Powerloader Price Revealed!

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dekadentdave said:
And how much do you spend on your undersized Medicoms there, Nash? I was always anticipating a PL to be in the ball park of that price point based on ED-209. This thread cracks me up. A few months ago everyone here was begging for a PL and now that it has been revealed and the price announced everyone is complaining about it. How typical. There are people here who will drop hundreds on imported over-priced Asian figures and non-articulated PF statues but whine about paying more than $100 for any articulated 1:6 scale figure or accessory. If you are a fan and you collect this license then it's a must buy and you are going to buy it, simple as that.
Dave get off my nuts ghay boy. Where was I complaining? All I said was spending hundreds of dollars for any collectible should never be seen as "cheap".

To answer your stupid question, I spent about $500 total on my undersized awesomely articulated and fabricated Medicoms and probably over 2k in Hot Toys.

Nice to know I can still count on you to try and stir the pot then when things get out of hand you'd 9 times out of 10 throw in the "ah i was just playing around" backpeddle. I get it.:cool:
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Mookeylama said:

what, run out of school kids to sell meth to?


dude, i'm totally kidding. i like your store. i couldn't help it. thread needs some (bad) levity.

Hey, no offense taken. I'm a plastic addict myself. :rotfl

actually many have made valid points in this thread. Alice is right in a way. if people would stop paying inflated prices for things (anything. brand name clothes, sports cars, ect) then prices points would come down to reflect REASONABLE profits. but for good or bad, we're not a hive collective. we're individuals, selfish by nature. can't expect Ralph in Peoria to hold off on buying that Jag until it reaches a price point i can afford.
Ralph's a dick...
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MisterToyNYC said:
Yeah! I want to buy a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, but people keep paying $20,000 for them! I wish they'd stop doing that so I can afford one at $5000! Damn them! :rotfl

You have apparently not understood my point. There's a difference between paying a reasonable price for something, meaning the items is well worth the cash, or paying an artificially inflated price, indulging a company's greed. Some prices are not in relation to the product, and sometimes the reason for that is, companies know that collectors are stupid enough to actually pay what they ask them to for a much desired collectible. I bet some of us would even pay $300 for this power Loader. So why don't we all send a mail to Hot Toys to let them know about this? They would be stupid to not go for it, right?
Darklord Dave said:
Okay, I listened to the podcast and even Brant didn't seem to know exactly what the articulation was and wasn't sure about the lights.

We know there is a button for a light up siren according to Kozin of OSW who was there and saw it...

Brant said "To the best of our knowledge it is very well articulated".
pjam said:
Re: light function from Kozin @ OSW...

"The power loader really needed to be seen in person to appreciate. The hydraulic hoses on the back are incredible. There is a button on it that makes the light on top blink. The hands open and close."

Excellent! That makes me feel better already.

Now what I'd really like is a voice chip that says:

"CLOMP! CLOMP!! CLOMP!!! Get away from her you bitcch!"
pjam said:
It always cracks me up when some Dealers weigh in on Collector Message boards to support a price point... :lol .... I would still like to know what the original Hot Toys wholesale price point was planned/whispered to be before it was pulled from Toyfair... HT knew then what it would cost to make.

Here's what my Dealer said...

"I only heard rumors about the costs at TF as nothing was set with us which is why I was holding off. I know HT sets the pricing so they are the ones to blame for the confusion."

I was probably the first member here to speculate/hope that Hot Toys would make a Power Loader (last April)... and I'm done be-otching about price now and will buy one (but from MY dealer) so I Do wish you all happy PL days ahead... :D

Re: light function from Kozin @ OSW...

"The power loader really needed to be seen in person to appreciate. The hydraulic hoses on the back are incredible. There is a button on it that makes the light on top blink. The hands open and close."

I know ToyMister from the OSW and he is a collector first and a dealer 2nd so lay off him

Here is my take on the situation
I aint rich but ill get the PL regardless of the price
this hobby aint cheap
if you want cheap collect toothpicks
and I totally agree with TM
on the OSW, 6th Div and SAG people are always saying how much they want some 1/6th scale vehicle and when someone does decide to make one they whine and moan over the price ....well I guess its the same all over
250 is too much well eat ramen for a few months and save your pennies just puleeze stop being a whiney ass little girly man already ...well unless your a girl then whine all you want ;)
You're way out of line pal. This was my last post...

"I was probably the first member here to speculate/hope that Hot Toys would make a Power Loader (last April)... and I'm done be-otching about price now and will buy one (but from MY dealer) so I Do wish you all happy PL days ahead..."

Btw, I am a collector too, I just don't make a living selling Toys and my Dealer would NEVER chime in on a Collector board to support a high price point, he just lists and sells and leaves it up to the buyer... but that was a general humorous jab aimed at no-one in particular so there is no need for your sophmoric puerile personal attacks, grow TF up, man! Especially attacking VETERAN Freak Board members you know nothing about who are expressing and sharing opinions regarding the value of a collectible with other collectors...

But now that YOU dredged it up again after my last "Kumbaya" post, from what I'm hearing the original wholesale price to distributors may have been 130 and is now 150 or so (excluding import and shipping cost)... not that big a deal, except when Collectors who spend a lot of money have some concerns about retail price points for a particular figure and wish to express their thoughts and feelings without the threat of personal attacks...

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Darklord Dave said:
To reiterate bluesparrow's well written post - neither HT or SSC RESET the price. The price hadn't been announced and a retailer jumped the gun as has happened many times before.

Whether it's worth $250 or not will be up to each individual. To some a Medicom Boba Fett is worth $150 or a Toys McCoy Indiana Jones is worth $980.

I tuned in late on this whole loader debate...had to work yesterday. I got one preordered at BBTS a few days ago, but this is the first I heard about it being set at over $200! Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. I'm still looking forward to it, but there's time to see what happens before deciding to pull the plug, or pay that much for a big model kit. A lot depends on the final product. And by the way...

I had no idea Toys McCoy Indy was going for THAT much! Holy ca-rap!! I got two of 'em back when they first came out, with the horses too, and I don't think I paid more than maybe $600 for the lot! The boxes are like C9+ too, right out of the shipping carton. Guess I'll be hanging on to those for awhile...
For crying out loud this is getting personal.


All I said is that I listened to the Sideshow Radio broadcast and they interviewed Brant.He talked about the Power Loader,described it and then mentioned about "getting it all for $250".

There's been plenty of speculation whether he meant the Loader alone or the Loader and Ripley. The fact is we still don't know what the definite price will be.
I don't think 250 for a articulated PL is too much. This vehicle is going to be pretty damn big.

I mean hell, most of the whiners in this thread dropped amost 400 for Jabba setup.
nash said:
Dave get off my nuts ghay boy. Where was I complaining? All I said was spending hundreds of dollars for any collectible should never be seen as "cheap".

To answer your stupid question, I spent about $500 total on my undersized awesomely articulated and fabricated Medicoms and probably over 2k in Hot Toys.

Nice to know I can still count on you to try and stir the pot then when things get out of hand you'd 9 times out of 10 throw in the "ah i was just playing around" backpeddle. I get it.:cool:

Hey Nash, I was just making a point, and if I cracked a few medi-nuts, well then, so be it. You just reinforced my point. Your willing to shell out the big bucks for your undersized awesomely articulated and fabricated Medicoms without reservation because they are important to you and that's all that matters. My point was that everyone who was begging for a PL from Hot Toys finally get their dreams answered yet they complain about the cost. Wholesale, shmosale. Who wouldn't want to pay wholesale pricing on these but the reality is that retailers have to make a profit from importing this uber-cool plastic crap from Asia that we so dearly love and spend all of our disposeable income on and add on licensing fees which I gurantee for Aliens cost more than they did for RoboCop and you can expect to pay that much for one of these babies. You all better start saving your pennies now because when they do the Queen Alien (and you know they will) she's going to cost even more... much more. Then we will have supurflous threads with complaints about how she costs too damn much. Wah.
It's gonna be really funny if when the official price is released and it turns out to be no more than $200, everyone's gonna say "Doh! Forget what I said earlier."

And that's my opinion as a collector and a dealer. :D


MisterToyNYC said:
It's gonna be really funny if when the official price is released and it turns out to be no more than $200, everyone's gonna say "Doh! Forget what I said earlier."

And that's my opinion as a collector and a dealer. :D



That would be great and I totally respect your opnion Eric, just having a little fun (with smilies) as did Mookey.:lol Rock on man! :D :cool:
Adam (Darkshadowcollectibles) did tell us that NO PRICE HAD BEEN ESTABLISHED. Even though he's a dealer I think we can trust him.

And make nice kids - no bashing or name calling.