SilentSurfer's Laboratory: Come up to the Lab & See What's on the Slab.

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I really wanted to be the one to paint the coffin prototype, but they used their default female painter (who does very nice work).

Oh, and I forgot one more.

(7b or 13) carefully drill finger out of pearl ring and slip ring onto right ring finger and repaint
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Thank you, all, for a warm welcome!

You can't get rid of me now, even if you want to LOL!

Hello Igor:wave


Igor's here! Finally!

He's alive!!!!!

Cool, see you around!

Hi Igor,
Good to see you here!!!

:welcome1: Igor, its nice to see you,ve sneaked out of the Lab to more madness - enjoy your stay :)

Hi Igor, thanks for the help you have provided me! Welcome to the boards!
Amazing work on Elvira. I had no idea it was that involved until reading the breakdown!!

Igor is here! Hello Igor.
Just because these haven't been posted anywhere else!



Can't wait for these bad boys to come home to papa! Amazing job Nathan! Thanks! Walt looks spectacular!!!


Okay, here's the mod list for this project.

1) sculpt axe wound in head

2) sculpt knife wound on left hand

3) add knife cut to right pant leg

4) grind off tread/cleats from bottom of shoes (don't know why those were there to begin with)

5) grind down/reshape axe head to make it like a REAL axe head

6) fill in and redrill all mask holes to correct size and position on masked portrait, sculpt correct snaps, recast mask portion, paint to reference, add real elastic straps

7) repaint flesh and add blood effects

8) grind down shoulder/deltoid area so they sloap more and let the head seem a bit larger


9) repaint concrete portion of base and add "FRIDAY THE 13TH" logo

10) recast machete and remove hand so bloody machete can lie next to mask

11) change base top to simulated dirt and real hay with blood splatter
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Okay! Nathan knows I've been exchanging love messages back to him on Facebook, but thought I'd also chime in for his thread as well! Posted pics and vids on the Famcon thread, so those interested also check that out!

Igor!!!! Glad you made it out of the lab! We all love you!!! :)

Here's a few pics and vids for the road...!





Thanks, Marlo! Hey, I really love that little Space Godzilla! In fact, you've inspired me to FINALLY finish my Daimos Space Godzilla model kit that will be facing off with Kaiyodo's '94 Godzilla (both in 400 scale). I think Dai Kaiju will be "BIG" at FAMcon next year!:hi5: