SilentSurfer does Sideshow's Michael Myers right.

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Good Enough Never Is!
CF Supporter
Dec 16, 2008
Reaction score

This is terrible:

I couldn't live with that, so I resculpted the face including reshaping the gigantic eye holes, enhancing the forehead and cheaks, resculpting the mouth, and I even added the old sideburn lines in front of the ears.






Finished with all new hair. The hair is a lot better than the short, clack rug they had on him, but I still wish I could have gotten it to lay tighter to the head, but for a 1/6 figure, it's not bad being that it's not sculpted hair.

The coveralls aren't the right color at the moment (Sideshow actually got that right, but they were horribly baggy). These are Dark blue Saturday Toys coveralls which I hope to bleach and dye to the right shade of olive drab.

Anyway, what do you think?



Look close and you can even see the knitting needle hole in his neck now. I also painted the irises straight black to 'literally' portray how Loomis described them. "He had the blackest eyes. The Devil's eyes." But I added gloss to them so you can tell there are eyes in there.

Anybody have some good 1/6 Olive Drab coveralls for Mikey here? I know DarkArtist had some, but I haven't heard back from him yet.
Believe it or not, I didn't even know about this customs only section til today, and since it applied to both, I decided to optimize visibility.:D
Nice work man! Your sculpt is very clean, much nicer and more accurate than mine was IMO. I was never 100% happy with how mine came out, especially the eye holes. But you nailed it man.

The coveralls, as I said in my thread... you will just have to try to decolor and dye the ones you have... that is the exact same set that I use on mine.

And please tell my you made a mold of that head, it would be a shame if you didn't save it for production... it's really nice work.
Coming from the guy who inspired me to do my own, that means a lot, DA. I've been going through your entire Doom thread all day checking out the immense amount of work you've done. I'm not even half way through it all. I especially think you do a great job on the Jasons. Part 5 and 8 are excellent.

Unfortunately I didn't take a mold of my sculpt. I was only thinking of the one piece when I started, not sure how good it would look, and I was impatient to see it finished. I suppose if I got ambitious enough, I could still do it, but I have so much other work to do right now. When I've got an empty table and the time to do it, I just might though. I'm sure I could make some a few pennies off it.
Thank you. I should really do a thread of all my work like DA did. He's got quite a body of work. I'd have to do a lot more just to scratch at the surface of the amount of stuff he's done, but I'm not so much into the commercial aspect of it as he is, just the pride of doing it.

I still need to futz with the hair to get it less hair-helmety. Hopefully I'll figure that out and post new pics with creepy lighting tonight or tomorrow.:D
It didn't. That's all me. The original sculpt was just something to set the proportions really, and even then I shortened the forehead.
If I were insanely ambitious, I would love to make this to stand right in front of 21 yr old Michael. I never realized just how much the Shatner/Myers mask really looks like an older (albeit soulless) version of young Michael. The shape of his face, and even the hair, the way it sticks out on the sides, is very much like the mask.

I bleeched the Saturday Toys blue jumpsuit. At first I couldn't tell anything had happened to the color while it was wet, but as it dried it looked more bleeched, so I resprayed it and left it in a baggy over night. In the morning it still looked dark blue until I rinsed and dried it.

Bleech worked.

Then I rubbed 1 teaspoon of salt onto the rewetted jumpsuit. Don't ask me why, but it's supposed to help the dye work. Then I used 1 teaspoon of Rit Dye Dark Green and 1/2 teaspoon of Rit Dye Dark Brown in a microwaved bowl filled with about 1 and 3/4 cups of near boiling water. Threw the jumpsuit in and stirred for about 30 minutes.

It looked nearly black when I took it out, but it dried to the perfect, movie accurate color.

The mixture I used was recommended by the Rit website to make Olive Drab. Perhaps we know the answer to that mystery now.

Anyway, here he is. The figure is not photoshopped, just the backdrop. The figure really looks even better than that in person. The pic doesn't do the jumpsuit justice. Unfortunately, the thread didn't dye so well, but thankfully that isn't as noticable in person.