PLEASE READ.... Where is Hurricane?

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Well atlas I have some GOOD news :)

Glenn is feeling much better and is getting back into his work. He sees the doctor this week then a follow up with the specialist. The last biopsy taken showed no precancerous cells, but the scar from the tumor removal was infected and very inflamed.
So he's been lots of antibiotics which have made him a bit poorly, but hopefully within the next couple of weeks we can draw a line under cancer and just put up with frequent check ups.

Hi there , he's better , doing alot more of his work, and a few UKG troops, he's due to seeing his doctor next week then a follow up with the specialist.The last biopsy taken showed no precancerous cells in the bladder but the scar from the tumor removal was infected and very inflamed the bug responsible was the same family as 'strep throat'
so it's been lots of antibiotics and their ummm unpleasant side effects.Glenns penicilin intolerant , not allergic , just intolerant so he's been a bit poorly with constant upset stomach.Hopefully within the next couple of weeks we can draw a line under cancer and just put up with frequent check ups.
Very promising. Thanks for being the liaison Mark, and I hope he knows all the Freaks are pulling for him in this tough time.

Good news indeed!
Hey there folks its me again!

Run now while you still can ;)


I've just spoken to Glenn (as in five minutes ago) and he's given me some interesting updates

Bits have shipped, or are up for shipping this/next week! I havent been given a list of who's expecting what, so i couldnt push for a exact list of who's to expect what atm...

Of the 5 outstanding Vaders, Glenn has spent a good while re-tooling them, making them ever more accurate to the screen versions. These will be very special indeed and well worth the wait!

As soon as i have a proper list of who's waiting on whats, i can forward it to Glenn so he can check it all off and see whats where...

Expect some pictures real soon (2-3 weeks...ok yes i know that isnt soon but work with me here!:p)

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