Resident Evil Customs Thread

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thanks guys i dunno why in the pics the shirt looks brown its green must be the camera lol
few more shots of rebecca she's pretty much done just waiting to get ink so i can print her rescue logo and waiting for her front pouch other then that she's done . i switched out her shirt and put the stars logo there i had fun doing this custom on to the next






see ,the bsaa head look better even with the wrong haircut.

Man thats such a tidy looking custom, Can I ask. Is the body Jill's or a Caucasian true type and where did you nab the shoulder harness from.

I'd love to bash one together myself and I've scored a Jill Head but I was concerned that the true type colour wouldn't match the head.

Thanks in advance
What body is the best for Barry? Barry is suppossed to be a thicker than RE1 Chris right? Im using the Royce body on my HT STARS Chris, so do you guys think a Ross body would work for Barry? Im thinking of getting one, but I dont know if it will work.
I've got mine on a Perseus with a swapped out torso to fit a necked headsculpt. I think the advanced TT are too small (bulk wise) so a muscle body is a must. Barney may be a bit much with those veiny forearms. I think the Ross/Whiplash body is just a step above the Royce type bodies, but not T-800 big either.

STARS Chris would probably look fine on an Advanced TT though. I've got mine kept as the Roid Rage RE5 Chris, but that is just me. My Brad and Joseph are on the Advanced/Wesker bodies and they look fine IMO.
The reason I kind of contemplating the Barney body is because of the mid section. Barry looks thick there, not necessarily fat, but bulky. I gonna borrow my friend Barney and see how the clothes fit. Ill post pics when I do.
The veins are a problem, but I think the Perseus forearms are interchangeable with the Barney ones. Ill have to check that out.

BTW- are you going to change the shirts to white t-shirts or are you keeping the Chris shirts?
I haven't thought about swapping the arms. I suppose it is possible since the T-800 swaps out there. But I do get what you are saying about Barry being thick. That is something I've been meaning to do to mine. Since he isn't bare chested,he can easily be padded to the right size. But I am curious to see the Barney body in the Chris outfit. It might be a good alternative for those wanting Roid Chris without the rubber body.

I'm just keeping my STARS guys them in Chris shirts.
Here is my Barry on the Barney Ross body. I went with the fuller beard like in the original RE. Im still not sure about the body. I like the thickness of the torso, but Im thinking of trying out a Royce body with a fat suit underneath and see how that looks. I just need a belt and the 2 pouches and I think Im set.




Very nice. My Barry is going to look nearly identical once he get back from the painter. Those pouches are the one thing I'm still missing too :lol

The Barney body looks surprisingly good however. If my Punisher head wasn't still a full necked head, I'd go with the Barney body. But I'm sticking to my Perseus mod bod with some padding.