SDCC Dinosauria: Dienosuchus vs. Parasaurolophus - Link in 1st Post

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It's great to see ppl receiving this awesome dio.

When I first saw it in person (my friend's dio, he received his a month earlier than mine), I was kind of worried since the spots/dots on the skull of the croc on his dio were too uniform in shape and arrangement, which gave it an extremely unnatural look, but luckly I didn't had the same problem. Seems like my friend was quite unlucky... :duh
Finally got my Dienosuchus EX dio was shipped together with my EX T-rex dio...
Fedex comes to my door and hands me my Dienosuchus package with an entire corner completely destroyed. They used a plastic bag to cover up the hole as you can see by the pictures below. I sware....I've never received a package from fedex in good condition. This one being the worst. I was sure the art box on the inside was destroyed to along with styrofoam. To my surprize...the art box was barley touched! thanks to the box being suspended inside with the styrofoam corner pieces.

Anyway, my opinion of the Dienosuchus dio isnt very great ether. I was very underwhelmed with this piece. I think the paint apps on this one are very disappointing. The Parasaurolophus might of well just been painted one flat color....because thats all it looks like. It doesnt look anything like the proto pics in my opinion. The Dienosuchus didnt really "wow" me ether...looks pretty blah and those dam polk a dots all over its head bugg the hell out of me. Also the blood looks like it was put on in hurry and doesnt look realistic at all. The sticker on the bottom of the base with the ES is also falling off. Their all kinds of styro balls stuck between the base and the sticker so it wont stay on when you lift it just hangs :mad:
As for the T-rex dio...WOW....that one looks really amazing!. The paint apps are spot on with that dio..very happy with that one. I boxed the Dienosuchus back up and put it in my closet for now till I figure out what im going to do with that one. Probably send it back...

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that really sucks.

my dienosuchus dio has the same paint issue's it all looks like its done in a hurry. not happy about it iether.

gonna let it repainted once i got some spare money for it.

got the t-rex also but that one had paint damage so i had to destroy it to get a refund. i offered a small amount back to cover the repair on the paint but they offered such a low discount which i didnt accept

never had destroy packages like you form fedex. only minor damages to the boxes. but they dont handle with care thats for sure
Seems like those dots on the surface of the Deino's skull is a real letdown to some folks....

I'm also not so happy with it but luckly, the one I have doesn't sticks out too much in person, and the blood looks okay. The only thing that really bugs me is that the color of the teeth is almost identical to the color of the skin of the jaws.

My friend received a dio with a really awful paint job (The dots on his not only sticks out too much, they are uniform in size and arrangement and it really gives an unnatural look) compared to mine and I think certain pieces are suffering from the same horrendous paint app issues.
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Ya im not impressed with this dio at all...for some reason the Parasaurolophus's beak and mouth parts are painted the same color as the rest of its head. Theirs little to no color on the head at all....its just one shade of beige. The patterning along its back is also very sloppy. Its like the painter held the airbrush in one spot much to long so the paint actually filled in the texture of the skin. Its all over the Parasaurolophus's looks horrible. Like I mentioned before also the base sticker hangs off on one side because theirs styro balls stuck to the glue side. Im sending it back this is not quality at all....pic below.

Seems like those dots on the surface of the Deino's skull is a real letdown to some folks....

I'm also not so happy with it but luckly, the one I have doesn't sticks out too much in person, and the blood looks okay. The only thing that really bugs me is that the color of the teeth is almost identical to the color of the skin of the jaws.

My friend received a dio with a really awful paint job (The dots on his not only sticks out too much, they are uniform in size and arrangement and it really gives an unnatural look) compared to mind and I think certain pieces are suffering from the same horrendous paint app issues.

As to the color of the teeth to jaw interior, that's actually quite true of known crocodilians, oddly enough, so I wouldn't take it as detraction.

Sorry to hear about your friend with the awful, extravagant paint apps. I was also fortunate enough to have a piece where those features are actually rather subdued and I feel actually buttress the integrity of the piece in their implementation - again, this is at least true of the statue in my collection. It's the roulette burden of having the pieces individually painted: seeing that one individual's piece has a stellar paint job doesn't necessarily mean that your own will in turn, though the same goes for if their statue's paint job is subpar.
A friend on another forum said that P.tubicen wasn't a good choice for this piece..I sent him the story line as we were discussing the size/age of the Deino/Para. Here is his reply :

cool narrative,. though it does explain that the deinosuchus is oversized by about 5 ft. On average they grew to about 32 ft with a 4.3 ft skull. the largest known specimen at an estimate 40ft with a skull estimate of about 5.2ft. Another thing to know is deinosuchus and p.tubicen where actually never found at the same site i just found this out myself here. They seam to be separated by some 1million years. P crytocristatus, kritosaurus or anasazisaurus would have been better candidates for the sculpt.

What do you think ? Maybe Sideshow just picked this particular hadrosaur due to fame ?
Been saying that myself, that the Deinosuchus in this diorama is gargantuan, but we can still hardly take what we have of Deinosuchus fossil specimens as the sole range for the very largest these organisms could become, particularly given the scarcity the fossil record provides for D.rugosus. With Deinosuchus it's important to keep in mind that the size varied widely depending upon the organism's region. For example, the most densely populated region for D.rugosus was in the southeastern US (Coastal Plan region); in this area where the population was densest, ~32 feet is a close approximation to an average size. However, the shores of the Interior Seaway (area corresponding to present Montana and Wyoming) would have sported truly monstrous creatures, albeit in a smaller population than the southeast; in this region one could be more likely to find D.rugosus specimens closer to the 36-40 foot mark, and sporting skulls closer to the 4.5-5 foot range. I take the animal to be an extremely old male, unlike what the story conveys - again this is grounded in crocodilian growth slowing but not ceasing with age, as well as males being the larger sex. I wouldn't hazard for the animal to definitively being P.tubicen and not a separate member of the genus, being that the animal is a juvenile. Were it an adult I would certainly agree.

Discrepancy in timeframe is often where I find fault with even the coolest pieces. I recall a member posted shots of a T.rex and D.rugosus diorama, whereas the two animals didn't even exist at the same period of time (T.rex wouldn't come on the scene until several million years after the extinction of Deinosuchus).

I could talk about this piece ad infinitum. :D I hope to discuss the Velociraptor piece as well, though admittedly with much less of a personal touch as I have, with a heavy heart, cancelled my pre-order... Ah well. I look forward to the pics you gents and ladies will no doubt post. :yess:
So plausibility can save this piece ? Awesome ! heh..heh

I enoy finding things we can use to discuss these's so long between releases it's kinda hard...:/

So you canceled your Velociraptor Dio ? I can't complain really, I'm getting it but only barely...if it comes down to it these pieces do have re-sale value afterall.
A bit disturbing to say the least..but it answers a few questions I had. Like how the Deino was attached to the water base..really nice strong peg there..and the Para had a wire in it's it steel ?

I've been hoping to find out how stable these pieces are and guessed there could be some kind of steel rod extending in to the bodies to a point.

It's an odd question..but anyone busted any of the others yet ?
Yup..the Parasaurolophus has a steel wire running through it...very hard to bend. This piece is solid polystone through out it seems. I tried breaking it with a hammer but I could only put a dent in the piece. I eventually gave up and decided to through it 20 feet into the air to see if gravity would finish it off for me. I had to throw it up in the air about 3 times before I got what you see in those pictures. The base however seems very fragile...I was able to break pieces off that pretty easy with very little effort. Should be getting the new one soon...

I hope you receive a new one with satisfying quality...

I really don't want SS to drop this line but the steady increase in price of the newer pieces, and some quality control issues will obviously turn away quite a number of fans of the line....
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I give you....destroyed Dienosuchus :(


Soooo why did you destroy this as opposed to sending it back as you said, or simply reselling? Seems like a colossal waste of money.

So plausibility can save this piece ? Awesome ! heh..heh

So you canceled your Velociraptor Dio ? I can't complain really, I'm getting it but only barely...if it comes down to it these pieces do have re-sale value afterall.

:exactly: Oh most assuredly. I have no problems with the Deinosuchus piece aside from the back story, which is easily the most maleable portion of the statue. :lol

I did indeed cancel. After much deliberation, but I finally decided rather than be a "completist" I shouldn't purchase one of these if I'm not completely satisfied, and based just on the preview shots I'm far from satisfied. Still have the Allo VS Camara dio and Spino on pre-order with no plans on canceling either. None whatsoever. Both are really spectacular and have survived my scrutiny, unlike the Velociraptor VS Protoceratops piece.
Been saying that myself, that the Deinosuchus in this diorama is gargantuan, but we can still hardly take what we have of Deinosuchus fossil specimens as the sole range for the very largest these organisms could become, particularly given the scarcity the fossil record provides for D.rugosus. With Deinosuchus it's important to keep in mind that the size varied widely depending upon the organism's region. For example, the most densely populated region for D.rugosus was in the southeastern US (Coastal Plan region); in this area where the population was densest, ~32 feet is a close approximation to an average size. However, the shores of the Interior Seaway (area corresponding to present Montana and Wyoming) would have sported truly monstrous creatures, albeit in a smaller population than the southeast; in this region one could be more likely to find D.rugosus specimens closer to the 36-40 foot mark, and sporting skulls closer to the 4.5-5 foot range. I take the animal to be an extremely old male, unlike what the story conveys - again this is grounded in crocodilian growth slowing but not ceasing with age, as well as males being the larger sex. I wouldn't hazard for the animal to definitively being P.tubicen and not a separate member of the genus, being that the animal is a juvenile. Were it an adult I would certainly agree.

Discrepancy in timeframe is often where I find fault with even the coolest pieces. I recall a member posted shots of a T.rex and D.rugosus diorama, whereas the two animals didn't even exist at the same period of time (T.rex wouldn't come on the scene until several million years after the extinction of Deinosuchus).

I could talk about this piece ad infinitum. :D I hope to discuss the Velociraptor piece as well, though admittedly with much less of a personal touch as I have, with a heavy heart, cancelled my pre-order... Ah well. I look forward to the pics you gents and ladies will no doubt post. :yess:

I'm sorry to hear that you've cancelled the Protoceratops vs Velociraptor dio, but I wouldn't want you buying a piece you didn't like. I'll be sure to take some awesome pics, so that maybe down the line you may find a love for this piece. :wink1:

I give you....destroyed Dienosuchus :(


:eek :eek :eek :eek

Oh, the humanity. I wish you could've given me that dio. I could have taken some amazing pics, without the worry of getting the statue dirty.:gah:

Oh, well. Glad to know a knew one is on its way.:yess: