Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "Driver"

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Thats a big call Pop! - Don't know if I agree...:lol

I'm saying it bro! I was part of the minority that really liked the initial Mohawk reveal (pre-tweak with the PS'd eyes). He got me scared after that washed out pic because I thought he was going to styley on the paint. Turns out it was just a REALLY bad pic and I was still scarred from Jules and other aspects of the PF release. He was losing me (and others) after the Pulp boys, but he went above and beyond on this to abolish all doubt.

In my book this is hands down his sickest set and top 3 likenesses to date :)
now that this officially is over, sale at least, time to start looking forward to the next project? Really hoping for that one special character that will make my first RM full set! :pray:
Honestly surprised that so many prefer the soldier look to the driver. When I think about this movie, it's always him as the Driver struggling to fit in. The soldier is merely the result.

I feel like Taxi Driver is one of those movies where everything leads up to the ending, this is mainly why I and I'm assuming people like the Soldier version and also because he looks badass!
I'm saying it bro! I was part of the minority that really liked the initial Mohawk reveal (pre-tweak with the PS'd eyes). He got me scared after that washed out pic because I thought he was going to styley on the paint. Turns out it was just a REALLY bad pic and I was still scarred from Jules and other aspects of the PF release. He was losing me (and others) after the Pulp boys, but he went above and beyond on this to abolish all doubt.

In my book this is hands down his sickest set and top 3 likenesses to date :)
Yes - I was the same at the start - ....the final paint up looks awesome - really changed my mind also!! :thud:
I think the soldier look is much more significant pop-culture wise. You see it on shirts, posters, DVD covers and so on. Sure, it is only in two short scenes and comparatively you are right, the driver look is more representative of the film. I just think the soldier look is more representative of the property and its significance.
Here's hoping for:

Michael Douglas- Wall Street or Falling Down
Johnny Ringo-Doc needs someone
John Wayne-any movie
Easy Rider-Wyatt and Billy
Jack Nicholson-Cuckoos Nest and/or The Shining
A Nicholson figure would be awesome.

top 3 likenesses to date :)
Wow, extremely high praise. I would say Bill, Doc, and. . .possibly the Dude are my top pics in that department.

the driver look is more representative of the film. I just think the soldier look is more representative of the property and its significance.
I agree with you on that one totally. But I'm more a fan of the film itself, its message, and the overall performance of Deniro than the broad pop culture impact of the film. So from that POV, the "driver" look really appeals to me most. I've come around to going all in with both looks on the display though.
Honestly surprised that so many prefer the soldier look to the driver. When I think about this movie, it's always him as the Driver struggling to fit in. The soldier is merely the result.

I see it the other way actually. I'm with DKA, the mohawk is definitely the more famous imagery when it comes to marketing and merchandise... which of course makes it the more well know image. I'm a super die hard so I'm happy that we had all the options that we did; I went beyond full boat on this. This release gave me everything Bickle that I need (I'm not that interested in date night or medium hair) but if I had to choose 1... it would be soldier.

now that this officially is over, sale at least, time to start looking forward to the next project? Really hoping for that one special character that will make my first RM full set! :pray:

Is Torrance worthy of your virginity????
Travis will be my 8th RM figure and from what I have, Anton and Doc are at the top. When Travis is in hand, I'm sure he will be right up there as well. Can't wait. :impatient:
Wow, extremely high praise. I would say Bill, Doc, and. . .possibly the Dude are my top pics in that department.

I agree with you on that one totally. But I'm more a fan of the film itself, its message, and the overall performance of Deniro than the broad pop culture impact of the film. So from that POV, the "driver" look really appeals to me most. I've come around to going all in with both looks on the display though.

I forgot Dude until right after I posted. I think that this takes the 4th spot and bumps Doc to 5th

Here's to going all in! :rock
Torrance all the way!

In terms of likeness, Bill/Daniel, Anton, Oompa (if that counts), Doc, Dude, Travis. Top 5 probably.

As an overall set, this one is pretty complete. I can't think of another that tops this, if this isn't the best overall set, it's right up there.
I'm seriously thinking about initially posing the "You talkin to me?" look.


And we need Corrose to do some of those Palantine posters.
Man that haired sculpt is a thing of beauty! I love them both but haired is the better of the 2 if you ask me

Dont get me wrong, I love the profile of the haired sculpt, but for some
reason, straight on view, something just throws it off for me. Can't
put my figner on it.

Where as the mohawk one didnt have that same effect.

It's not about liking one look over the other, it's just an observation
on both via all the pictures we've seen so far.
A little FYI on the cart issues fellas... this has been THE EASIEST Rainman shopping experience that I've ever had (along with Jules).

I'm on B-day vay-cay right now and didn't trust the wifi and the iPad so I asked if I could use a hard wired desk top. The manager let me use his office and he's not working with any type of super computer; regular Dell Insprion.

I was absoultly plucking everything I wanted at will from RM's site with zero issues; no empty cart stuff, not even the glitch that I usually go thru because of a credit I was issued (Sam, you have this problem too... along with some others).

I wanted to help keep the traffic light on the H&C to give the guys who didn't get anything yet have a better chance. I checked out a painted Mohawk effortlessly once they went up early. Then I put an unpainted Driver and an unpainted Soldier sculpt in my cart while I was waiting for the Soldier outfit set to go live. Once it did I threw that in there too, and checked out no problem. Then I was watching for a bit to see how fast things were selling out. The painted Driver sculpt was still there and the devil on my shoulder told me that I need it; so I listened. Believe it or not the Driver sculpt was the only thing that gave me trouble and it wasn't even selling out. Tried twice, had cart issues, logged out and then back in... and checked out no prob.

So what is this showing us? IT'S NOT RM's, IMINIME's, OR NIKE's SITE. I was having a smooth ride because there was no traffic on that link. The stampede was trying to all push thru the Soldier H&C door and was trampling each other in doing so.

This leads me to a whole other point that I'm way to drun...er... tired to get into...
think the haired sculpt seems a bit more on point to my eyes at the moment but after tweaking who knows which will be better. as for whch is the more iconic look, i dont know that i can choose. personally i feel a bit closer to the the alienated, lonesome driver but the mohawk soldier is damn unforgettable. thinking i might go with both looks after all.
either that or i will do a clothed driver and use the chestpiece, holster and guns for the soldier. but then i'd still need boots and jeans so yeah... kind of rambling at this point.