Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

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Super Freak
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
Update: SD Comic Con 2010 trailer:

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Reveals final dimension: Ultimate Spider-Man

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

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'Your friendly neighborhood Spider-man is going on a spectacular multi-dimensional adventure in his next outing, Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, which sends old Web-head to realities both "amazing" and "noir."

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions will toss Spider-Man into four separate universes, according to GameSpot's first look at the Beenox-developed title, a reality rift caused by the mystical MacGuffin known as the Tablet of Order and Chaos. Two realities, "noir" and "amazing," appear to be lifted from the Marvel Comics series of the same names, the Depression era Spider-Man: Noir and more modern The Amazing Spider-Man.

The game's first trailer highlights some of the gameplay differences between the two settings, as well as offering a preview at two of the game's bad guys, Kraven the Hunter and Hammerhead.

Activision promises that the two remaining realities will be revealed at the official Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions web site. There are plenty of reality opportunities for Spider-Man, including dimensions set in the rotting Marvel zombies universe, the futuristic 2099 universe and the historical 1602 universe.'

Details and developer interview from Gamespot: https://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/ac...imensions/news.html?sid=6254383&mode=previews

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Love these games, have them all but this looks wierd. Not feeling the Noir thing, its just not what I think of for Spidey. May work for Batman or Frank Castle but Peter Parker being smooth and noir? Don't see it.
Well it's gonna have OTHER DIMENSIONS. So you're gonna have to deal with some disbelief here. :)

Speaking of that, i wonder what the other two are. (it says if you preorder you get a cosmic spidey suit)
Well they mention zombies and 2099. I'm guess theyre going to be the other two. Still looking forward to those and the "amazing" sections though.
Well they mention zombies and 2099. I'm guess theyre going to be the other two. Still looking forward to those and the "amazing" sections though.

Zombies would be fun, not a huge fan of 2099. I would like some symbiote action of some sort. (of course that would probably be an unlockable suit. Scarlet suit and Ben R. suit would be great!)
The thread is two pages long and so far the 4 dimensions have been explained twice. Reading is your friend.