SilentSurfer's Laboratory: Come up to the Lab & See What's on the Slab.

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I was just marvelling at pics of your SSC Boba prototype. Did you use the same green for all the armor bits? The gauntlets seem like they are paler, but maybe not. It's like an optical illusion! Just like "real" Boba, it's hard to say if even the helmet and chest armor are the same green.
You got a diverse portfolio ... ranging from this:

To this (I'm assuming you painted these) ...


It's not diverse the above pic is also from the same series of Disney Christmas ornaments... Right Nathan? :D
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" was not a Disney pic. Although many Disney characters had cameos in it. So they're not above being involved in such things. I also recall a pretty controversial version of "The Little Mermaid" cover. :lol
Perhaps not at the time, but I believe Disney was/is a parent company of the studio that produced "Roger Rabbit". It is most definitely considered a Disney property now, even having its own ride at Disneyland in Toon Town. In fact, I just rode it again on Saturday.

True enough. I can't argue with that.

Hey Surfer, I have a small stock pile of "Bad Science Teacher" stuff I need to send off to you for when you get the time. No rush. Please let me know when is good for you.

Creepy good.:thud:

I'd love to see that figure all put together, Bros. Production really killed with that release.

Also, it seems like you've found a way to kill most if not all of the "sheen" from the underlying PVC! That makes me really happy considering the stuff I have on your table at the moment. :clap
Thanks. I don't think it's a PVC issue with the sheen, as much as it is a chemical reaction to whatever paint/sealer China is using on them. I may be wrong though. This head certainly didn't seem to have issues.

Great Work on Cobb,s Nathan :wink1: with paint app,s like this ~ it Makes me Cringe with Excitment to see how my Freddy/Myers Heads Turn Out :panic:

They are up next!:yess:

Wow that's awesome, What sculpt is that and did you sculpt the eyes closed?

Those nails look real :horror

Thanks. Eyes were sculpted closed already, and according to Marf, this is a Bros. sculpt. Haven't actually heard of them until now.

Holy ****!! That's awesome. This thread never ceases to amaze.:clap

Thank you very much. More to come.
Thanks. I don't think it's a PVC issue with the sheen, as much as it is a chemical reaction to whatever paint/sealer China is using on them. I may be wrong though. This head certainly didn't seem to have issues.

Thanks. Eyes were sculpted closed already, and according to Marf, this is a Bros. sculpt. Haven't actually heard of them until now.

Ah I see, hopefully mine have a similar lack of issues. :pray:

Here's a link to the thread for the figure featuring that Cobb sculpt you painted:

EDIT: And Cyclops looks...damn.
Damn neat Surfer. Btw is that a dual colourtone on the visor or is it just the lighting?

Really waiting for the day he receives 1/6 justice.