SilentSurfer's Laboratory: Come up to the Lab & See What's on the Slab.

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:yess: That poster rocks. Is that for real? It couldn't possibly be any good, but it might just be bad enough to really kick ass.

A Thanksgiving Horror character. Hmmm. I'd have to put some thought into a backstory, and then figure out what the character has been through. It's too late now, but maybe next year, I'll have something in honor of our American holiday.
Well, I've just finished to digest the first 82 pages of this thread (I took time for well drooling on every page and now my keyboard is quite flooded) and...
Wow, wow, wow...
The words fail me there... That's normal?
I'm going to avoid cussing in the language of Shakespeare because that could appear more than risible, seen my master's degree, but I don't think less...

Thank you very much. I really appreciate the praise. Keep coming back. There's always something new popping up.

Just an FYI, you can change how many posts you see on one page. I have mine set to show 40 posts per page which I believe is the maximum per. That way you only have 21 pages to go through in my thread.

Next up... Hugh Dillon, sculpted by Sunohc.
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:yess: That poster rocks. Is that for real? It couldn't possibly be any good, but it might just be bad enough to really kick ass.

A Thanksgiving Horror character. Hmmm. I'd have to put some thought into a backstory, and then figure out what the character has been through. It's too late now, but maybe next year, I'll have something in honor of our American holiday.

If that poster is for a real movie, I totally want to see it!! That looks craptastic!! :lol
That movie is on Netflix streaming. I have it in my queue, but haven't gotten around to making myself watch it yet.
Jason looks fantastic Nathan! But I got to ask what is up with the lack of blood on the machete and axe? Was it a Sideshow/New Line request? With the blood on the base it would seem to make sense he'd have blood on the weapons too.

But otherwise wonderful. Andy WIP pics of it you can share now? :D
Hey Butt,

The choice on the lack of blood on the weapons was mine after reviewing the movie. The only time the axe is used to kill anybody it is used on him, so the axe should not have blood on it if he's holding it. The machete also did not have blood on it until right before he got hit in the head with the axe right after killing the lead biker. The blood on the floor was added after I sent it back, but it was done very nicely. It really looks like it sprayed across the floor. And I'm glad they kept it minimal. There really wasn't much blood in the movie despite all the killings.

I'll ask if I can post WIP pics, of which I have many, but until then, here are the official pics again uploaded from my Photobucket.










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Thanks for the insight. While I think most people would have prefered some blood on the weapons, I really respect the research you did. I don't think I would have noticed myself until you pointed out the lack of blood. Works for me then. Screen accurate :rock

And definately post pics if you can. I'd love to see more of this.

And best part was I had enough RP to get this for only the cost of shipping :rock
Nathan! This looks great, I got up this morning and saw it and went straight for the exclusive. I couldn't tell or not and probably cause I'm still half asleep but is the artwork based on your work too or just the statue?
Thanks boot.

Nathan! This looks great, I got up this morning and saw it and went straight for the exclusive. I couldn't tell or not and probably cause I'm still half asleep but is the artwork based on your work too or just the statue?

I didn't know there was artwork until last night. I think that probably came before the statue was sculpted, but I don't know for sure. That part of the design process is unknown to me yet.
Hey Nathan. I sent you an e-mail regarding another small fix on the Predator maquette. Do you think you could still fit me into your schedule since your a bigshot Sideshow guy now?:wink1: