SS Kanamit into Chewie and Darth--- HELP!!!

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There's alot of useful info in this thread, this might just turn into an ultimate thread for Vader customizing one day!

For my Vader I found that the cod piece and the chest box from the AMT Ertl kit was a perfect fit. Especially the cod piece it has that rounded shape on the bottom not just flat.

Do you have some pics of yours? The chest box seemed kinda large to me on the AMT kit, just curious how it fit in scale on a finished figure.

Ok gang, since we all seem to be on a Vader building kick I went searching for ideas on the web and came across this site. It's badly translated through Babelfish, but it gets it point across. It seems that someone took a Kotobukiya Vader and a Marmit Body and made there own Vader. it looks really, really good, but I believe it's still 1/7 scale. Enjoy

That does look really good, and there was alot of work put into it for sure!

Hopefully, I'll be able to post some info later when I get home from work. I have a few links and ideas that may be helpful.
die said:
There's alot of useful info in this thread, this might just turn into an ultimate thread for Vader customizing one day!.

Let's do it! I'd be all for that. I'll post some info up later as well.
Darthrazz said:
Sure does! Thanks Hurricane! I know that I coulsd use magnets to keep the Dome on the Helmet, can you offer any advice for keeping the Mask on the neckbrace once it's cut?
yep,i used to use tiny pieces of pasticard and small ridges but now i use
Neodynium Magnets,these can be found is some tiny sizes and various shapes.the front of the mask ,near the mouth screen uses steel pins which slot into the upper mask,just like the real thing.
die said:
There's alot of useful info in this thread, this might just turn into an ultimate thread for Vader customizing one day!

Do you have some pics of yours? The chest box seemed kinda large to me on the AMT kit, just curious how it fit in scale on a finished figure.

That does look really good, and there was alot of work put into it for sure!

Hopefully, I'll be able to post some info later when I get home from work. I have a few links and ideas that may be helpful.
link doesnt work
I love how this thread has taken on a life of its own!!! Keep it up guys... Through experimentation maybe we can each make a scale Vader that we're proud to display with our SS collection--- and Hurricane keep throwing down pearls of wisdom from the summit... Without your help we'll be going in circles.

Great link die--- very useful and interesting tips. My Kanamit 14" bodies should be arriving this week. Depending on which material I get first (the extra Chewies or the other Vader kit) I'll be starting one of my two projects soon. I'll update on the thread when I can--- but keep posting guys. This looks like it's turning into a really interesting and helpful share session...

:vader Soon...
die said:
There's alot of useful info in this thread, this might just turn into an ultimate thread for Vader customizing one day!

Do you have some pics of yours? The chest box seemed kinda large to me on the AMT kit, just curious how it fit in scale on a finished figure.

That does look really good, and there was alot of work put into it for sure!

Hopefully, I'll be able to post some info later when I get home from work. I have a few links and ideas that may be helpful.
Here's my ANH version with those parts I mentioned.



Its far from a Hurricane, but I'm glad how it turned out. Thanks for that Vader site what a great refrence, now I have to rework him again! I just noticed some inconsistencys with mine.
Very nice looking Vader, kat! I think it turned out great!

Its far from a Hurricane, but I'm glad how it turned out. Thanks for that Vader site what a great refrence, now I have to rework him again! I just noticed some inconsistencys with mine.

There's quite a few places on mine that needs reworking as well, I'm thinking about just starting over fresh. I'll tell you one thing about building my Vader, it definitely made me realize just how talented hurricane truly is. Making an "Ultimate Vader" is no walk in the park. It's like the ultimate challenge in customizing because it takes tons of research, tons of money, tons of inventiveness, tons of skill and unfortunately....alot of trial & error.:monkey2

It's Darth Vader, so naturally you want it to be the most awesome figure ever.
die said:
Very nice looking Vader, kat! I think it turned out great!

There's quite a few places on mine that needs reworking as well, I'm thinking about just starting over fresh. I'll tell you one thing about building my Vader, it definitely made me realize just how talented hurricane truly is. Making an "Ultimate Vader" is no walk in the park. It's like the ultimate challenge in customizing because it takes tons of research, tons of money, tons of inventiveness, tons of skill and unfortunately....alot of trial & error.:monkey2

It's Darth Vader, so naturally you want it to be the most awesome figure ever.

You got that right brotha! This thread is definitely going to help!:emperor
I started the thread to help others (and at the same time myself) customize both a Chewbacca and a Vader (as a child playing with the Kenner versions I often had these two battle merely as their size matched--- SS is sadly missing 14" versions of these characters---until they're made some people have to go all A-Team:D ).

Here's the start as I finally started to receive my Frankenstein pieces so here's a breakdown of what I'm going to be attacking first as time permits. I think I'm going to start on Chewbacca as I'm still waiting for some more of my Vader pieces to arrive. The two Kanamit 14" figs arrived (Richard Kiel from the Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man"). The first of what will be two furry Chewies to hack up and scalp. And finally the piece de resistance--- a lolly pop holder that was released when Sith came out--- a $1.50 purchase on E-bay.

Here's a close-up of the lollypop head sculpt.

For perspective here's one of the Kanamits with the lolly head (it fits absolutely PERFECTLY onto his face) and the fur from a M&M Chewie--- the fur I'll be using is much lighter and not as fluffy but it gives a nice idea of how he'll look next to Han (I'm also putting together a ANH Han with a second SS Han that's on the way--- hopefully tomorrow).

Anyway--- it's very early in the ballgame but I wanted to give an update that I hadn't gone to sleep... More to come.:chew
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You're off to a good start, and that's a freakishly tall Art Buck! :chew
Can't wait to see the finished chewie. Looks great with Han. Keep us updated on the progress :)
Darth... are you planning to make Chewbacca's head furry or go with the plastic head. I think that the head you have is a great base but it would be a shame to see him with a furry body and a plastic head.
jungle jom said:
Darth... are you planning to make Chewbacca's head furry or go with the plastic head. I think that the head you have is a great base but it would be a shame to see him with a furry body and a plastic head.

I agree... Fur needs to be incorporated in some way to his head--- as this is an experiment with trial and error I'm still considering how to properly "sculpt" the hair so that it's not going to be an afro of bulk. The hair has to be slicked back (more ANH Chewie than ROTJ Chewie) and tight to the head...
It's possible I could use just the front of the lollypop Chewie head and attach fur to the rest of the Kanamit head----- as I said the lollypop sculpt fits so snuggly onto Kanamit's face that you'd think it was made for it. There's a ridge at the base that has two ruts that Kanamit's chin (beard) slips right into and there's a top bar that holds Kanamit's enlarged forehead into place.

As this pic shows the exposed Kanamit skull could be where I attach the fur with some overlaping on to the top of Chewie's plastic head and down the sides.
I'd say you have an interesting problem on your hands. As you say the process will be trial and error. I wish you luck. I'm sure it will turn out great! I did a mod on a Hasbro GI Jane a while back and used crepe hair to make sculpted hair into long hair the crepe hair worked well and was managable and not all over the place and could be styled fairly well.
jungle jom said:
I'd say you have an interesting problem on your hands. As you say the process will be trial and error. I wish you luck. I'm sure it will turn out great! I did a mod on a Hasbro GI Jane a while back and used crepe hair to make sculpted hair into long hair the crepe hair worked well and was managable and not all over the place and could be styled fairly well.

Do you have any pictures of that that I could use for reference?
I have to drag the figure out. It was an attempt at Nova from "Planet of the Apes" at the time Hasbro was making 1/6th POTA figures. Also the girlfriend took the camera to Vegas with her and won't be back for two days. But I will post for you on this thread the first chance I get.
OK---thanks. And if the girlfriend encountered some female strippers in Vegas feel free to post those pics here as well. :D