazz.

That is one area where the prequels win I suppose.


lol true

It's true, all of it.

But another thing that bothers me is how foreign TFA and TLJ are to each other in comparison. A trilogy should be largely cohesive but instead TLJ seems downright hostile towards the plot of TFA. I can't believe people just say...."meh it's Rian Johnson's take" and accept that. Shouldn't the studio make sure there is continuity from film to film? I think so...

I think that’s a fair criticism.

Luke in self-imposed exile: George's idea. Interesting.

From the Art of the Last Jedi book:

I knew Lucas was still involved.

Also Emilia Clarke's character in Solo is named Kira which was Rey's original name.

No argument there! :duff

I like that name Kira. Khevira

Who can i blame here guys??????
Who can i throw under the bus?


Is it still.....


She looks like the Rankin Bass Little Drummer Boy there.

Finally the truth comes out! :yess:

Nope I still like it just messing with JAWS and Khev.

I will like this movie until my demise.

Oh **** BUS!

The moral of the last jedi was:

you have been a failure all your life, failure is good.
Reject your father figures, they have nothing to offer you in 2017.
Reject God and religion, they are not needed or page turners; and of course Rose line about saving the ones you love not hurting the ones you hate

Luke Skywalker is probably among the top ten most popular movie characters ever
hes a pop culture icon at this point

they turned him from a noble and optimistic (if naive) do-gooder in to a jaded outcast and murderer without any real explanation

then killed him off and had him die alone on some crappy rock

That sounds great, another!

The worst part is not even the sjw stuff.
It sucked for legitimate inconsistencies in the plot that was written by a guy that hated the force awakens or he doesnt understand what JJ was building.
Rose and Poe had no romantic interactions before their kiss. The admiral should have just told the crew the plan and nobody would have mutinied. The hacker had no way of knowing the rebels were already escaping on small ships. And worst off they refuse to make Rey into a properly developed character. They just keep giving her Mary Sue force powers with zero explanation and if you question it you hate women. Despite Luke being crap with the force in the start and Anakin trained for years as an apprentice. No sure. She just happens to be good enough to take down a room of imperial guards and the man that is now the strongest member of the first order.

Go tell Grace she said in her Oceans 8 trailer analysis that if you’re going to have women in these lead roles like Rey they need to be as competent as their male counterparts or else what are you saying about women.

You have poor taste in women.
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You and those fookin Invasion of the Kennedy Snatchers cocoons lol

I made my list of the first 3 things I would do if I was Superman.

1. Imprison or murder all liberals.
2. Enslave all conservatives to hard labor time for new pyramids
3. Sexually harass Natalie Portman’s ass

But that would leave only the omega man
how do you guys feel about Rose sexually raping Fin and forcing herself on him by kissing him without fin ever making any sexual advances or interest in rose ? Will she claim rape in episode 9 a she said he said thing ?


They work together and it’s obviously a sexual assault and sexual harassment because it happened while on the job and during a mission. He should therefore seek immediate legal counsel and file suit against her.

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Even in a galaxy far far away a man who complains of a girl hitting on him is not a man at all.

Even if it’s your boss and she fires you for turning her advances down you suck it up and get another job.

You’re either a man or a whiny whiner.
Even in a galaxy far far away a man who complains of a girl hitting on him is not a man at all.

Even if it’s your boss and she fires you for turning her advances down you suck it up and get another job.

You’re either a man or a whiny whiner.

Or a male feminist soy juice drinking liberal???
Heston blew up the earth because he saw those church snoke people watching TLJ
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