Sources for Phicen Clothes/Accessories?

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Super Freak
Jul 30, 2014
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Hi there! I just got my very first Phicen Stainless Steel doll/toy. She only came in a bikini, so I'm wondering where I could buy some clothes for her. I've been researching on google but the closest thing I could find was Unfortunately, it seems that majority of their clothes can't be used on a Phicen doll because of possible bleeding/staining.

This is what their site/ebay says: "Attention:This item doesn't fit on (Phicen,Hot Stuff) etc.action figure body that made of soft plastic material because the fabric dye might easily stain on it.We do not accept any refund if you disagree our statement."

Has anyone bought clothes from them and successfully used them on a Phicen doll without staining on it?

Maybe I can just buy clothes from them and drown it in vinegar for a while? I heard if you put the clothes in vinegar, after a while it won't "bleed" or stain the doll anymore. Is this true? Are there other methods to avoid clothes from staining a Phicen Stainless Steel doll/toy?

Thank you very much for your advice!

Has anyone bought clothes from them and successfully used them on a Phicen doll without staining on it?

Maybe I can just buy clothes from them and drown it in vinegar for a while? I heard if you put the clothes in vinegar, after a while it won't "bleed" or stain the doll anymore. Is this true? Are there other methods to avoid clothes from staining a Phicen Stainless Steel doll/toy?

I don't think there's any fool-proof method. But, you have the right idea. Trying to rinse out any excess dye is the best way to go about it. Sometimes you can just wash it in water.

I tend to think it's the body that's absorbing the color, not the color leaking into the body. I put clothing on hard ABS plastic bodies and it doesn't stain, but when I put them on PVC bodies or these seamless bodies and it stains. That tells me the softer, more porous plastics are absorbing the color, rather than it being a problem with the clothing.

Also, FWIW Dollsfigure clothing has a poor reputation, and with their leather clothing peeling after a while. I don't own any sets, but I've read enough that tells me to stay away.
I have one Dollsfigure clothing set for a female fig. I bought one of those Kumik V. 2 bodies to put it on. I soaked the thigh high stockings in vinegar twice, and the rubber legs were still stained so horribly, it permanently ruined the figure. Since the body only cost me $30 I tossed it (the wrist joint doesn't exist on those Kumik figures, so they can't hold anything, so it was just a lesson). I ultimately put that outfit on a Flirty Girl body, which is hard plastic, so no staining there. As far as Phicen bodies, I think SwedishHeat is correct: avoid Dollsfigure clothes at all costs for them. Check out some of the clothes from smcgcustoms or nouveautoys... But I'd still do the vinager soak just to be safe.
Thank you very much for the information :) I'll avoid Dollsfigure and try out the smcgcustoms and nouveutoys (if I manage to find them on google lol) :)

Oh by the way how do you clean Phicen toys/dolls? A brush to dust it or can I wipe it with a white cloth with a bit of water? Some glitter got on her lol :)
Yes, avoid Dollsfigure at all cost! Just out of curiosity, I tried a gothic lace sleeve on a Phicen once.cjust putting it on and my phicen arm was all stained! And I removed it immediately. They were barely in contact for a minute!

Now the goog thing is that soft bodies absorb the color slowly, so if the staining isn't drastic, it eventually disappears... Which happened to mine after about a month!

As for washing them, it's easy! Put them under mild water and was them with liquid soap, then let dry.:)
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Thanks again for the information :) When I opened one of those "Barbie Fashion" clothes that you can get for $4 from Walmart, the thing's glitters just exploded and fell on my poor "Belinda" (ok now she has a name) lol. Now I know they could be washed :eek: (And no, it didn't fit Belinda... it was too tight it could go only up to her hips lol!)

Maybe I'll just go try to learn how to sew and get stuff from Michaels and buy some cloth to turn into something definitely unfashionable lol :)
That's what I've been doing. I learned how to sew by hand from my mom, which came in handy when I was in the service. As far as washing, don't use anything but soap and water on a Phicen. you could just try a hair dryer to blow the glitter off. Also, if you do wash it, you need to rub the figure down with corn starch. They get very tacky/sticky without it, and can be impossible to work with, not to mention it'll pick up even more dust and lint floating around.
Oh corn starch! I didn't know about that! Thanks for the tip! I hope the Phicen doll just came with these practical advice in their instruction manual or the box :)
Yeah, sadly, these are things you learn by talking to other Phicen owners. Also, be careful if you decide to make your own clothes, particularly patterns. I managed to stain the thighs and hips of one with the pencil lines on the pattern I drew on paper. It took nearly an hour to get the stain out. Regular soap and water didn't work entirely, and oddly enough, I had to use a white illustrators' eraser to continually rub (gently) at the stain until it gummed up enough to be picked off. The. Washed it again, and as I said, rubbed it all down again with corn starch. So make sure you remove all pencil marks from anything you plan to put on the figure as a test. And when you're not working with the figure, put it back in the box or put it in a large zip-lock bag to keep dust and lint off it. I also wear surgical gloves when working with these things so the oils on my fingers don't ruin the thing as well. Pain in the butt, but they do look good.
Ohh thanks for more tips :D Hmm just a question about corn starch, so we rub her down with it after washing, but wouldn't the corn starch stick to her? So we just wipe her off after applying corn starch right? :)

I also kept the plastic bag she came in just to be sure :)
No. Let it dry first after cleaning. Air dry or use a hair dryer set on low and not held too close. Then apply the corn starch. You don't need a lot, just a pinch and rub it all over until the entire figure (or just what you wash) is completely covered with a thin, and not very visible, layer. You should then be able to rub your fingers along the figure easily. It'll make putting clothes on them a lot easier also.
I have 4 Phicen bodies so far for my customs and what I love about them is how the quality keeps improving on each iteration. I don't have any issues with clothes staining the figures however.

How is the metal skeleton underneath? Does the body seem durable?
I have 4 Phicen bodies so far for my customs and what I love about them is how the quality keeps improving on each iteration. I don't have any issues with clothes staining the figures however.

How is the metal skeleton underneath? Does the body seem durable?

Since this is my first Phicen doll, I don't know what the previous ones feel like compared to this. All I can say is that so far, the metal skeleton seems very durable. There are no "clicks" to move her around like the older ones I watched on youtube. No "hard movements" and you can pose her anyway you want and she'd hold the position :)

I think the only hard thing to move about her is moving her shoulders up or down, as in a shrugging motion like this:


You need to hold her arm (pinch it) and then move it up so that her shoulder would also go up. It doesn't really require a lot of force. I think the force I use to move her shoulder up can be compared to the force I use to open an already opened jar of pickles (or something). Just a tiny bit of force, and that's the most you'll have to exert when moving her shoulders up or down. Aside from that, everything is just smooth as if you're playing with a non-metal toy :)

This Phicen doll also doesn't seem to stain easily because she's been laying around and posing on my bed and pillows for her action shots with Obama and Elvis. I'm not sure but... maybe this new Stainless Steel version also uses a different "skin/meat" material? I don't really know because I can't seem to find many reviews for the Stainless Steel version that mentions staining. It's always about how nice she is to pose. I do really hope that staining isn't one of her major issues anymore... but of course I'll still be careful and not put her in situations where she might actually get stained :)

As for negatives, it's nothing really major but I found a few tiny holes as if a needle punctured her somehow, and some "scarring" under her arm. Nothing really to complain too much about. She might be an imperfect copy but I still love the way she looks and plays :) I guess it's just one of those manufacturing problems that every toy or doll experiences. Personally for me, she's already perfect :D

All in all, she's a really fun toy/doll to play with due to how easy she is to pose! I just wish they supplied her with more than just a bikini lol :)