SilentSurfer's Laboratory: Come up to the Lab & See What's on the Slab.

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This is not a fair issue,that sale should be cancelled and returned to Toria.the owner of the head is Toria,her company modelled and produced it,even when you painted it,you only was hired for that.
This sounds ugly... getting payment twice for something is not yours...
This is not a fair issue,that sale should be cancelled and returned to Toria.the owner of the head is Toria,her company modelled and produced it,even when you painted it,you only was hired for that.
This sounds ugly... getting payment twice for something is not yours...

I'll take a guess.

Person who was sold the head got an apology and refunded.

Toria now gets the head.................... head only sold once.
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It is Nathan and Torio(or her company) problem. Both said that is solved, so it is solved. So there isn't any reason to commented. None of us don't know full story, only two of them... Peace and enjoy Christmas.

Let change topic. Nathan, did you painted that amazing Alien Bust, or still not?;)
It is Nathan and Torio(or her company) problem. Both said that is solved, so it is solved. So there isn't any reason to commented. None of us don't know full story, only two of them... Peace and enjoy Christmas.

Let change topic. Nathan, did you painted that amazing Alien Bust, or still not?;)

Is it me, or does it seem there are a lot of painters coming out to post their opinions against SilentSurfer in this situaton? Jealousy issues? Inferiority complex? Looking for a opportunity to try to dethrone the guy at the top of the hill? Maybe they should focus on the quality of their work instead of worrying about his? Just a thought.
I only skimmed all the bull**** above, and now I will set this straight.

1. Toria contacted me via Facebook to paint a prototype head of MOS for them. They agreed upon a price and sent the head.

2. I painted the head and sent them pics for approval.

3. They wanted adjustments made. I made those adjustments. Plus one other to the overall skintone. They raved about the adjustments.

4. Toria asked if there were anything I would adjust further, taking my opinion as an artist seriously. I said it was as good as I could get it.

5. They still wanted further adjustment to a certain area. I told them the sculpt was not appropriate for the change (paint wasn't the answer) and that it would probably look weird, but told them to Photoshop the change on my pics and let me see it, and then I'd see what I could do. Toria thought that was a great idea. Next thing I know, the Photoshopped pics are on a screencap of MOS on Facebook before I even saw them.

6. I did not hear back from them for a week or more. So I requested payment, telling them that I had done my best, no further paint adjustments could safely be made to improve the piece, and since they were already using the pics, that I would keep the head and sell it if they didn't pay for the work I had done and to have it shipped back. They refused, siting dissatisfaction with the end result, AND TOLD ME TO KEEP THE HEAD.

7. I posted the head for sale with the reason why. It sold within hours while all the backlash against ML was underway from my friends (which I neither encouraged nor dissuaded). The head was shipped within hours of payment.

8. Yesterday I receive an apology from Toria via email and in this thread along with payment for the work done ONLY, not the shipping cost. I took that as making good on the agreement even though I clearly posted that the head had been sold. I also replied to the email my thanks and that the head was gone, and that I was fine with them using the pics again.

9. Today I read a bunch of crap in here about how unethical I am. :slap I also get a Paypal payment for shipping on a head that is already gone.:slap:slap That portion of the payment has been refunded.

10. Yes, as it turns out, I did get paid twice for the same work. But I don't see how that's my fault. TORIA MADE THE DECISION BOTH TIMES. Now if they want to renege again, and request a refund, and take back what little ground they have regained by their admirable gesture which Toria admits should have been done to begin with, and return to their status of artist-screwer, I'll refund the work payment as well, and they can once again stop using my pics.
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Not jealous but i do plead guilty to a bit of SKInis envy :lol

Imo this has nothing to do with Nathans painting i just don't agree with the way he does business. Any disagreements he has with customers should be kept confidentual considering the popularity he has and the effect that can have on the other person.

After all with great power, comes great responsibility :lecture

Hey if you want to talk about the way some painters do business, we can certainly do that :nono

But I don't see where this situation crosses the line. Customer basically stole Nathan's work, and chose not to pay for it, while using it to promote their product. When you do stuff like that you can expect to be called out for it. It would be different if they didn't like the paint job and asked for the head back to have it done by someone else. In this case they apparently liked it enough to use it to promote their project.
Sorry to post on your thread Nathan but I just wanted to clarify some little things.

In your explanation points 4, 5 and 6 sound not completely right to us. We more had the feeling to have received no news from you after to have sent you the photo with the wished changes.
You asked for the photoshopped photo on the 13/12/2013 and we sent you the photoshopped photo on the 14/12/2013, after this we had no news from you until you came up on the 18/12/2013 to ask for the payment to be done.

This story was just a big misunderstanding, now, we have paid Nathan for his amazing work and we also have paid the shipping and handling fees.

We did apologizes to Nathan and now we are finishing to resolve the latest details with him. Nathan is a GREAT artist and we really don't regret to have worked with him, our only regret is to have misunderstood him. :slap

Now please, talk of something else! :)

Here some screenshots to try to clarify things :




I've cleaned up this thread - this is Silent Surfer's show thread and while it's good for the community to know what's going on, it doesn't need to clutter up this thread.

Sounds like Toria and Nathan are both okay with the resolution and we'll consider the matter finished.
Toria, thank you for the clarification if my recollection wasn't quite as you remembered it.

We are resolved, and will move on to discuss other things.

Here's some Cowboy heads I painted recently, but only posted in the specific thread until now.



That's absolutely phenomenal, Nathan. I hear you're working on a DX sculpt, as well? Minds are probably going to explode when we see that one.:lol
Holy Eastwood Batman! Their stock paint is great but this.... :hi5:

Your paint on Trev's sculpts are always the pinnacle of 1/6 for me...
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