PayPal holding money due to "fraud trends"

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Sep 13, 2006
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Just got off the phone with a PayPal customer care rep named John, who was helpful in explaining a bit more about how PayPal works.

I just recently sold a Spade 5 figure and the money was held. It would've been held for 21 days, but after a 40 minute phone call, I got it released today as a "one time courtesy". This same thing happened a few weeks back when I sold my Jon Snow figure, and they released it as a "one time courtesy", three days after it was delivered. I've sold a few other items in similar price ranges over the last few months with no issues, no holds. In Q3/Q4 last year, I sold hundreds of dollars worth of stuff, with no holds. Now, since February, I've had two holds.

While on the phone with the standard PayPal reps, they would tell me things like they put holds on transactions for accounts open less than 90 days, less than $250 in transactions, and other things that didn't apply to my account.

One of the curiosities was that under the Withheld Funds balance, the description was 'eBay non-performer', which is not accurate, because my eBay account is clear. The PayPal reps would tell me that I need to contact eBay about that. eBay says my account is clear and I need to contact PayPal, so that's that runaround.

I finally got through to the aforementioned John, who explained how holds work, and essentially they are random. They change on a daily basis, so it sounds like if a bunch of people buying sixth scale figures opened claims in the past few days, PayPal will put a hold on a transaction.

These types of holds are "security" holds, rather than "graduated" holds, like the 'new account' and 'less than $250' type holds. The security holds are harder to release, but in my experience, as long as you keep them on the phone long enough, they will release the funds.

John said that they base the hold more on marketplace trends, rather than seller history, so often a security hold is not based on the seller at all, more so the item being sold.

Has anyone else had PayPal put a hold on your transaction for what appears to be no reason recently?
Is the hold to validate that Paypal is getting the money from the buyer's financial institute? Kind of like when they do holds on 'checks'. Makes no sense for it to be 'random' though I can understand the newer accounts...

This would be an extreme negative for their eBay transactions, because essentially the sellers could disagree to ship the items until the funds 'properly' transfer. I don't see how Paypal can stand doing this with product transactions because essentially you are holding up the delivery of goods.
They always do it on refunds. Your refund is always sent as an e cheque so you have to wait for the funds to clear. I had one recently which took 11 days . My payments are always direct debited so why cant they direct debit the money back??

I cant help but think its a way of making money for them holding funds...
I had to holds on my account for 2 refunds last month. One was for £10, one was for £670.

£10 hold was for 3 days.
£670 hold was for 11 days.

These were within a day of each other.

Like twelveinch says, you think of the amount of money that goes thru paypal, if they hold X amount for 7 to 10 days which is what they state, thats quite a bit of interest whilst they carry out ' security checks '
I have noticed this too. Had an account for over a decade, and in the last 6 months they have held money 2 or 3 times.

Was it the same category of items on your holds?

I sell mostly sixth scale items, but there might be a DVD or video game mixed in, so when sales on 1/6 stuff is held on two occasions, and nothing else is, I start to see a pattern, hence why I ask here.

The only other non-shady thing I can think of, is that these were payments sent from mobile devices, maybe payment sent from mobile devices tend to be more fraudulent.

In my case, they were going to hold the money for 21 days. The simplest explanation would be that PayPal is just floating the money to earn interest on it. Occam's razor and all. . .
are the holds on stuff over 100 bucks? pricey stuff?

is it because of the amount?