Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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How the hell did she and Finn even survive that? That was a bit of a wtf moment for me - high-speed vehicular collisions usually kill people, not save them. :lol

He did have his harness on, it was the only thing on the entire ship that didn't look 100 years old. :lol
From my point of view TLJ did alien3 Luke.

Fair enough. To me Hamill's performance 100% convinced me that I was indeed watching a continuation of his character from ROTJ but the fate of Luke Skywalker is such hallowed ground for so many that the continuation of his story was bound to be off putting and divisive whether they played it safe or dared to stray from the straight and narrow as TLJ did.

And Rose and Finn ... That romance was one for the ages, soo much chemistry :lol

Definitely more chemistry than freaking Anakin and Padme! :rotfl

And they were just side characters anyway, not the male and female lead who took up 70% of the film's screen time.
Bizarre and never once hinted at theories about "light side voids" aren't subtext. Neither is the complete lack of basics that has been laid out concerning the first order and resistance.

Light Side void is my term, use whatever you want to describe the "Balance" factor of the Force which has been there since before the OT was even made. And the origins of the FO and Resistance as told on screen is a separate subject not really related to the discussion at hand. :) I've always agreed that they could have painted a clearer picture on how exactly the FO rose to power.
From my point of view TLJ did alien3 Luke. And Rose and Finn ... That romance was one for the ages, soo much chemistry :lol

For me, Luke's cinematic journey ends the moment he throws away his FATHER'S LIGHTSABER like an empty can of beer.

Everything leading up until that point was building up to the legend of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, a legend Johnson goes on to take a massive diarrhea crap on.
Light Side void is my term, use whatever you want to describe the "Balance" factor of the Force which has been there since before the OT was even made. And the origins of the FO and Resistance as told on screen is a separate subject not really related to the discussion at hand. :) I've always agreed that they could have painted a clearer picture on how exactly the FO rose to power.

So this balance creates fully trained Jedi from scratch?

A balance it didn't feel was necessary during the times of OT or PT? Even Anakin and Luke needed extensive training.
For me, Luke's cinematic journey ends the moment he throws away his FATHER'S LIGHTSABER like an empty can of beer.

Everything leading up until that point was building up to the legend of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, a legend Johnson goes on to take a massive diarrhea crap on.

I was going to counter this but the fact that you put "father's lightsaber" in caps totally destroys my side of the debate so I have no choice but to concede victory. ;)
For me, Luke's cinematic journey ends the moment he throws away his FATHER'S LIGHTSABER like an empty can of beer.

Everything leading up until that point was building up to the legend of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, a legend Johnson goes on to take a massive diarrhea crap on.

That scene made me feel so uneasy. There were some chuckles in the theater but I could tell people were perplexed.
That's when I realized this movie really wasn't going to be what I had hoped for.
This movie is just awful. I had NO expectations, I had NO fan fiction in my head about what I thought would be cool. I don't lye in bed at night thinking about what I want to see happen, nor day dream about what I think would be cool. I wait for the movie and then base my opinion on what I see and whether or not it resonates with me. I have 8 movies, 100's of episodes of animation, and many cannon novels creating 40 years of backstory I've experienced and expect the story to continue to make sense.

I never understood the backlash against Lucas for the PQ's. They weren't great, but I enjoyed them. It's his story, not mine. The movies introduced a lot of great characters I still love today, based on STORY & VISUALS. So far EP 7 & 8 mean nada to me. Not one thing visually, or story wise makes me want to spend money on a collectible. The closest would be BB-8, but after seeing super BB-8 in ep8, I like him less.

I've said from day one, Disney buying SW was gonna be a slow death. My friends & family thought I (being a huge SW fan for 40 years, I was 5 in 1977, and having probably spent in excess of $40- $50k in merchandise in my lifetime) was crazy. I also said one day the fans will wish Lucas was back since they were the reason he sold to Disney being tired of the hate.... Now we no longer have the creator steering the ship, but random people, whether fans or not, telling us how they think Star Wars should be. This is the 1st time in 40 years I have no excitement over what comes next. I fear for Solo, and as of now have no desire for Ep9...
That scene made me feel so uneasy. There were some chuckles in the theater but I could tell people were perplexed.
That's when I realized this movie really wasn't going to be what I had hoped for.

you already decided to hate it 15 minutes in, no wonder. :lol
Bizarre and never once hinted at theories about "light side voids" creating fully trained Jedi from scratch aren't subtext. Neither is the complete lack of basics that has been laid out concerning the first order and resistance.

Months is still better than absolutely zero training.

Then how did she beat him. Sorry, but "giving it your all" doesn't matter if your opponent is better than you and has more experience.

She didn't beat Kylo since that was never Kylo intention in the first place. He was toying with her and trying to bring her over. Sure she got the upper hand but the fight is really more like a stalemate if you really want to get into it since the planet is falling apart. It has been shown many times that Kylo doesn't even need a lightsaber to hurt someone.

It is amazing that until today that scene was the source of the Mary Sue comparison that Rey has gotten and that many people missed the point of that scene.
you already decided to hate it 15 minutes in, no wonder. :lol

That's not what I said. That scene made me lower my expectations and be open to something weird and different, so really I shouldn't have hated it. Yet, I did. That's how bad it was.

I clearly remember thinking "alright now it's gonna get better" when every key scene started, but that never happened. And then the major letdown with Luke of course.
She didn't beat Kylo since that was never Kylo intention in the first place. He was toying with her and trying to bring her over. Sure she got the upper hand but the fight is really more like a stalemate if you really want to get into it since the planet is falling apart. It has been shown many times that Kylo doesn't even need a lightsaber to hurt someone.

It is amazing that until today that scene was the source of the Mary Sue comparison that Rey has gotten and that many people missed the point of that scene.

So Kylo was toying with her and had the upper hand the whole time? Even when he was getting his butt kicked and face slashed? Those don't seem like things that would happen to people totally in control of the situation.

No, but I don't really want to re-explain so we can leave it at that. :duff
So far you really haven't been able to.
I was going to counter this but the fact that you put "father's lightsaber" in caps totally destroys my side of the debate so I have no choice but to concede victory. ;)


I knew it. I felt the conflict within you. Two more viewings and your grade will be down to 7/10.
So Kylo was toying with her and had the upper hand the whole time? Even when he was getting his butt kicked and face slashed? Those don't seem like things that would happen to people totally in control of the situation.

Whatever man. Looking at your posts with Khev you have already made your decision about the series and nothing will change your mind.

I am glad SW will continue and continue to strive without your support of the franchise. Good riddance I say.
it is funny how if you google the last jedi this question shows up :lol

i have never seen that for any movie :lol

Whatever man. Looking at your posts with Khev you have already made your decision about the series and nothing will change your mind.

I am glad SW will continue and continue to strive without your support of the franchise. Good riddance I say.

Damn dude, get to the point where you can't defend your position anymore and you start throwing put personal insults. Real mature.

And this series is mine just as much as it is yours.
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