Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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About to sit down with it again. Waiting in the theater watching the AWFUL previews.

I will take TFA over the rest of this crap any day. We get so few decent sci do epics.....never mind a good Star Wars movie.

I was so happy to hear my wife say she would like to see it again....and the kids jumped right in and said they wanted to see it again also.

It's amazing what garbage passes for entertainment these days.....(I am sure someone will quote me on that about TFA) but the truth is it's a good film , lots of fun!

BTW it's Tuesday at 1:00 and the theater is packed..........Avatar is never going to survive this.

Good job Disney!

I liked most of the previews at my two showings. They were different for 3D and 2D. Star Trek got the most reaction out of the audience. The Pets one did for 3D.
Seriously, that Zootopia trailer is one of the most excruciating I've had to sit through, to say nothing of the seemingly five minute long trailers for Kung Fu Panda 3, Star Trek, and Warcraft. Star Wars is one of the rare franchises where I just want to *get to the movie* and it's a double whammy when the previews that you don't want to watch in the first place all suck. :lol

Even BvS, Apocalypse, and Civil War are all snoozers at this point.

The ONE halfway entertaining preview (Deadpool) of course has to be the one that's like 30 seconds long.

Didn't get to see Warcraft or Deadpool. :(

I love trailers. Most of them I saw I plan on seeing hopefully.
That warcraft movie and Gods of Egypt were on the reels for TFA in both 2D and 3D at my theater. Both movies look TERRIBLE.
That warcraft movie and Gods of Egypt were on the reels for TFA in both 2D and 3D at my theater. Both movies look TERRIBLE.

Must've shown different ones all over. Didn't see Gods of Egypt either. There was one that I didn't care for which looked to be some kind of Japanese animation. No interest there.
How do you know he was never trained with a saber? It seems to have been established in the movie that Stormies do get a comprehensive weapons training; including saber training. Also, Finn probably only fared as well as he did against Ren because Ren was wounded by a blast from Chewbacca's bowcaster.

Ok say he did have saber training and Rey was wounded. He still shouldn't have stood a chance against a trained member of the dark side. Like I said I enjoyed the movie. I'm not trying to pick it apart. Just some things that stood out to me that I didn't care for.
I think a healthy Kylo who hadn't just patricided our hero would have dispatched Finn easily. Dude was all sorts of bonked by the time he got there. Killed dad, shot by uncle, giant laser failing, best friend Hux mad at him...not his best day ever.
In the SE Jabba keeps saying to Han, "Han me boukee," (Han my boy) over and over. But if you watch ROTJ Jabba tells Luke "Your mind powers will not work on me BOY." But the "Huttese" he speaks does not end the sentence with "boukee." Just another sloppy ass goof by the Special Editions.

Actually many languages use different words for the same words that are used with different meanings or connotations, like Cantonese for example. When he called Han "My Boy" it was said in more of a friendly way, where as when Jabba called Luke "boy" it was meant in a derogatory way. Hence the different words, because the use had different meaning. Not saying that was why it was that way in the movie, just saying that there is precedent.
Yeah Phantom Menace dared to be different. A battle at the beggining, rescuing a royal damsel in distress, a Force sensitive kid on Tatooine, visiting a hive of scum and villainy and then concluding with an attack on a space station that was destroyed by torpoedoes from a one man fighter. Oh yeah, the mentor Jedi gets killed by a Sith in front of his apprentice. George really stretched himself with that one. :)
You can (and you actually often do :lol ) find vague similarities in themes across movies. I believe you compared Empire to Winter Soldier that way recently? But if you're being honest, it's hard to deny that Lucas was really trying to do something different with the sequels. Sure he included lots of nods and references to the originals. But on balance, those films were meant to reflect a new and different take on Star Wars.

They sucked. No doubt about that, but Lucas was trying to innovate in lots of ways. From the Jedi council, to the real politics behind the larger story, to midichlorians, to a funky cloning sub-plot, to all kinds of things I'm sure I don't remember. The Force Awakens is an extremely transparent attempt to crib the best ideas, in JJ's mind, from the originals, and go from there. Fan service isn't something he inserts here and there as George did in the prequels. It is the single most over-riding concern. And of course, I prefer the latter approach at least for this one film, as does the mass public apparently. But JJ and Kasdan were a lot more conservative than Lucas was.

Ok say he did have saber training and Rey was wounded. He still shouldn't have stood a chance against a trained member of the dark side. Like I said I enjoyed the movie. I'm not trying to pick it apart. Just some things that stood out to me that I didn't care for.
The only way you can justify it is by Kylo being wounded, and the fact that he actually wasn't all that well trained. And I think they hinted at that. Yet, when he's in the woods fighting, he doesn't appear overly weak. He tosses Rey into the tree without much effort, for example. And throughout the film, until he meets Rey, he seems fairly competent and in command of his powers. So the only suggestion that he wasn't even fully trained was the cartoon emperor guy saying that he needed to "complete his training." They certainly could have done more to demonstrate why he wasn't dominating Finn, and why he didn't put up more of a fight against Rey IMO. Because I considered the same issues you did here.
The Finn duel... sure, he should have dominated - but remember, Finn WAS a trained Storm Trooper so he should have been somewhat competent. Then you can make the 'well he was injured, he was conflicted/distracted' argument as to why Ren didn't mop the floor with him.,

But with Rey... he was toying with her, trying to recruit her. It wasn't until her 'force moment' when she actually started to get the upper hand and went on the offensive, and I think she caught him off guard - and you can make the same 'well he was injured, he was conflicted/distracted' argument. He was genuinely surprised by her.
The Finn duel... sure, he should have dominated - but remember, Finn WAS a trained Storm Trooper so he should have been somewhat competent. Then you can make the 'well he was injured, he was conflicted/distracted' argument as to why Ren didn't mop the floor with him.,

But with Rey... he was toying with her, trying to recruit her. It wasn't until her 'force moment' when she actually started to get the upper hand and went on the offensive, and I think she caught him off guard - and you can make the same 'well he was injured, he was conflicted/distracted' argument. He was genuinely surprised by her.
I don't think he was toying with her at all. And it doesn't make sense to try and recruit someone by. . .proving that you can out-duel them? It wasn't like Vader, who was trying to recruit Luke to the Dark Side by getting him to embrace his hatred. Interestingly, Rey did seem to get a bit overly aggressive at the end, possibly to the point where she could even kill Kylo. Until the earth rift.

Finn was a trained Storm Trooper, who previously got his ass handed to him, with a light saber, against another random Storm Trooper. Against a Sith guy? Even injured? I don't buy it. I can roll with it, but it's something the film could have done a better job with.
I don't think he was toying with her at all. And it doesn't make sense to try and recruit someone by. . .proving that you can out-duel them? It wasn't like Vader, who was trying to recruit Luke to the Dark Side by getting him to embrace his hatred. Interestingly, Rey did seem to get a bit overly aggressive at the end, possibly to the point where she could even kill Kylo. Until the earth rift.

Finn was a trained Storm Trooper, who previously got his ass handed to him, with a light saber, against another random Storm Trooper. Against a Sith guy? Even injured? I don't buy it. I can roll with it, but it's something the film could have done a better job with.

He was just advancing on her and knocking her lightsaber away every 4th step while she backed away. Hardly a duel. Then the 'You need a teacher, I can show you the ways fo the force....' THEN Rey kicks in.

For Finn, he was in pure 'adrenaline mode' after Rey was knocked out. Kylo almost enjoyed the fight. A little torture and then a finishing move. He was toying with both of them. And it's been said over and over... Kylo isn't a Sith yet - he wasnt' a Darth _____.
The Finn duel... sure, he should have dominated - but remember, Finn WAS a trained Storm Trooper so he should have been somewhat competent. Then you can make the 'well he was injured, he was conflicted/distracted' argument as to why Ren didn't mop the floor with him.,

Kylo should have taken the lightsaber away from Finn before there was even a fight and then cut his head off. Five seconds and it's done, the same way Samuel Jackson killed Jango Fett. I hate when powerful characters fail to do the obvious thing. In the last F4 film, Dr. Doom can kill people easily with his mind...but when it came time to fight the heroes, did he do that before they could even do something? Nope...he got into a fist fight :lol