SilentSurfer's Laboratory: Come up to the Lab & See What's on the Slab.

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Still going ape **** over this! I'm sorry for flooding the page but years worth of trying to get the perfect Myers has finally ended!!!!

:fireworks Yeah, Im pretty ****ing excited! :fireworks
Not only the sculpt and paint are perfect but that hair man! That's one of the hardest things to nail and you got it my brother! Pure Perfection! I'm drooling like a madman at these photos. The journey is finally over! :1-1:

I felt the same way when I got my first MadBug Myers. 30+ years of waiting finally over. I've done enough different Myers heads to know how to mod the sculpt wig seat and tailor the hair to make it closer and closer to the real Myers, and you benefitted from all that experience. So thank also those who have come before you.

It's a really wonderful thing to see you bring so much joy to the Freaks man. It's a gift you have. A tremendous amount of talent you've been blessed with.

Amen to that. I truly believe it is a gift from God, cause half the time I don't even think I know what I'm doing. I just don't stop until it looks like the picture in my head.

Oh, the owner is COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY! :thud:

In the immortal words of Prince Vultan: “Gordon’s alive!”

(I just hope this is my commission and not Rick’s! :lol)

Yes, that is yours. I'm very please you are happy with it. Love the Vultan quote.

That Flash is awesome! Looks awesome... and if you haven't seen TED yet, do yourself a favor and watch it. I shall say no more :lecture

"We are gonna party like the 80's. It's easy. We just gotta nail a lot of girls named Stephanie."

great job on the HotToys Steve Rogers headsculpt eye repaint, if that is the one l sent you l would like it back please since l've already paid you for the work and it looks completed

It is yours. I'm glad you are happy with it. We will be getting it out to you soon. Sorry for the delay.

To all concerned, and to those who have replied with understanding, let me reassure you ALL that nobody who has projects or money with me is getting overlooked or screwed. I have been amazes by the influx of new customers, repeat customers, and large order batch projects (Wake, I'm looking at you) that have come in in the last six months, especially since FAMcon. Oh my God!:thud:

It is my goal to give each and every one of you the best of my ability, but that takes time, and I am only one man with a wife (Igor - not her real name) who assists me when she can. She has her own things to do in addition to managing this little home-based business.

To give you some perspective, my studio is our Master Bedroom. We sleep in one of the other rooms. The third room is her office. Our dining room is my photo studio which also doubles for large scale (1/4 to 1/1) projects storage. The Master bedroom linen closet is full of 1/6 projects waiting to be done. Her office is stuffed with more 1/6 projects both waiting and finished, as well as packing and shipping supplies. There is a pile of new orders we haven't even received yet growing in our living room.

If we haven't gotten back to YOU, please understand, there are possibly fifty other people with multiple orders who also want and get our attention.

I am pretty organized, and Igor is exceptionally organized. But time is finite. We will not, nor have we ever lost or misplaced or totally forgotten about an order in our care.

If we have some or all of your money for a project, we leave it sitting in Paypal, and NEVER EVER touch it until a project is finished and shipped back, so be sure you will never be screwed out of your money with nothing to show for it. We were fortunate enough to learn that lesson by OTHER ARTIST's mistakes. There is a lot of money in our Paypal account I'd love to get my hands on, but it's not ours yet. It's still yours until you get your project back.

And if you think projects have backed up, not because I haven't been doing them, but because they are coming in as fast and faster than I have time to finish them, just imagine how many emails are backing up, especially when you keep sending them over and over wondering why they are getting answered.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for the understanding. Thanks most of all for your continued patience. Peace.:peace
"We are gonna party like the 80's. It's easy. We just gotta nail a lot of girls named Stephanie."

Awesome... glad you've seen it then. I have to admit, I enjoyed the movie; but that entire sequence was just over-the-top awesome and made the movie even better. Never would have thought to see Flash in a modern movie like that :lol

If we have some or all of your money for a project, we leave it sitting in Paypal, and NEVER EVER touch it until a project is finished and shipped back, so be sure you will never be screwed out of your money with nothing to show for it. We were fortunate enough to learn that lesson by OTHER ARTIST's mistakes. There is a lot of money in our Paypal account I'd love to get my hands on, but it's not ours yet. It's still yours until you get your project back.

That's a very intelligent way to do it... I could see easily getting overwhelmed financially if something unexpected were to happen. But this way the money is safe and sound. I always knew you were a class act... but this is just one more layer that proves it :duff

thanks man, that's all l wanted to hear

take your time, thanks for your reply
and for your efforts on those projects

best wishes to you both

Anybody have recommendations on good 1/6 Freddy Krueger pants? I want to replace the baggy Sideshow ones I modded for my custom. They detract from the rest of it.

Looking for some myself.
Great work on flash thats a favourite from childhood.
Who made the sculpt and is there an outfit available?
Wow that's quite the setup you have nathan. Wish my wife would support this hobby of ours that much. Ok she compensates cause she is an amazing cook but still kudos ;). Hope you can still book me in for october ;).



It is yours. I'm glad you are happy with it. We will be getting it out to you soon. Sorry for the delay.

To all concerned, and to those who have replied with understanding, let me reassure you ALL that nobody who has projects or money with me is getting overlooked or screwed. I have been amazes by the influx of new customers, repeat customers, and large order batch projects (Wake, I'm looking at you) that have come in in the last six months, especially since FAMcon. Oh my God!:thud:

It is my goal to give each and every one of you the best of my ability, but that takes time, and I am only one man with a wife (Igor - not her real name) who assists me when she can. She has her own things to do in addition to managing this little home-based business.

To give you some perspective, my studio is our Master Bedroom. We sleep in one of the other rooms. The third room is her office. Our dining room is my photo studio which also doubles for large scale (1/4 to 1/1) projects storage. The Master bedroom linen closet is full of 1/6 projects waiting to be done. Her office is stuffed with more 1/6 projects both waiting and finished, as well as packing and shipping supplies. There is a pile of new orders we haven't even received yet growing in our living room.

If we haven't gotten back to YOU, please understand, there are possibly fifty other people with multiple orders who also want and get our attention.

I am pretty organized, and Igor is exceptionally organized. But time is finite. We will not, nor have we ever lost or misplaced or totally forgotten about an order in our care.

If we have some or all of your money for a project, we leave it sitting in Paypal, and NEVER EVER touch it until a project is finished and shipped back, so be sure you will never be screwed out of your money with nothing to show for it. We were fortunate enough to learn that lesson by OTHER ARTIST's mistakes. There is a lot of money in our Paypal account I'd love to get my hands on, but it's not ours yet. It's still yours until you get your project back.

And if you think projects have backed up, not because I haven't been doing them, but because they are coming in as fast and faster than I have time to finish them, just imagine how many emails are backing up, especially when you keep sending them over and over wondering why they are getting answered.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for the understanding. Thanks most of all for your continued patience. Peace.:peace
Wow that's quite the setup you have nathan. Wish my wife would support this hobby of ours that much. Ok she compensates cause she is an amazing cook but still kudos ;). Hope you can still book me in for october ;).



Difference is you and I spend thousands of dollars. Nathan makes it. Lol. Easier to deal with hobby when it major income source haha.
True... but it sounds like it's a pretty overwhelming operation. I get into small skirmishes with the wife over taking time to just paint a few heads a month :lol
Amen. Translated version: playing with your puppets again?

True... but it sounds like it's a pretty overwhelming operation. I get into small skirmishes with the wife over taking time to just paint a few heads a month :lol
I love milking the anticipation of the WD paint ups. Keep waiting.:nana:

Sorry, Mags. Next post is yours. Processing now.

Now, a piece that has a special place in my inner child's heart. And what a great sculpt by WGP! I watched this movie last Sunday with some friends and felt the need to squeeze it in now. I absolutely love how this head turned out. So much Sam Jones expression and a flawless skin tone match. And blonde hair is the hardest to get right, but this time it rocks. I seriously do not want to give this one back.



OMG!!!! How can i get this?!?!?!?!?!?