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By the way, you can choose which map you want, press Square with the mode selected and then you can choose the map.

The 2 issues I have right now is that with Heroes Vs. Villains there's a bug where you can't use your abilities when you start a round, once you die you can use them again. Other issue is balance--after a game it switches what side you're on but doesn't redistribute the teams based on skill, so if a team won and did really well it means they're likely to do well again, especially since people often leave a game when their team is doing badly.
Wife had a £28 voucher for CEX from last year. Traded in Amazing spiderman 2 so I got this for PS4. Graphics are stunning just like the beta, single player survival missions are pretty good. Online is repetative but I got it for less than a fiver i cannot complain at all.
Even I'd be happy with it for a fiver, you don't mind paying that for a few hours entertainment. Which this does offer. I'll grab it when origin dump it for a tenner with the season pass being free down the line as I did with Titanfall.
I cant see dice offering the season pass for free. This has still sold pretty well and should shift a lot more once the film releases. Even bf4 premium has only just gone down to around the £20 mark.
I don't know, BF4 could get away with it as it is a very good game with a huge layer base still on PC. And thanks to BF Hardline sucking so bad, BF4 almost had its life extended and is still being supported with new content. Battlefront on the other hand simply will not hold the player bases attention as long as BF4, we're already seeing the numbers drop off. And when the DLC starts to arrive, you'll see a huge chasm open up which will fracture the player base even more which will be a real problem. EA will need to act with this one, I suspect we'll see pretty high cuts with regard to the price much sooner than may be expected. Of course they can't offer the season pass for free now they have sold it. Unless it sold in such low numbers that it would make sense to do so and recoup the money from increased sales of the base game which itself didn't sell as well as they expected (everybody else saw that coming) We don't have the figures, but something has to give. Maybe they will just give up on it and move on to the next one which has to be done differently. Titanfall is a better comparison to this than BF4 for sure. I liked Titanfall a lot for how little I paid for it.
I do think the dlc and support for this will be decent and dice will get this right. They usually do when mp is concerned . I think they will squeeze as much as they can out of it and are looking at a 2 year plan from release to a new Battlefront. Dice confirmed recently that they are working on battlefield 5 for fall 2016 so we are probably looking at a switch between the 2 each year similar to what infinity ward and Treyarch does with call of duty.
Just downloaded the DLC, but no time this week to check it out, and wanna talk about what I expect before I find out. Coz I don't believe the DLC to be much more than new skins & maps and maybe a couple new modes. I expect far more...
The thing I worry about as far as the dlc goes is that because it is so expensive it will only serve to further fracture the playerbase. And when there are already modes where, at times, it can be hard to find a proper game in, that could be a problem, once it properly starts coming into play. For those who buy the dlc (and may rarely get to use much of it if the dlc doesn't sell as well as hoped), and/or those who don't buy the dlc (because of the off-putting price, but who may potentially get frozen out of joining a significant part of the playerbase as a result if it does sell well enough to make a dent in things), or any combination of the two.

I honestly can't predict which way things are more likely to go, right now. But if Dice want to lure people into buying such an expensive dlc package they had better pull out all the stops on the first release in order to up the temptation factor to maximum, otherwise even many of the hardcore may play it safe and stay away.
The thing I worry about as far as the dlc goes is that because it is so expensive it will only serve to further fracture the playerbase. And when there are already modes where, at times, it can be hard to find a proper game in, that could be a problem, once it properly starts coming into play. For those who buy the dlc (and may rarely get to use much of it if the dlc doesn't sell as well as hoped), and/or those who don't buy the dlc (because of the off-putting price, but who may potentially get frozen out of joining a significant part of the playerbase as a result if it does sell well enough to make a dent in things), or any combination of the two.

I honestly can't predict which way things are more likely to go, right now. But if Dice want to lure people into buying such an expensive dlc package they had better pull out all the stops on the first release in order to up the temptation factor to maximum, otherwise even many of the hardcore may play it safe and stay away.

:goodpost: exactly my fear with not just Battlefront but a lot of games these days.
It's why before release I was chuffed all Halo 5 DLC would be free, and they made like over a million through microtransactions instead.

If we have to have one, I'd rather see balanced Micro' instead of player base splitting DLC.
I reinstalled Titanfall yesterday, it's a good comparison to this game. I love TF, but was shocked to see only 700 players worldwide. You can easily find a game on two or three modes, but the rest are empty.... And all of the DLC is FREE!

Pretty Star wars graphics or not, this game will face the same fate unfortunately. I so hope they are changing their ideas for the sequel and planning something much better.
No, but it is now, my point was that all players have all the content and despite the game play being very decent, it has died on its backside. EA need to plan ahead for this version of Battlefront and figure something out asap, or just bite the bullet and significantly lower the price of the season pass.
Ive found the single player to be best. Enjoyed the structure to it more than spawn-death multiplayer
I remember buying Titanfall for 360. Found no one online, maybe one game real late on the other side of the world. I took that game right back the next day. That game had no playersplit with the older console. Best shooter ever was that Shadowrun one. Only problem was it was also online only and the player base crashed fast because Call of Duty & Battlefield were just getting into full swing. There was magic, technology and money upgrades between matches. All those magic/tech powers could have been like force use in this...
No, but it is now, my point was that all players have all the content and despite the game play being very decent, it has died on its backside. EA need to plan ahead for this version of Battlefront and figure something out asap, or just bite the bullet and significantly lower the price of the season pass.

Titanfall never addressed the one thing its was crying out for , more titans. If dice do what they did with the battlefield series in terms of supporting the game , I feel it will do well and the season pass justified.

Weather you like dlc or not, its here and most games push for it. I would say however, Battlefield never left me feeling as though it wasnt worth it and i still play it regularly today. For me, there is no comparison between Titanfalls dlc and Battlefield and Battlefront should follow hopefully.
I love BF4, that game has been worth every penny I paid for it, but the base game (early bugs aside) was already much better than EA's Battlefront, and the gameplay much more engaging which is part of the reason it has lasted so long. I hope they do support this one well though.
Most people weren't happy with BF4--it was rushed, super buggy (for months) and reused a ton of content, the singleplayer campaign barely even amounts to anything either.
I agree, the campaign is rubbish (as was BF3) And EA rushed it out to compete with cod, Dice pretty much said it wasn't ready back in the day. The whole saga was a complete mess that I am not trying to defend at all. However, fast forward and BF4 is a cracking game with a huge amount of content. It still has a bad rep due to its launch woes which is fair enough. But in reality, it is still a good option for somebody wanting a decent FPS game as it still has a huge player base and is very much being supported with new content all of the time. I almost wish EA had just modeled their new Battlefront on BF4 if the original format wasn't to be...
After seeing TFA I expect the first DLC to be both from the movie and the old battle that left all that wreakage. Merge the fighter squadron into the land battles more to recreate some of the movie battles.

Won't get much chance to try out the DLC... had it a week and still no opportunity to check it out.