Speculation - MAD MAX/ROAD WARRIOR Thread

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Yes, things sure have gotten quiet here of late. What's everyone working on? I suppose BillyB's busy making parts kits. Hope to hear from him soon. I guess nobody has any information about sources for pleather, or glove leather, or anything else we could make some MFP biker outfits from. I wish I did. I'm willing to try sewing my own, but Billy offered to do it if somebody can hook him up with the material he needs. Doesn't anybody know of a place to get some suitable leather or pleather material?

Sorry it's taking a little longer than I planned to finish everyone's kits. I'm a buyer for a retail store and this is a crazy time of year.
Good news is that I'm just about done with everyone's stuff and was even able to upgrade a few things along the way. I'm hoping to have everything finished before the end of the weekend.

Does anyone have any good tutorials or tips in casting rubber? Anyone tried making their own boots, shoes etc.?

What about a head for Wez or how about the Gyro pilot? He'd make a great pawtner.

Sorry it's taking a little longer than I planned to finish everyone's kits. I'm a buyer for a retail store and this is a crazy time of year.
Good news is that I'm just about done with everyone's stuff and was even able to upgrade a few things along the way. I'm hoping to have everything finished before the end of the weekend.

Does anyone have any good tutorials or tips in casting rubber? Anyone tried making their own boots, shoes etc.?

What about a head for Wez or how about the Gyro pilot? He'd make a great pawtner.

Hi Billy, good to hear from you. Looks like everybody's been working overtime lately, myself included. Hopefully things here will start rolling again after the holidays. I'm really looking forward to seeing the kits you've made.

Some of us would definitely be interested in adding the Mighty Wez to the list. The Gyro Capt. would also be a great addition. I can think of a few other characters that would make cool figures, but they seem a long way off at the moment. One thing we need to do is find a good source for some black "pleather" material, or even some thin glove leather we could use to make the biker outfits, etc. We also really need some more head sculpts. The Max you offered is a good start, but there are still the other characters being discussed that don't have heads available at the moment. Maybe everyone will be able to devote more effort to this project once the holidays are over.

There are so many great customizers here, I'm sure somebody must have an idea where to get the material we need for the outfits. There must also be someone who can give you some ideas about making your own boots, etc., but I think New Line makes some very nice and affordable boots that would do nicely. Are you familiar with them? I ordered a pair of WW2 German black infantry marching boots for my Max figure. Most military figure dealers carry them. Give 'em a look when you have a chance. www.goodstufftogo.net and www.gijoeelite.com are two places I know that have them.

There's 2 heads that might work for WEZ... one is a DeNiro/Bickle sculpt with a mohawk, and the other is actually an Apache figure or something with real feathers. Both are a bit on the thin side for Wez (not really square jawed enough) but they are the only sculpts I've seen with mohawks and mean faces.

I guess a mohawk is easy enough to sculpt and add... but I haven't seen any Dragon heads that look like Wez so far. There's so many heads out there surely one would work.

As for the crossbow gauntlet, wasn't there a figure like Van Helsing or Ash or someone who had a crossbow on his gauntlet? I seem to remember seeing one at one point. The football shoulder pads are pretty easy. The chaps I guess you could make. The boots will have to be made to some degree.

Anyone else have any ideas for parts?


Guess we're still waiting for news from Billy. Everybody's seems to be busy or recovering from colds and whatnot, so hopefully things will get moving again after the holidays. We still have some key items and materials to track down if we're going to attempt some of the figures we've been discussing here. I hope everyone's still on board for some kick-ass Max figures!!!
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Ok, I have finally finished all of the kits. I'll PM everyone who contacted me for one and make arrangements for getting them shipped out.
Sorry it took so long, too many things going on at the end of the year.

On a side note, my local Hobby Lobby is carrying a model kit of Max's car.
Not positive of the scale (think it's 1/24) or the vendor, but it retails for about $34. I'm hoping it's sitting under my tree, but if not I'll pick one up and get you all the details.

Also, adding some upgrades to my Max figure and starting a Thunderdome version as well. I'll post some pics soon.

Just watched the original movie a couple nights ago. Anyone seen a good sculpt that could be used for Goose? Toe Cutter?

Happy Holidays!

Billy B

Great to hear from ya, Billy! And pretty good timing too. Glad to hear you've finished the kits and I'm looking forward to getting started on my Road Warrior figure. I'm interested in making a Thunderdome Max, too. I'd like to have a Max figure from each movie, if possible.

Btw, I have a couple of different V8 Interceptor model kits. One is a resin kit I bought years ago, another was made by Aoshima, if I'm not mistaken, and is a 1/24 scale kit. Is that the one you're talking about, by any chance? It was around the same price as the one you mentioned.

Also have a remote control version of the Interceptor from several years ago, and there's a new "deluxe" model coming soon for around $120, pre-painted and assembled. From what I've heard, it's super-detailed and the most accurate model of Max's car from the Road Warrior to date... the duck's guts!

Hopefully everyone will drop in here after the holidays and then we'll see if we can track down some of the other stuff we still need. Have a great holiday!
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I'm the same. Would love to have a version of Max from each movie.
The Thunderdome version shouldn't be too hard to put together. He doesn't have half the accessories on him that he carried in TRW and I have a Cowboy Boot to replace his left boot.
The original version is going to be the hardest because of the jacket cut.
I haven't found anything premade that has the right cut and yoke on the back. If I could find a good source for faux leather or glove leather I might be able to put one toghether, but so far no luck.
The Aoshima version is the one I found at Hobby Lobby. I actually got it today for Christmas! Pretty basic model, but for the price, it's not bad.
I heard Green Light was looking at making a die cast, but I don't know what scale or how soon.

Billy B

I seemed to have missed out... is there a Mad Max project in the works?

I'm the same. Would love to have a version of Max from each movie.
The Thunderdome version shouldn't be too hard to put together. He doesn't have half the accessories on him that he carried in TRW and I have a Cowboy Boot to replace his left boot.
The original version is going to be the hardest because of the jacket cut.
I haven't found anything premade that has the right cut and yoke on the back. If I could find a good source for faux leather or glove leather I might be able to put one toghether, but so far no luck.
The Aoshima version is the one I found at Hobby Lobby. I actually got it today for Christmas! Pretty basic model, but for the price, it's not bad.
I heard Green Light was looking at making a die cast, but I don't know what scale or how soon.

Billy B

As I recall Thunderdome Max wore a kind of ragged cloak over the remnants of his Road Warrior costume. I guess he'd basically need to be weathered a lot more and we'd need a long-haired head sculpt. We'd also need that nasty little fly swatter he carried with him everywhere, and the whistle, of course.

I sure hope somebody comes through for us with a connection for the glove leather or "pleather" material. Things could really take off once that problem is solved.

That's pretty cool getting that model kit for Christmas! It is kinda basic, but I think you'll find there's a lot of potential for super-detailing it and making it a very nice representation of the movie car. Can't beat the price, either!

Btw, that deluxe model I mentioned is 1/18 scale and die cast. Must be the same one you mentioned. I'm not sure who the maker is, but I think I heard it was made for the Japanese market (whatever that's supposed to mean). Anyway, here's a link to it...

Edit: The dang thing still hasn't shipped yet!!! Maybe sometime before summer... 2008???


They also have some other really cool Max kits that I'm sure you'll find interesting. Enjoy! :D
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I seemed to have missed out... is there a Mad Max project in the works?

I don't think you've missed out at all, in fact you're probably just in time. It's still coming together, but BillyB has made some great "starter kits" with parts of Max's Road Warrior costume. If you haven't already checked, scan back a few pages for some pics of his custom Max. If you're interested, let him know and see if he can set you up with one of his kits.

Btw, do you happen to know anywhere to buy real glove leather or "pleather", like the material used for Arnold's T-2 Cyborg biker jacket? That's one thing that's kinda holding things up at the moment. If you have any information at all, it would be a big help right now!

Awesome! I'm definitely interested... I'll have to PM Billy.

You could maybe contact Shawn from Soveriegn studios and see what he uses for the Batman capes. I know he's experimented with a lot of materials over the years and many are thin but look great.

Thanks for all of the information and all of the links! Some nice kits out there for the vehicles, expensive, but very nice. Also wanted to thank you for the Good Stuff To Go link. Finally a source for loose 1/6th scale buckles!! I'm tired of trying to make them all myself.
For a Thunderdome Max, we need two versions. The shaggy haired version from the first of the film with the tunics and turbon and all the hidden weapons, and then the stripped down short haired version from the second half of the film.
Until I got the film on DVD, I never noticed that he only had one of his original boots on and that the other was a Cowboy boot! Crazy.


Time to bump this thread, as I received my Billy Road Warrior Detailing Kit yesterday (but couldn't open it until a few minutes ago...house fulla guests).

It's far beyond what I was expecting. Really, really beautiful. I had no idea how much sculpting was involved. The real metal leg brace is like something from Hot Toys - those tiny "assembly bolts" must have come from a watch! Billy, you've brought this farfetched dream project into the realm of actual possibility. So many difficult details are solved now.

I won't get much customizing time until late February, but I hope to conclude two long-simmering projects then, and Max is one of them. I'm going to have to borrow a macro lens somewhere to take pictures that reveal the details of these wonderful parts.


Thanks Gruff, I'm glad you liked the kit. I was a little nervous on what you would think of it. I found the bolts for the brace at a local hobby shop.
I had not found these when I made the original brace for my figure, so now I'll have to go back and upgrade it. I've been making a few more upgrades to my max and will post some pics when I'm done.
Still looking for a good source for material for the uniform and would kill for better head sculpt to use. I know someone out there can do it. I'd be willing to work out a trade of services.


I hope to get my set of Mad Max stuff and the custom head from you someday soon Billy! I definitely want to make my own custom Max this year using your parts and custom headsculpt! I'll keep in touch with you about all of that. Thanks again! :D

I've been working on some upgrades for my Max. I hope to post some new pics soon. I've also made a few kits for others out there, so hopefully we will see some new versions soon!


I received my Max kit a while ago but I've been too busy with other stuff to do much more than stare in awe at it lately. Billy did an outstanding job on this stuff, especially the leg brace, holster, straps, and pads! The head sculpt is also quite good, if a little small, but looks like it would work well with a body of the right proportions. A Dragon body would do quite nicely and that's probably what I'll try first.

The biggest hang up for me right now is the leather jacket. I'd like to either make one myself or have a jacket made exactly like Max wore in the movies. A newer-looking one for a first movie Max, and another one I could beat up for the Road Warrior version. Still looking into a source for the material, but this may take some time. If anyone can help out with a suggestion for suppliers of glove leather and/or "pleather", I think we could get Billy to sew some screen-accurate biker suits for us, too. Anyone else needing a good set of leathers?