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That's exactly the word I would use. What a betrayal of trust. The man can't even oficially offer his casts before the ****ing scumbag recasts them.

Yup, and he's already made at least $200 off of them, laughing all the way to the bank no doubt. Sadly this is probably from "advertisement" in the threads on this forum. :(
So let me get this straight...Trevor gave out 4 casts of his Burton, obviously to people he trusts, and Q still got his filthy ****ng fingers on it? Wow, talk about a stab in the back.

This person who was given the sculpt that most likely got recast does a lot of paint work for the company that Trevor sculpts for. My understanding is that Trevor didn't really know this guy directly so much, but that he was a friend of a friend at the company, therefor "trustworthy" by association.

Has anyone told him to stop? If so, what was his reaction?

He has been called on it. Instead of making nice, he threatened to make these works of art known to the license holders. So basically he gave Trevor the finger and said if I have to stop recasting your heads, you have to stop making them.

Amazing work, Nathan. Have been looking forward to this reveal since you mentioned you were working on it for FAMcon. Nice touch adding the damage to the knee, totally forgot about that from the movie. That nightmare scene is probably my favourite of anything in the series and yours evokes it perfectly.

Thanks. My vision was to create the moment when Jason got back up and pulled the axe out of his head before looking for Chris.
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This person who was given the sculpt that most likely got recast does a lot of paint work for the company that Trevor sculpts for. My understanding is that Trevor didn't really know this guy directly so much, but that he was a friend of a friend at the company, therefor "trustworthy" by association.

He has been called on it. Instead of making nice, he threatened to make these works of art known to the license holders. So basically he gave Trevor the finger and said if I have to stop recasting your heads, you have to stop making them.

Thanks. My vision was to create the moment when Jason got back up and pulled the axe out of his head before looking for Chris.

What an *******. Just goes to show, though; no matter what aspect of life it is, there are always going to be those pieces of **** who look to cash in on the hard work of others; it's just a shame that he hasn't gotten a taste of his own medicine, yet.
It's no mystery that he doesn't work alone. Yea he recasts and runs the eBay stuff and the booth at Frank & Sons but most people know that he has people on this board who help him get his hands on sculpts. Many people know who they are even though it goes unsaid publicly. They know who they are too :mad:.

DarkLord Dave and mods are trying to compile a list of Freaks who maybe helping recasters, so that they can monitor activities. If you know something or somebody who maybe in with the recast scheme, let them know via PM or email. We need more people helping Dave to put a stop to recasters than those who helping them!
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And on that note, I see the other thread has closed, and I don't want the discussion taking over my thread.

As of now, lets put it to bed in here. I ask for no more discussion on the matter. And I ask that if anybody does discuss it, that their comments regarding it go unanswered by others.

I appreciate the concern and respect for the artists here. Let's continue to keep the focus on the good the artists are doing.

Thank you.
It will be up right after I finish this Breaking (my ever loving spirit) Bad marathon of sculpts. 9 Walts is too many in one shot with all the work that goes into each one, and that's before all the extras Wake's requested. Not knocking you, Wake. You just gave me a lot to do, brother. Not complaining either. Bring it.

Banner is up next though.
This made its debut at FAMcon, but here are some of my own pics of Jack Burton.






I REALLY love this - amazing!

It really sucks what Q is doing to this community, he has been selling my Daryl head on ebay as well - if only there was some way of taking him down...
It will be up right after I finish this Breaking (my ever loving spirit) Bad marathon of sculpts. 9 Walts is too many in one shot with all the work that goes into each one, and that's before all the extras Wake's requested. Not knocking you, Wake. You just gave me a lot to do, brother. Not complaining either. Bring it.

Banner is up next though.

9!?! I only sent 5! Lol. I'm assuming some I those are for others. Still can't wait to see!
Thanks. My vision was to create the moment when Jason got back up and pulled the axe out of his head before looking for Chris.
Ah, gotcha. For some reason my only memory of Jason back on his feet is the dream sequence, so guess I'm getting them conflated. Regardless, love what you did with him.
Can a Bruce Lee Hottoys body (chest/arms area to be specific) be painted/airbrushed to match a pastey (Travis Bickle) skin tone convincingly? Or do bodies require some other type of paint application like a dye method or somthing more complex?