SSC Cyborg Darth Maul PF!

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I'm having alot of trouble getting the lightsaber to fully light up. Just wondering bigSILVA77, is his arm suppose to feel very loosely inside? I might have to contact SS support for perhaps more assistance, I had it working for about 5 minutes then it started flickering and went very dim tried readjusting with no luck.

Yes: I think were all having the same issue with the loose arm and having to foreplay with it to get it in the right position to light the top saber fully. Everybody is just so excited bow Big and Great Darth Maul came out, and looking the other way with his light saber contact issue. I think the contact piece that is on the arm is to short and needed to be a little thicker and longer so it can fit tighter and make better contact when inserted in the the body. It's lights up great when you have it in the right position, but what it comes down to did I really pay almost $400 to have to foreplay with my statue to get a light feature to work. Sad to say, even the 1st Maul SS came out with you had to foreay with the arm to get the light future to work properly.
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Yes: I think were all having the same issue with the loose arm and having to foreplay with it to get it in the right position to light the top saber fully. Everybody is just so excited bow Big and Great Darth Maul came out, and looking the other way with his light saber contact issue. I think the contact piece that is on the arm is to short and needed to be a little thicker and longer so it can fit tighter and make better contact when inserted in the the body. It's lights up great when you have it in the right position, but what it comes down to did I really pay almost $400 to have to foreplay with my statue to get a light feature to work. Sad to say, even the 1st Maul SS came out with you had to foreay with the arm to get the light future to work properly.
I had no issue at all with mine just make sure you push it up in there nice and snug it. Should not be loose just push it in real tight and I already know that's what she said last night lol
I've already contacted sideshow and I might be receiving another arm but i cant even get the base to work with batteries either.
You can also use a piece of paper to make the arm tigher inside as well, since it wiggles so much inside the joint.

The colour doesnt really bug me that much, sure it should be red like original darth maul and darth talon but, im gonna be very careful when buying red since they look lighter in person like 1:1 carnage bust did.

Quick side-by-side of maul and talon reg before I go to work
I received my Maul today and was having trouble getting the saber to light up. So I called SS and they said to apply rubbing alcohol to the metal pieces on the arm and leg. Sure enough, it worked. Hope this helps anyone having a problem.
#36 is in the house! This piece is so badass, but sadly I'm also having trouble with the light up feature. It lights up fully when plugged in but can't get it to light up at all on the batteries. I tried futzing with the springs, and changing the batteries but no luck. Any suggestions before I (gasp!) possibly send it back for a replacement?

Edit: OOOH 1,000 posts!
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I received my Maul today and was having trouble getting the saber to light up. So I called SS and they said to apply rubbing alcohol to the metal pieces on the arm and leg. Sure enough, it worked. Hope this helps anyone having a problem.

I just got mine to work on the batteries using this little rubbing alcohol trick. Thanks for the tip! :hi5:

EDIT: I applied the rubbing alcohol on the battery contacts, not the arm or leg
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I'm gonna try the alcohol tip cause my batteries don't seem to work. Only work when plugged in. Has anyone heard of a concrete answer as to why this happens? This is crazy if 500 EX have this issue. Thanks in advance for any answers.
I had no issue at all with mine just make sure you push it up in there nice and snug it. Should not be loose just push it in real tight and I already know that's what she said last night lol

When i first put it in (she said it was too big :lol) it only lit half way on the top blade and flickered

Pushed it in as far as it went (she loved it :)) and it was fine.
Since no one is really complaining about it, I'm sure I'll be attacked for this, but anyway..

Orange? Really? High end collectible company paints probably the easiest character on the PLANET to paint, the wrong ____in color?
My first, and probably only SW PF of my FAVORITE character, and they paint him ORANGE instead of RED? REALLY?

I'm sorry, I just don't understand. $315, right? Really? Now I have to go pay for painting classes because the professionals can't do it right?



REEEEAAAALLY wanted this.

It's not like he has a slightly lazy eye, or the paint on his horns is not very good. He's a whole different god damn color. So ____ing disappointed.

God, once I find that Visionaries comic, he better be orange...

Rant over



Looking red in the comics to me, the not sure what sideshow was thinking on this, perhaps someone from sideshow can explain because they did and Amazing sculpt but darth maul is a deep True red not Faded orange,

This could have been one of the most amazing collectibles Ever all sideshow had to do is paint it the Deep true red, someone with a theory explain sideshows choice not too do so, kindly let me know !?

And even hasbro got it right,

And i am not saying anything bad too anyone who got this and i am not complaing just to complain but if you put 100 people in a room and show them sideshow collectibles orange version side by side with a Accurate true red version i bet all 100 people will like the true red Accurate version WAY better so i am just wondering why in the heck sideshow did this !?




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Is it just me then?
I actually like the paler colour, the contrast level is more vibrant with these colours. I always felt that the old colours of dark red against the black were a bit flat.

Just my taste I guess:dunno
OK the pictures above are a prime example of what I'm talking about, the 2 dark colours get lost in each other and lack definition.
OK the pictures above are a prime example of what I'm talking about, the 2 dark colours get lost in each other and lack definition.
I'm sorry, are you crazy?




Darth Maul is red. Not orange. He was meant to be red, because he's Maul, and Maul is red, not orange. Red. Not orange.

Still getting this statue because literally everything else about it is perfect, surprised they didn't sculpt actual chicken legs on him considering they painted him the wrong damn color..
How difficult would it be to paint him red by yourself? Why did they paint him orange when he is red on Sideshow's site? This makes no sense.
I'm sorry, are you crazy?

Yes I'm crazy, how did you know? :cuckoo:

Nice selection of photos with PERFECT lighting conditions, complements of course by a multi-million dollar company called Lucas. Are they going to be anything else but perfect....

Like I said it's just MY preference, for Star Wars purists that's another matter and I respect that:bow:bow
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Yes I'm crazy, how did you know? :cuckoo:

Nice selection of photos with PERFECT lighting conditions, complements of course by a multi-million dollar company called Lucas. Are they going to be anything else but perfect....

Like a said it's just MY preference, for Star Wars purists that's another matter and I respect that:bow:bow
I'm confused, what are you saying? That he's really orange and thinks to movie magic he appeared red?... I'm not asking for perfection.. I just want the guy to be red, doesn't seem that difficult.. But maybe I'm wrong. How much does red paint cost nowadays? Maybe they couldn't afford it, who knows.

I have no problem with you prefering the orange look over his real look. I, and many others don't though, and I just don't see why they couldn't paint him red.
That's what he's known for. People see the red and black and say "Darth Maul ____ yeah!"..