Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Biggs went to the academy I think and was then a rebel. Academy i assumed is for youngsters who want to join the rebellion

Biggs went to the Imperial Academy, trained to be a pilot, then defected to join the Rebellion. I think his plan all along was to join the Rebellion but the best way to do that, and get off Tatooine, was to join the Empire

The Rebellion does not have 'an academy', that's why the Empire was hunting down the Rebels, to destroy them. If there was a Rebel Academy, it would get blown up pronto.

Chewie hands him a blue one as they're about to head back outside at Starkiller Base. Han does a double take. Seriously.

Oh, was that what that look was?? I didn't catch that reference, nice little easter egg.
Anybody else find it annoying when both Finn and Rey activated Luke's lightsaber using the blade length adjuster and not the activation switch?

Actually, I didn't see them use any switch.

As for Rey defeating Kylo, could she have possibly tapped into the force when Kylo, for lack of a better word, "mindmelded" with Rey?

Also, I have to wonder if Kylo and Rey are more closely related than just possible cousins.
Ok, just returned from my 3rd.

It is time to gladly eat my own words.

Everyone get out of my way, I need a straight line to Khev's feelings on this movie.

It finally clicked with me today, I have now fully embraced this movie, it truly does belong here with us among the clouds.

I can now confidently place this movie up there alongside the OT.

Further thoughts:

Old man on Jakku clearly reminded Kylo that he wasn't raised by the darkside like the FO was.

Right there at the start of the movie we're already being told that Kylo is weaker and more vunerable than he wants to be, he can still easily lose in a battle of will or strength.

That right there sold me why Rey got the upper hand on him.

Maz improved this time, as did Snoke. I always liked Snoke's scenes, music and his voice, just his look that bugged me.

Junk dude on Jakku has a really cool voice.

Final assault had mini death star generators from ROTJ that Poe was taking out.

During the MF escape off Jakku there were musical cues from the ESB asteroid escape!

Kylo seeing that Rey is always thinking about an island. That tells you right there that she had been with Luke before. She might've not been dropped off as a kid on Jakku as we've been led to believe!

It is obvious that Han/Leia/Maz know much more about Rey than they're letting on. Rey must've been separated to live with Luke for some reason, maybe they felt the darkside in Ben.

Kylo in a very major way is also responsible for Rey's awakening because while he was messing with her mind he kept pulling and pulling on her thoughts and emotions until she actually PUSHED back on him!

It is now obvious to me with Kylo's injuries that Snoke might be giving him some prosthetics in E8.

Yes, music with Snoke is the same as ROTS.

Rey is an amazing character played perfectly by that actress.

Yes, seeing Luke get his father's saber back still gets me choked up!

Now, what really gives me hope and made me fully move past my initial anger.

YES Han is dead, BUT I don't think this will be the last we see of him.

There is no way in hell that Lucas, Disney and Ford will let the last time we see Han be his death!

One way or another, Han will reunite with the ones he loves and we will visually see that happen.

Don't ask me how or why.

Ok, this movie IS Star Wars to me, I now unequivocally LOVE it!


The lawyers got Jye... oh Jesus, what the **** are we going to do? We're next, and THEY'RE COMING FOR US! AAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHH
Anybody else find it annoying when both Finn and Rey activated Luke's lightsaber using the blade length adjuster and not the activation switch?

I noticed that. I've got two replica, one a hilt and one a FX so I was like WTF?

I noticed that as well. I really don't have a firm grasp on the political landscape after this installment, but after the thrashing that TPM took over "trade disputes", I think they wisely stayed away from politics. Even ANH didn't make much sense in that regard. . . regional governors? Tarkin's dialogue makes it sound like there's just one guy in charge of entire systems of planets.

As much as the PT got things wrong they fleshed out the universe much more effectively than this did.

For instance I don't think they mentioned any planet name more than once other than Jakku and I can't remember them and while even just TPM had lots of new ship designs, the only new ships from this I can think of are Rens shuttle and the First Order transports. Pretty much everything else is OT-era which doesn't make sense in-universe. For instance Hans freighter (that's one other new ship actually) was just referred to "freighter" whereas TPM name dropped the Nubian ship of Padme's, ANH had Han naming the Falcon and outrunning Star Destroyers and Tie-Fighters ect. Pretty sure Han calls Maz place a "watering hole" whereas Obi-Wan identified the Cantina at least as the Mos Eisley Cantina, Yavin IV was mentioned enough to remember the name unlike the Resistance planet in this. Max Vons Sydows character was dead before I could remember his name and he was a strange one as he acted like he's been around forever but he's dead before we learn anything about him.

Woulda been a lot better if Poe had an X-Wing as that was his preferential ship and he was their best pilot so allowed him while everyone else flew new ships. That would've accomplished fan-service AND expanded the universe to make it seemed like time had passed better. I mean it's supposed to be thirty years or so since ROTJ yet only the Stormtrooper armour got upgraded.

It may seem like nitpicking but It's things like that that give the universe depth. Only other movie franchise that had managed it to the depth of Star Wars is Harry Potter imo.

Organisations with differing motivations, names of character, locations, vehicles, weapons and ideologies ect are the things that make a fictional universe feel lived-in, the movie rushed by any of that. I think it was afraid to add much in terms of all the things that would have changed in the Galaxy between ROTJ and the opening. We got new things with vague or non-existent descriptions but was so fast-paced that for so much we get something new and it's gone before we can process it and tech-wise it feels more like it'd take place 5 years max after the last movie
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I am a huge fan of OT - but let's be honest if we were to compare movie by movie any of the OT ones with this - this movie in its own right has more punch and depth! Yes there is decades of difference / time that it had to better it - but come on i think this movie has all great points and touches every cord the right way! Imagine that - even when we all are hard core OT fans and can be punishing to say the least! It has achieved a near impossibly task and with grace - for both OT fans and new watchers alike
Rey must've been separated to live with Luke for some reason, maybe they felt the darkside in Ben.

Interesting -- so its Rey Solo. Make things a lot simpler to have Rey/Ren brother and sister (like Luke/Leia) rather than cousins.

So it is Rey Skywalker or Rey Solo...?

Either way, she's a Skywalker by blood.
*waits for Clown Prince to say giant toilet*

Even better, I come with sounds effects!

He did but nothing to the extent shown here.

They obviously wanted to make Chewie bad ass this time out and they absolutely succeeded 100%

He was running and gunning mowing down fools in this movie.

OT he could muster up a fast walk. :lol

I think they made a point of showing how powerful the bowcaster is because he shoots Kylo with it and it doesn't put him down like it does the stormtroopers. Just gives him some pain to feed off of during the saber battle. Showing us how powerful he is?
Interesting -- so its Rey Solo. Make things a lot simpler to have Rey/Ren brother and sister (like Luke/Leia) rather than cousins.

So it is Rey Skywalker or Rey Solo...?

Either way, she's a Skywalker by blood.

If anything, I think Rey is Luke's daughter, so she's a Skywalker, not a Solo. I'd rather she not be related to anyone, but I find that unlikely, considering the voiceover from the teaser "You have that power, too."
Jye4 can't be trusted- he bends with the wind- of course new Godzilla is awful X1000 but he hasn't changed his opinion on it- OR HAS HE?:lol

Very true LOTR fleshed out the world brilliantly. I left being able to remember the names of locations and buildings and such as they lingered and fleshed out things, unlike this.

If anything, I think Rey is Luke's daughter, so she's a Skywalker, not a Solo. I'd rather she not be related to anyone, but I find that unlikely, considering the voiceover from the teaser "You have that power, too."

Would be better I think to not have her be a Skywalker or Solo. It would be far too coincidental. Having her as a Descendant of Obi Wan or some other Jedi we've seen or heard about would be better at least as that's not as obvious and coincidental. Heck even just as a student of Luke's with no blood-relation to existing characters would be best
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