SSC The Joker 1/6th Scale figure

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I know this is OT but...

A lot of artists working for comics today got into comics and dreamed of working in comics because of Jim's work, me included. His work was too dynamic and pretty to the eyes of YOUNG fans, and those who aspired to be like him and eventually became pro artists started as copycats of his work. But as they mature, they of course have noticed Jim's weaknesses, that his faces are generic, etc, and they worked on it giving way to new styles -- a lot of them better styles -- that actually emerged from Jim's.

Todd's anatomy always sucked. Especially un-masked people. But his storytelling's always top-notch. There was an issue of GI Joe drawn by Todd was before he became popular, that was not published. Can't recall what exactly happened but if you compare his pages to the one drawn by another artist--the one that was actually printed -- Todd's panels were more cinematic. Artists who worked with him, like Greg Capullo, always mentioned how much they've learned from Todd in terms of storytelling, which is just as important as -- if not more important than-- pretty linework.

Anyway, this baby just got up for PO at our local dealer. Can't wait to get off the house and visit the shop to pay downpayment :)


I just read the first few pages of Spawn #1 again a few weeks ago, as the last time I read it was like, what, 17-18 years ago, and I agree that the way he arranges the panels, builds the intensity and crafts the story is very unique.

I just read the first few pages of Spawn #1 again a few weeks ago, as the last time I read it was like, what, 17-18 years ago, and I agree that the way he arranges the panels, builds the intensity and crafts the story is very unique.

Yup! Todd can certainly tell a story so well. I love his Spider-Man TORMENT. And his work, though cut short, on Batman year 2. :)
I know this is OT but...

A lot of artists working for comics today got into comics and dreamed of working in comics because of Jim's work, me included. His work was too dynamic and pretty to the eyes of YOUNG fans, and those who aspired to be like him and eventually became pro artists started as copycats of his work. But as they mature, they of course have noticed Jim's weaknesses, that his faces are generic, etc, and they worked on it giving way to new styles -- a lot of them better styles -- that actually emerged from Jim's.

Todd's anatomy always sucked. Especially un-masked people. But his storytelling's always top-notch. There was an issue of GI Joe drawn by Todd was before he became popular, that was not published. Can't recall what exactly happened but if you compare his pages to the one drawn by another artist--the one that was actually printed -- Todd's panels were more cinematic. Artists who worked with him, like Greg Capullo, always mentioned how much they've learned from Todd in terms of storytelling, which is just as important as -- if not more important than-- pretty linework.

Anyway, this baby just got up for PO at our local dealer. Can't wait to get off the house and visit the shop to pay downpayment :)

I agree with everything here. Jim, by all accounts, is a very good artist whose style has been copied to no end. You nailed it with the mention of the faces. If you just picked out a panel from his batman and superman run, you'd find yourself wondering who is who at times since both his Bruce and Clark look very similar to one another.

You can't really say that because of time constraints Jim lees faces end up looking similar to one another...ther are plenty of artists that face similar limitations and their characters look vastly different from one another. Oh and let's not forget...even the bodies he draws have very little distinction, look at the cast from his JL new 52 run...

I'm not knocking the guy. His art is very appealing, especially when you factor in the speed he works at...but it's very limited.

Todd, I've always liked his work as well...but it really falls under abstract/, caricatures. Which is also why I love capullos art. Heavily inspired by Todd...I'm pretty confident it's why Todd hired him to continue on with spawn when Todd left to work on his toy company.
I know this is OT but...

A lot of artists working for comics today got into comics and dreamed of working in comics because of Jim's work, me included. His work was too dynamic and pretty to the eyes of YOUNG fans, and those who aspired to be like him and eventually became pro artists started as copycats of his work. But as they mature, they of course have noticed Jim's weaknesses, that his faces are generic, etc, and they worked on it giving way to new styles -- a lot of them better styles -- that actually emerged from Jim's.

Todd's anatomy always sucked. Especially un-masked people. But his storytelling's always top-notch. There was an issue of GI Joe drawn by Todd was before he became popular, that was not published. Can't recall what exactly happened but if you compare his pages to the one drawn by another artist--the one that was actually printed -- Todd's panels were more cinematic. Artists who worked with him, like Greg Capullo, always mentioned how much they've learned from Todd in terms of storytelling, which is just as important as -- if not more important than-- pretty linework.

Anyway, this baby just got up for PO at our local dealer. Can't wait to get off the house and visit the shop to pay downpayment :)

They are both pin-up artists and their art in terms of storytelling sucks. You guys confuse hyper-detail with storytelling. Look at their work in black and white with no color; you can't tell what the hell is going on. That is not good comic art. Comic panels should flow from one to the next. Their anatomy sucks like no other. Their figures are grotesque and over-exaggerated; the heroes look like the villains. And what the heck is it with Lee and all those silly, ridiculous sketch lines he puts in all his work? These lines don't delineate anything; they are just there for the hell of it. WTF?

Your point that Lee inspired many young artists is one of the biggest problems in comics these days and is why I walk by the comic book shelves every week shaking my head at the **** that is being produced.

They are both pin-up artists and their art in terms of storytelling sucks. You guys confuse hyper-detail with storytelling. Look at their work in black and white with no color; you can't tell what the hell is going on. That is not good comic art. Comic panels should flow from one to the next. Their anatomy sucks like no other. Their figures are grotesque and over-exaggerated; the heroes look like the villains. And what the heck is it with Lee and all those silly, ridiculous sketch lines he puts in all his work? These lines don't delineate anything; they are just there for the hell of it. WTF?

Your point that Lee inspired many young artists is one of the biggest problems in comics these days and is why I walk by the comic book shelves every week shaking my head at the **** that is being produced.


That's your opinion. You're entitled to it. I'd leave it at that.
They are both pin-up artists and their art in terms of storytelling sucks. You guys confuse hyper-detail with storytelling. Look at their work in black and white with no color; you can't tell what the hell is going on. That is not good comic art. Comic panels should flow from one to the next. Their anatomy sucks like no other. Their figures are grotesque and over-exaggerated; the heroes look like the villains. And what the heck is it with Lee and all those silly, ridiculous sketch lines he puts in all his work? These lines don't delineate anything; they are just there for the hell of it. WTF?

Your point that Lee inspired many young artists is one of the biggest problems in comics these days and is why I walk by the comic book shelves every week shaking my head at the **** that is being produced.


That's kind of unfair to say that IMO. Every artist has their own distinctive style that isn't going to make fans out of everyone. But its because of that reason those artists stand out from the bunch. From lee, McFarlane, madureira, capullo, mcguiness and a few outstanding others. They're top artists, but they're Not loved by everyone for various reasons.

In lee's case, I think he's better at drawing dynamic poses and one sheets. Story telling needs work, but at least it's nice to look at. Mcfarlanes stuff has crazy amounts of detail, exaggerated proportions and posture, but again, it's appealing to the eye.

I mean, it's all a matter of preference, but to downright say lee and todd sucks is a bit over the top. There are many comic artists today that Have NO business being in the business and can stand to learn a few things from the masters and improve on what's been done in the past and even today.
I'm into this line for the Batman, Joker, Catwoman, Harley, and Superman.. after that it will depend on the figure. If the figures are meh.... I will most likely stop with only Joker and Bats. Let's see what SSC delivers.. Right now I think the amount of goodies with Joker are pretty cool!
As good as this Joker looks, I collect HT I'm going to have to be VERY selective...I'm gonna save my moolah for my core JLA members...hopefuly Supes and Bats are up for PO soon!
As good as this Joker looks, I collect HT I'm going to have to be VERY selective...I'm gonna save my moolah for my core JLA members...hopefuly Supes and Bats are up for PO soon!

I'm probably dropping HT like a leprous prostitute to collect the comic book line. I canceled my DX v 2 joker the DAY sideshow showed these.
i cancelled ledger joker 2.0 in favor of this. no brainer for me. i liked the dark knight, but i love the comicbook joker.

I'm probably dropping HT like a leprous prostitute to collect the comic book line. I canceled my DX v 2 joker the DAY sideshow showed these.


While I have no interest in not continuing my HT collecting, I am impressed that you were both so decisive in pulling the trigger on getting this guy.

I wish I could take that plunge with you.:slap:slap
I LOVE my comics and I love my super heroes. I also love my infant son, so SOMETHING had to give :lol

I'll still pic up the occasional hot toys figure here and there, as it's the only real option for marvel stuff, But NOTHING near the completisim i WAS doing.

For example.

I've got / have on preoder the Full set of avengers. But Skipping the chitauri if they make it.

I MIGHT get Tony stark, Sayian warrior, but I'm skipping the new spider-man.

Star wars figures are released SO RARELY from hot toys, no fear there.

NOt going to touch the Hot toys Joe figures. Snake Eyes looks awesome, but I don't need it.
and anything hot toys DC from here on out is an automatic pass.
Looks pretty good and it's cool to see Sideshow get into the Superhero figure market by doing figures more closely related to the actual comic characters. It's a nice balance out of all the movie Superhero figures we've been seeing lately. It'd be cool if they do figures based on an artist's version of that character. I'm sure we'll also see some numerous variations of Superman and Batman. Maybe a Frank Miller style- Dark Knight Returns, Superman: Red Son, Neal Adams' 70's Batman? Opens up for a lot of options!

A pass for me though, I'll keep an eye out for figures that look interesting and unique but I'd rather get the Arkham City Joker.

Ugh...and the doll dot again? Really Sideshow? Your company knows better!
Yep love my comics but movie's is where my comics come to life for us fans. I must have both , said this joker would be my last but already want hot toys arkham joker and bats then i'm done.. um maybe ha ha...
Yep love my comics but movie's is where my comics come to life for us fans. I must have both , said this joker would be my last but already want hot toys arkham joker and bats then i'm done.. um maybe ha ha...

By then, they would have a 2.0 versions of em, or 2.5:lol

*insert Corleone GF part 3" Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" YouTube vid*